Bishop’s Castle Campout/Backpack Trip

BSA Troop 287 —  April 10, 2017 — Leave a comment

Troop 287,

This months camp out will be in San Isabel National forrest with a day at Bishop’s Castle ( Its a really cool crazy Harry Potter looking castle built by hand by one guy!

This will be an easy backpack trip/campout designed so the newer scouts can have fun!

We will need 2 scouts from each patrol to plan and buy meals.

We also need at least two adults to go on this trip and possibly another diver to help transport scouts down and back.

The Campout will be from the 21st to the 23rd.

The cost is $12 per scout….plus any money you would like your scout to spend in the Bishops Castle gift shop. A packing list will be posted closer to the campout. For now, the focus should be on getting a backpack that fits properly, hiking shoes and a backpacking sleeping back rated to at least 30 degrees.

You can sign up here:


BSA Troop 287


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