Archives For Ray Petree

Game Night 3/21/23

Ray Petree —  March 20, 2023 — Leave a comment


This week’s meeting will be a game night since we had a mountain biking day this weekend. We will be going to Gripstone Climbing & Fitness at 6220 Tutt Blvd. The admission will be $20, but Mr. Anderson knows the owner and might be able to get us a better deal. If you have climbing gear, bring it, since rentals are an extra $5-$7.

See you there!


Due to predicted extreme cold weather, the trip leaders have decided that the outing this weekend will not include camping. We will do a day trip to the Canon City bike trails on Saturday. Here’s the updated plan: 

– Meet at the barn at 900 Saturday to pack and split into vehicles.

– Ride and enjoy the scenery throughout the day (with breaks)

– Lunch will be provided, per the trip meal plan (Miles is shopping)

– Plan to return to the church by 5pm Saturday.

Given the schedule change, we understand if other boys would now want to participate, and they are welcome to, but we may need additional drivers. Please update the Signup Genius if you want to join the trip.

Send your questions to Mr. Anderson (801 791-7854).

Meeting 3/14/23

Ray Petree —  March 14, 2023 — Leave a comment


In this week’s meeting, we will finish up our campout prep for the upcoming trip and have a lesson from the Atomic Marmots on biking safety.

We will have a presentation from Mr. Anderson on climbing Mt. Denali.

Reminder for the PLC, we will be having a PLC online on Wednesday at 5:00pm




Tomorrow evening we will have the Buffalo Mountain Lodge present to talk to the troop about the Order of the Arrow and hold elections. In order for an election to be valid, we need a majority of the troop present. So come on out! We need as many at this meeting as possible to support those eligible.

Mr. Petree

Meeting 3/7/2023

Ray Petree —  March 6, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

This week’s meeting will entail doing some campout prep for the next campout coming up, we have Order of the Arrow elections, rank advancement, and a lesson from Mason on shelter building. Also, as the first meeting of the month, we will do uniform inspections, so come in your best class-A uniform.



Meeting 2/21/23

Ray Petree —  February 21, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

In this week’s meeting, we will be going over this weekend’s camping trip and some packing lists.

Alex will also teach a lesson on cold weather prep and first aid.

Lastly, we will practice our skits in patrols for the Court of Honor next week.



Meeting 2/14/2023

Ray Petree —  February 13, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week’s meeting will entail some campout prep for this upcoming snowshoe campout.

We will also be doing our scoutmaster conferences and board of reviews, so come prepared if you are doing one. (From Mr. Petree… Scott, Noah, and Alex are the only ones who are signed up and scheduled)

Lastly, we will have a lesson from Nate on some first aid skills.



Snowshoe Campout

Ray Petree —  February 8, 2023 — Leave a comment


Our Snowshoe Campout is coming up quickly. It is scheduled for February 24th-26th.

We have spoken with the Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Divide, Colorado, and have made arrangements to stay in their Park Ridge Rustic Cabins. We need to have a solid count of attendees to let RMMC know, so please signup ASAP.

From there we will have easy access to Raspberry Mountain Trailhead, Crags Trail Head, and the Ring of the Peak Trailhead. Depending on the amount of snow, we may be able to snowshoe right out of the cabin.

Imagine it with snow!

I am working with them on coming up with some sort of service/conservation project to give you all an opportunity to serve and earn some hours toward your next rank.

The plan is to meet at the church on Friday evening, February 24th at 5:00 pm to depart and will return on Sunday, February 26th around noon.

Please signup ASAP at the link below.

Your Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders will be working on campout prep with you all during the next meeting.

Snow gear and snowshoes are required for this outing. If you do not have snowshoes they can be rented from most local sporting goods outfitters like REI or the MWR/Outdoor Rec. if you have access to one of the local military bases.

Mr. Petree

Summer Camp 2023

Ray Petree —  February 8, 2023 — Leave a comment


After reviewing your input as well as looking at availability across camps for the dates we scheduled for summer camp we have selected and registered the Troop to attend Camp Alexander July 9th-15th 2023.

It is an outstanding camp right here in our backyard.

Summer camp is open to all scouts. No restrictions on age or rank. It is the best time to earn lots of merit badges. More info to come over the next couple of months on this year’s offerings.

The camp will cost $440 per scout and $330 per scoutmaster/adult and this cost includes all lodging, facility use, and food for the entire week. We will be putting payment plan information out soon. Check out the web link below.

