Archives For Ray Petree

Let Scout Troop 78 dispose of your tree this holiday season! The trees are mulched and donations support Scout adventures like hiking, camping, and climbing.

Who: Scouts BSA Troop 78 (US Air Force Academy)
What: tree collection and recycling
When: 1, 2, 7 & 8 January from 9-4
Where: Eagleview Middle School, Western Museum of Mining & Industry, or, we will pick it up curbside (
Why: trees returned to nature; donations support Scouting!

Meeting 12/13/22

Ray Petree —  December 13, 2022 — Leave a comment


Tonight will be the last meeting of the year. We will be taking the 20th and 27th off being right around the holidays and meet up again starting January 3rd 2023.

Tonight we will focus on finishing up any outstanding requirements and have a fun patrol activity. Probably also tell stories about all the fun and pranks that happened during the Lock-In.

See you all tonight!

Mr. Petree

Northern Tier Families!

Ray Petree —  December 9, 2022 — Leave a comment

Sorry about this late notice, I meant to get this out earlier. No need to meet up right now, I was thinking we needed more developoment this month, but that was in an older guide.

If you are planning on attending Northern Tier this coming summer with the Troop, we need to get together and do a little planning.

Our first time hack is the end of this month. This is an excerpt for the handbook of where we should be right now (I received an email from NT about our permits, they are due by the end of the month.)

• Collect funds for your third payment. This payment is due October 1. Make sure to update Northern Tier
of any changes to your number of crews, and your participation numbers prior to October 1st.
• Make sure your crew sets up Doctor Appointments to update their BSA Health and Medical Records.
These Records must be current within a year of your trip. Make sure all members of your crew meet the
physical requirements to participate in a Northern Tier trip, including the Height and Weight
Requirements found in Appendix D.
• Northern Tier sends information on the different types of parks and routes to paddle through in the fall.
Use this information to fill out your Permit Application. The Permit Application is due on December 1.
• Begin reviewing the personal equipment list with your crew. Gear items make great Christmas gifts and
can be purchased in our trading post online at
• Complete campership applications. Campership applications are due by January 31st


Also, for travelling up there, we need to make those arrangements, especially for those Scouts not travelling with a parent. is a resource available.

Here is the leader guide, please read through it and become at least vaguely familiar with it.

Lock-in Details

Ray Petree —  December 8, 2022 — Leave a comment


Sorry for the late post, but here are the details for the lock-in.

I will be at the church at 5:30pm tomorrow and you can start showing up then. The Troop will be providing Pizza for dinner and drinks. Please bring a sleeping bag and pillow and something to change into to sleep so you all can throw those in the corner and not use them as we know you will all be up all night playing anyway.

Reminder to bring any games and such you committed to bringing

Saturday morning we will do a good cleanup on the church and pickup on Saturday morning will be at 9:00am.

Meeting 12/6/22

Ray Petree —  December 6, 2022 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

At this meeting, we will be doing uniform inspections since it is the first meeting of the month. We will be doing some planning for this upcoming lock-in and some rank advancements.

Thank you,


Good Month, Troop!

Here is a quick reminder that dues/registration for recharter are due this month for next year. Carrie sent out statements a couple weeks ago and we need to get that stuff collected so we can finish up our recharter.

Also, for those of you who are attending Northern Tier, that monthly installment is due as well, Carrie sent that remnder out as well.

Let’s get those payments in the bank so the troop can cut some checks! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact Carrie!


Meeting 11/29/22

Ray Petree —  November 29, 2022 — Leave a comment


Message from your new Senior Patrol Leader.

Good morning,

Since you can post things on the website, could you please post that at this meeting, the PLC will meet at 6:30 before the meeting for some planning in the next few months. Also, at this meeting, we will be establishing new patrols and rank advancement if time after the patrols.

Thank you,

Miles Kunkle

No Meeting 11/22

Ray Petree —  November 22, 2022 — Leave a comment


Just a reminder there is no meeting this week. I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving Holliday.

we will see you next week.

