Archives For Ray Petree

ASM Jason Holpuch here with some details on the upcoming Family Campout Oct 13th-15th at Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Great Sand Dunes Nation Park is about a 3 hour drive south west of COS.  

Activities during the campout can include, high dune hike, cooking competition, campfires and a solar eclipse!

The troop has 4 campsites reserved at Pinon Flats Campground inside the park which will accommodate around ~12 scouts and 6 scout families (1 car and 1 tent per family, no trailers please).  Please sign up ASAP if you plan to attend.

I look forward to seeing you at the campout Oct 13th-15th! 

Meeting 6/26/23

Ray Petree —  September 25, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we will start meeting in the church because it is starting to get dark out earlier.

We will have a uniform inspection since we have not done one in a while so bring your best class-A’s.

There will also be a lesson on bike safety and parts.

See you there,



As we enjoy this last week of Summer before we head into the Fall, you might be noticing that it is getting darker a little earlier.

You don’t have to be creepy mannequin head…but…

I recommend everyone bring headlamps for the game night to ensure you can keep the game going after the sun goes down. Also if you have any light up balls or frisbees. They may come in handy.

Game Night 9/19/2023

Ray Petree —  September 18, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we are having a game night because we just had a campout.

We will meet at the barn as usual and head to Wilson Ranch Park for ultimate frisbee/other objects. Bring frisbees, balls, and other fun (safe) stuff to throw so we can have a fun night. Pickup will also be at the barn at 8:30 pm. Wear your Class B uniforms since it is a game night.

See you there,



We currently have 8 Scouts signed up for our adventure this weekend, but only Mr. Turner and I to drive, and we cannot fit all these growing young men in our vehicles, especially with the troop gear. We are also in search of someone who could pull the troop open top trailer.

We also have 1 or 2 that may not want to summit, so if you don’t wanna summit and feel like a relaxing weekend in the mountains might be nice, volunteer to be one of the two adults we need to stay at camp if we are going to keep the option of base camp available.

We understand having other obligations. Not all drivers have to camp the weekend while driving round trip. We would gladly take volunteers to drop us and the trailer off on Friday, or pick us and the trailer up on Sunday.

Please help us out and use the link below.

Mr. Petree

Meeting 9/12/2023

Ray Petree —  September 11, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we will be meal planning and preparing gear because we are doing a 14er this weekend! We will also do a lesson on bear safety and work on some rank advancement.

Remember to wear your Class-A uniforms!

See you there,



Just a reminder that we need to have a good headcount in order to properly prepare for this upcoming outing. If you have not already signed up, but plan on going, please use the link below now to let us know.

See the previous post for more details about the trip.

We will be finalizing all the details tomorrow night at the meeting.

Mr. Petree

Mount Sherman!

Ray Petree —  September 6, 2023 — Leave a comment


This month, like last, we will venture out to the continental divide area and visit another one of our glorious 14,000 foot mountains.

Our outing is scheduled for September 15th – 17th. We will camp Friday through Sunday, and will host a base camp and for those who are up for the adventure we will summit Mount Sherman on Saturday.

If you have never done a 14er, or have struggled in the past, don’t fret. Mount Sherman is arguably the easies of the massive mountains. With the trail only being a little over 5 miles round trip, and the starting point being above treeline, it will only be about 2,100′ +/- of elevation gain, depending on where we start.

The plan will be to camp near the trail head off County Road 18 Four Mile Road. We will look for a place with some shade cover, but will have pop up shades in case.

In order for this to happen I need at least one other adult to commit to the climb with me and also at least one that just wanna lounge around camp and hang with whomever chooses not to summit. Adults must have taken and completed BSA Youth Protection Training and should be a registered member of our troop.

Also if you plan on driving, 4WD or AWD is recommended. 2WD can do it, but it is posted as being a relatively rough road. I am also hoping someone can pull our troop open top trailer. It has a 2″ hitch and good clearance. Let me know in the signup comments.

We will begin planning at next weeks meeting, so please signup below so we are prepared with numbers of who plans on attending. Also in the comments please state whether you plan to summit the mountain.

We will meet Friday afternoon at the Scout Barn at about 4:30 pm and pack up to be on the road at 5:00pm. We plan to return Sunday between 11:00am and noon.

Troop Meeting 9/5/2023

Ray Petree —  September 5, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we will have a first aid lesson with a game of first aid hide and seek.
We will also complete some rank advancement and perform an inventory of patrol equipment.

See you there,


Planning for 2024!

Ray Petree —  August 28, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week, we will be doing planning… a lot of planning. We will make a list of things we want to do in the next year. Come prepared with some ideas of cool places to go, things we can do, and merit badges we can earn.

We will also work on some rank advancement and have an IPA if we have time.

See you there,


Hello hikers! 

We are looking forward to a great weekend hiking La Plata. Here is some helpful information so you can prepare for a high altitude adventure. 

A great apps to use are and hiking project

Altitude sickness is a real thing even if you live in Colorado. Please be aware of the symptoms and communicate any you may experience along the way. Taking some Tylenol or Advil as you approach 10,000ft can prevent the not-so-fun altitude headache that can ruin your day. SEE BELOW FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON SYMPTOMS TO WATCH OUT FOR.

Drink extra WATER and hydrate today and tomorrow. This will help you on Saturday. 

Bring snacks that are both salty and sweet. A variety of light weight, high calorie options are great.  Pepperoni or jerky or sausage sticks taste really great at the summit! So do cookies!

Here is a packing list to help guide you. We  recommend going light but still being prepared. 


