Campout Schedule….Sign you scout up!!

BSA Troop 287 —  September 6, 2016 — Leave a comment

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Troop 287,

Here are the upcoming Camp Outs.  They are going to be fun and allow your scouts to have fun and earn advancement toward their ranks. Please have them sign up at church and we will also send out a signup genius link too.

17-18 Sep: Wigwam Trail Back Pack Trip.   This is a backpack trip that all the scouts are capable of participating on.  Its up by Tarryall so its pretty close yet out in beautiful Colorado Country.  Scouts will pack their own food, so the only cost will be their food.

14-16 Oct: Centennial Campout.  This is a campout that is led by the Boy Scout Council. Families can attend this event. There is a flyer attached to this email. The cost is $10 per scout to attend the campout and a max of $20 per family. There might be an additional cost for food.  There is a flyer attached. Since this is a council event, we need people to commit within the next two weeks so we can register by the deadline.

4-5 November: Dino Death March.  This campout is down near Pueblo and is good for October.  It has some hiking and we get to see some dinosaur tracks.  The cost will be $15 per scout.

I also need adult leaders to commit to each campout in advance.

Thanks a ton and I’m looking forward to these fun adventures!!!



Centenial Campout

BSA Troop 287


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