Mr. Petree

a note from the Troop Treasurer:

Hello Troop 287! It’s time to register for the 2023 Scouting Year. The fee structure is listed below. 

Youth Total: $205

Youth National Fee: $75

Youth Council Fee: $60

Troop Dues: $70

Adult Total: $81

Adult National Fee: $45

Adult Council Fee: $36

Payments should be submitted to Carrie by 12/10/2022. Fees can be paid from scout accounts, via check made out to “BSA Troop 287” or through Zelle. Council scholarships are available through this link. Please contact Carrie with any questions or concerns.

Super Troop!

Ray Petree —  November 13, 2022 — Leave a comment

Good evening, folks! Just wanted to throw a reminder out there that at this week’s Court of Honor, we will be looking to name replacements for the Troop Treasurer (thank you Douglass Family!) and my position, the Committee Chair.

As you may have heard, the Troop recharter is currently on-going (thank you, Kristen!!!), and Kristen will need a name to throw into the slot on the appropriate form.

If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to let me know. It really isn’t that tough a job because we have an outstanding group of parents filling in a lot of the Committee positions already!

Anyway, think about it, because someone’s name is going to have to be filled in!

Talk to you all Tuesday!


Troop 287 Annual Lock-in

Ray Petree —  November 8, 2022 — Leave a comment


I know you all have been waiting. Well, Its time!

The Troop 287 Annual Lock-in is scheduled for Friday, December 9th into Saturday, December 10th.
Please signup below early so we can make all the arrangements.

Meeting 11/8/2022

Ray Petree —  November 8, 2022 — Leave a comment


Elections tonight! If you are running for a troop position, please come prepared to address the troop and let them know why you are the right choice.

Please think about what you want out of your youth leaders and troop. This is your responsibility as a part of our scouting community and your opportunity to have your voice heard.

See you tonight!



I wanted to reach out and express my thanks to all of the fantastic committee members and the troop for the past year of support.

The reason I started out with that sentence is because I am looking to step down as the Committee Chair and let someone else take those reins. I would like to have someone tagged as the incoming Chair by our COH next week on the 15th, so please let me know if you are interested in the position.

It is not like I am leaving for good, I am just stepping back into a “parent support” or “ASM-undecided” role. Which means, I will be here to provide support and to answer any questions whomever replaces me will have.

A few things about the Committee Chair position:

1. Without a Committee Chair, the Troop WILL fold. There are three positions required to have a Troop: Committee Chair, Chartered Organization Representative (COR), and Scoutmaster. These positions are required to be filled by separate people. Those separate people can double up jobs on the Committee (like Advancements and COR), but not as a Scoutmaster/Assistant SM and a committee position. The reason for that is the SM is a non-voting/informal member of the committee and therefore cannot have a separate job/position on the committee.

2. It is really a fairly easy job with the awesome support we currently have on the committee. Just have to hold the monthly meetings, coordinate the Committee’s efforts throughout the year and to organize the Courts of Honor (which are pretty much pre-programmed with some refinement as they approach-Thanks Janine for your work on that).

3. The committee chair will also need to have completed all the required training for the position. The training can be found at

On that note:

Also coming open at the end of the year is the Treasurer position. Carrie has been doing that job for the past three years and it is time for her to pass the buck/checkbook to another willing participant.

  1. The Treasurer handles the finances of the troop, including the Scout accounts, trailer registrations, and payments to camps, activities, reimbursements, etc.
  2. Provides monthly updates to the rest of the committee on the troop’s finances.
  3. provies quarterly updates to Scout families as to the standing of the individual scout accounts.
  4. Ensures there are funds in our account at Council for new registrants and the Scout Shop for purchases for COH things.

Anyway, enough rambling from this guy!

Please let me know if you are interested in either of these positions, as I will not be re-registering under the rechartering process which another great volunteer, Kristen, is handling for the troop!

You can call, text, or email me if additional information on either of the positions above.

Dan 228-806-9063 /

Hey, look! I’ts Scott Hoekstra


Tomorrow we will meet in the Church parking lot at 7:00 am to group up and head out for our hike.

