Camp Cris Dobbins Merit Badge selections update

Ray Petree —  May 1, 2021 — Leave a comment


Right now there are 15 Scouts signed up for Camp. I have 10 merit badge selections completed. There have been some adjustments to the offerings, like ATV is not on the list for a Merit Badge, but I beleive you can spend free time there (this also may change again), so be flexible.

I need (I apologise if I may have overlooked what you already gave me) the following Scouts to get me their lists: I need three Primary and three Alternate choices!!!!!!! Text, email, phone call, carrier pigeon, just get the choices to me!

John R.
WIlliam W.
Jefferson H.
Ethan M.
Noah H.

Here are the offerings as of right now for merit badges: I am not sure if the ones with a “/” are concurrent offerings or not. Like If you sign up for Energy, youll got Electricity at the same time. Not sure, we will find out!

  1. Energy/Electricity
  2. Chemistry/ Nuclear Science
  3. Astronomy/Space Exploration
  4. Emergency Preparedness
  5. First Aid
  6. Camping/Pioneering
  7. Search and Rescue/ Wilderness Survival/ Orienteering
  8. Mamal Study/ Fish and Wildlife Management/ Forestry
  9. Environmental Science
  10. Communications
  11. Photography/ Music
  12. Theater/ Public Speaking
  13. Indian Lore/ American Heritage/ Scouting Heritage
  14. Art/ Basketry
  15. Leatherwork
  16. Paul Bunyan Award/ Totin’ Chip/ Wood Carving
  17. Lifesaving
  18. Swimming
  19. Canoeing
  20. Kayaking
  21. Small Boat Sailing
  22. Archery
  23. Rifle
  24. Shotgun
  25. Cycling
  26. Climbing
  27. First Class/ Second Class/ Tenderfoot

If you want to attend camp with us, sign up here:

Also, we are just about a month and a half away from attendance, which means you and your parents need to work on getting to see your doctor to get a physical completed. Need to have one within a year of attendance to camp. Here is a link to the forms. Need to ensure the form for Summer Camp is filled out by the doctor.


Ray Petree


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