– Day pack 

– Water (Nalgene or Hydration Bladder) 1.5 -2 liters

– Light gloves

– Beanie/hat/buff

– Sunglasses

– Sunscreen (small bottle or squeeze some into a ziplock so you’re not carrying extra weight)

– Headlamp or small flashlight

– Dress in layers (non cotton, moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, waterproof and windproof outer layers). Going up will be warm but it can be cold and windy up high.

— t-shirt

— long sleeve shirt/sun shirt

— fleece jacket or light puffy jacket or sweatshirt 

— Rain coat/wind breaker

– Good socks with no holes

– Study footwear…trail running shoes, hiking boots, or tennis shoes with really good tread 

– Hiking pants

– Trekking or ski pole (optional)

– Small light pocket knife (optional)

– Small first aid kit or bandaids at a minimum 

– Emergency blanket (if you have one)

– TP in little ziplock or small kleenex pack

– Cell phone


Most people who get altitude sickness get AMS, acute mountain sickness. Higher than 10,000 feet, 75% of people will get mild symptoms . There are three categories of AMS:

Mild AMS: Symptoms, such as mild headache and fatigue, don’t interfere with your normal activity. Symptoms improve after a few days as your body acclimates. You can likely stay at your current elevation as your body adjusts.

Moderate AMS: Symptoms start to interfere with your activities. You may experience severe headache, nausea and difficulty with coordination. You’ll need to descend to start to feel better.

Severe AMS: You may feel short of breath, even at rest. It can be difficult to walk. You need to descend immediately to a lower altitude and seek medical care.

Two severe forms of altitude illness occur less frequently but are more serious. Both can be life-threatening. You need to descend immediately and receive medical treatment for:

HAPE (High-altitude pulmonary edema): HAPE produces excess fluid on the lungs, causing breathlessness, even when resting. You feel very fatigued and weak and may feel like you’re suffocating.

HACE (High-altitude cerebral edema): HACE involves excess fluid on the brain, causing brain swelling. You may experience confusion, lack of coordination and possibly violent behavior.

Meeting 8/8/2023

Ray Petree —  August 8, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we will make meal plans for this upcoming campout and do fitness requirements for tenderfoot requirement 6a and get started on 6b and 6c. Come with your class A’s and your books! Also bring some athletic wear if you need those Tenderfoot requirements.

See you there,


La Plata Peak!

Ray Petree —  August 2, 2023 — Leave a comment


For our August 18th-20th adventure we will be headed west out past Twin Lakes on CO 82 towards Independence Pass. We will be camping near the La Plata Peak Trailhead. The camp location is below tree line and along North Fork Lake Creek.

The plan is to camp Friday night through Sunday morning and on Saturday those who choose to can summit La Plata Peak.

La Plata Peak measurers 14,344 feet and the trail is only a little over 4.6 miles each way. The trail head starts off at about 10,000 feet so the accent is about 4,300feet and remember!!! Its all downhill on the way back. Ha Ha!

In order for this to happen I need at least one other adult to commit to the climb with me and also two adults that just wanna lounge around camp and hang with whomever chooses not to summit.

We will begin planning at next weeks meeting, so please signup below so we are prepared with numbers of who plans on attending. Also in the comments please state whether you plan to summit the mountain.

We will meet Friday afternoon at the Scout Barn at about 4:30 pm and pack up to be on the road at 5:00pm. We plan to return Sunday between 11:00am and noon.

Oh, This Weather!

Ray Petree —  August 1, 2023 — Leave a comment


Due to the weather tonight we will be meeting in the Church instead of the barn.

See you all tonight!

-Mr. Petree

Troop Meeting 8/1/23

Ray Petree —  July 31, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello troop,

This week’s meeting will entail us doing rank advancement and a lesson on maps from Alex. We will also be doing a blindfolded tent race. Make sure to wear your class-A’s!

See you there,


Meeting 7/25/23

Ray Petree —  July 25, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello troop,

This week we are doing some rank advancement and a lesson on lashings and then building structures with those lashing skills you learned. So come prepared with your class-A’s and your handbooks so we can have a great meeting!




With the 4th of July falling on a Tuesday we will not have a meeting that evening so everyone can spend time with friends and family celebrating the birth of this great nation.

With that being said, we do still have Flags going on in the morning and are still looking for more help. Show your citizenship to our country and community and devotion to the troop by signing up and helping us make our neighborhoods red, white, and bluetastic!

Meeting 6/6/2023

Ray Petree —  June 6, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Troop,

Tonight we will meet at the barn. With the recent rains we can have a small fire and have some American Flags we can retire. Be sure to be in Class A Uniform.

For those that are not attending Northern Tier, we will be doing some meal planning and prep for the backpacking trip happening on the weekend of 6/17.

This week we will be the final meeting for a Northern Tier before we leave next Monday. Northern Tier folks, bring all of your gear packed and ready to go since we are doing a full gear shakedown.



Meeting 5/30/2023

Ray Petree —  May 30, 2023 — Leave a comment


Tonight there will be no meeting at the barn! Instead we are conducting the necessary swim tests for those who have registered.

Attire is swim trunks….


Please arrive at 6:00pm so we can be changed and ready to jump in at 6:30pm sharp.

Hello troop,

This week we will be doing elections and we need as many people to come as possible and vote to represent the whole Troop. Since we have a Court of Honor next week, we will be working on finishing up ranks with Board of Reviews for those who finished their Scout Master Conferences with Mr. Petree last week.

See you there,