With the chilly weather, dress appropriately in layers. Bring your pack with your 10 essentials to include snacks, lunch, and water.

I originally posted we would be back at 4 pm, but with the quality of these hikers, we may be back earlier but will make sure to stop and smell the flowers and practice some scout skills, like they will be navigating…. not me. I’ll bring maps. On the other hand, we may not come back and choose to just live out a less complicated existence in the beautiful Colorado Rockies…. no…. well be back.

According to the signup we have 3 adults and 5 scouts. I will take Austin and Matt, Mr. Hoekstra will take Scott and Alex, and Mr. Holpuch will take Jefferson.

Rifle MB? Any takers?

Ray Petree —  November 4, 2022 — Leave a comment


I know this is short notice, but I have a slot for the Rifle MB being taught tonight and tomorrow at the CPW youth Range on Sinton Rd. Geren has a scheduling conflict and I just realized that the MB was this weekend. I thought it was next weekend.

Anyways, if you are interested in attending, please let me know ASAP! I will have to give your name to the instructor soon to get you in there.

I paid the $25 fee already, so you should be good on that (but I won’t turn it down if you want to pay me back!)

Here are the details*MTY2NzU4NDkxMi4xLjEuMTY2NzU4NDkxOS4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.252090377.1052734668.1667584914-1569557695.1667584913

First come, first served on this one!

Talk to you soon,

Dan (228-806-9063)

Meeting 11/1/22

Ray Petree —  November 1, 2022 — Leave a comment


I hope you all had a great Halloween and scored lots of treats.

It’s November 1st and the first meeting of the month. You know what that means…. Uniform Inspection. Come in your best Class A uniform!

We will be preparing for elections by announcing our candidacies and giving initial announcements, working on those straggling requirements prior to our upcoming Court of Honor, and doing other fun stuff I am sure. (The PLC never lets me know the whole plan)

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree


This is a reminder that the church that lets us meet in their building and store stuff in their barn has asked us for a little help.

Today will be their annual Trunk or Treat event. We are still looking for additional volunteers to assist us and show the church what Troop 287 is all about. Please join us at the church at 1:00 pm (I know the previous post said 1:30, but they asked us yesterday to come a little early). Please wear your Class A uniform so we can represent. Go Troop 287!!!!!

Please signup at the link below so I can track who is coming and who I can sign off service hours for.



Our November outing will be a day hike to Raspberry Mountain on the back side of Pikes Peak. We will do this on Saturday, November 5th, 2022.

The plan will be to meet at the Church at 7:00 am and head out to the trailhead which is near the Crags Campground off of Highway 67 just outside of Divide, Colorado. The trek is an out-and-back on the same trail and is about 5.2 total distance. From the top, you have a beautiful view of the Catamount Reservoirs, Centinal Peak, and the back of Pikes Peak. Each Scout should pack their 10 essentials including water, snacks, and a lunch to have at the top. We can hang out and scramble at the top for a while, have a bite to eat and work on some scout skills, and sign off on outdoor requirements. Bring your Scout Books! We plan to be back at the church by about 4:00 pm.

Please signup below so we can make transportation arrangements.


Looking for community service hours?
Want to help out the Church that supports our Troop?
Have free time this Saturday?
Like candy?

Our Charter Organization has asked for our Troop to provide volunteers to assist with their annual Trunk or Treat event this Saturday 10/29/2022. We are looking for volunteers to assist the Church with setup, coordination, and cleanup. The time will be from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the church. Let’s represent the Troop in Class A uniform and pitch in. This is probably the only community service where candy is involved. Come on! 

Please signup below!

Meeting 10/25/2022

Ray Petree —  October 25, 2022 — Leave a comment


Here is the plan for tonight.

The PLC will be discussing Troop positions and elections to be held Tuesday, November 8th

In continued preparation for our upcoming Court of Honor on November 15th, we will work on rank advancement to assist you all in completing those requirements you are needing to move on up.

We will be discussing the upcoming hike to Raspberry Mountain.

As always, there will be a fun IPA to burn some of that excess energy.

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree