Camp Cris Dobbins/MB info

Ray Petree —  April 21, 2021 — Leave a comment

Troop (those attending summer camp 20-26 Jun 21),

Here is the latest information from Camp Cris Dobbins on MB selection. I have several MB lists from you guys, but I do not have them all. So, at the bottom of this post is a document we (as a troop) will use to select your merit badges for the duration of camp. The sooner you get me your picks, the better off you will be in getting what you want. You can download and fill out the form below and email it to me @ CCD has not posted the form yet (likely be posted to their site later today). The sooner the better!!!

Read below for the latest information on the CCD MB program.

Merit Badge Sign Up Process
To avoid the “doubleknot dash”, this year we will have troops complete a Microsoft Form for each scout.
You will be prompted to choose and rank 6 merit badges for each youth in priority order. Based on the
availability of each merit badge, we will create schedules starting with the first pick. If a youth does not
get the first couple merit badges on their list they will still have opportunities to work on them during
Troop Activity Time.

  1. Collect Merit Badge Preference List from each youth. Use this sample Planning Sheet – Click
  2. Go to the Merit Badge List Submission located on available
    April 21st. (not available at the time of this post).
  3. Complete the form for each youth attending camp. If changes are needed – please submit again
    & notice the Camp Director ASAP.
    Submissions will be accepted until the 11-Day Meeting.
    Schedules will be provided at Check-In or the Leader’s Meeting.
    Merit Badge Fees
    Some merit badges or activities require more resources than the camp is available to provide on a “free”
    basis. Some badges have an extra fee or require a kit to complete it. All fees and kits must be purchased
    at camp. Units have the option to make one “lump-sum” payment for these or Scouts can individually
    pay for them. This is up to the unit on how they want to handle fees.
    ❖ Rifle Ammo – $1 = 10 shots or $10 = 100 shots
    ❖ Shot Gun Ammo – $12 = 25 shots or $35 = 100 shots

Ray Petree


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