The first step is to sign up. Please do so on the following signup genius to reserve your slot.

All attendees will need to have all completed medical forms turned in to the Troop by the end of May this year. This will be the standard BSA form A, B, and C as well as a Contract To Carry for any individuals who have medications they carry on their person. The forms can be found on the Camp Alexander web link above.

Again, please signup early to attend this awesome adventure!

Yours in Scouting

Mr. Petree

Meeting 2/7/2023

Ray Petree —  February 7, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

This week’s meeting will be a uniform inspection since it is the first of the month.

Hunter will be giving this week’s instructions.

Like last week, we will split off by rank we are working toward getting some stuff signed off in hopes to level up at this next Court of Honor.

If you need a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review make sure to schedule that with Mr. Petree so he can make arrangements.



Meeting 1/31/2023

Ray Petree —  January 30, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

In this week’s meeting, we will do some rank advancement within patrols and establish patrol cheers, flags, and yells. In this chilly weather, we will be doing a lesson on layering so you can stay warm in the cold.

I am also collecting old t-shirts that you don’t wear or don’t fit anymore so my grandma can make grocery bags for people because stores are charging for grocery bags now.




Ray Petree —  January 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello troop,

Since we just did our ski trip, it is time for a game night! We will be going to Skyzone at 6:30 so we can do a full 90 minutes because they close at 8:00. Admission is $24 and $4 for socks (which are required). It is located at 1750 E Woodmen Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.

You can purchase tickets and complete waivers in advance at the following link. Wavers are required.

See you there,


Troop Treasurer

Ray Petree —  January 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop 287! 

Just a quick note from your new Troop Treasurer….We have made a complete transfer of Treasurer duties from Carrie to Betsy Douglass. Betsy can be reached at

To transfer money to the troop for activity payments, you can use cash, checks made out to “BSA Troop 287” or through Zelle (use email 

Happy New Year! 



Below is an invite to the Northern Tier planning meeting. Since we have one open slot, I am posting the meeting here. You are more than welcome to join if you are interested in attending this summer.

You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Dan McGuire’s Teams Meeting
Time: Thursday, January 19, 2023 7:00:00 PM Mountain Standard Time

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting

Northern Tier VACANCY!

Ray Petree —  January 18, 2023 — Leave a comment


If you are interested in attending Northern Tier with the folks who are headed that way in June, we have one (1) slot up for grabs.

As a Scout, you need to be 14 years old, or 13 and have completed 8th grade.

So, if you are in 8th grade right now, you are eligible. Please talk it over with your parents and give me a shout so we can fill you in on all the current details and get you invited to the Tursday eventing planning meetings where the rest of your questions will be answered, maybe.

Talk to you soon,


Meeting 1/17/2022

Ray Petree —  January 17, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

In this week’s meeting, we will vote on which council summer camp to go to because the PLC has decided to attend a council summer camp instead. People with an idea of a summer camp to go to, come with a small presentation with some pros and cons of that summer camp. We will also be going over what to bring to the monarch ski trip this weekend, so make sure you are signed up if you are going.

See you there,


Hey guys, it’s me, Alex.

I am hosting a donation drive for people in need. Donations can be dropped off at my address or given to me at scouts.

Reach out if you have any questions.

Meeting 1/9/2023

Ray Petree —  January 10, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This meeting we’ll be having a PLC so everyone in a leadership position should come at 6:30 so we can discuss some summer camp matters.

Otherwise, in this meeting, we will be doing rank advancement and Axel will instruct a knot lesson.

See you there,


Hi Scout Families,

Mr. Holpuch and Mr. Anderson are organizing the January Monarch ski/snowboarding day on Saturday, January 21st.  This is a single-day outing with a carpool starting and ending at the scout barn in COS.  We will also have an opportunity to work on the winter sports MB

Scouts are expected to provide their own gear, lift ticket, and lunch money for this activity   We will also need parent/driver support so thanks in advance for your assistance.   Other family members are welcome to join us if they have parent and transportation support.

Please sign up before Tuesday, Jan 17th if you plan to attend.!/showSignUp/20f0c4aacae2babfd0-bsatroop3

Meeting 1/3/2023

Ray Petree —  January 3, 2023 — Leave a comment

Happy new year troop!

Tonight’s meeting will be the first meeting of the month and 2023, so come to tonight’s meeting with your best class A uniform. We will also be doing some rank advancement so you can climb the ladder to Eagle.

See you tonight,

Miles Kunkle