Archives For Ray Petree


ASPL Axle Anderson here!

We will have an optional troop meeting Tuesday, the 21st. If you’re in town, please join us for a fun, holiday-themed meeting. We are going to learn some new campfire skits and make plans for the Lock-in in two weeks.

Please wear a holiday sweater/shirt, or class Bs. There will be treats! 

Hey all you outdoorsy parents!

Jealous of all the fun things your sons are doing with the troop? Wish you could join in?

Troop 287 is looking to bring on a few more Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM) for the 2024 scouting year. With recent changes in policy regarding who is able to participate on overnight adventures, we will not be able to allow parents who are not registered with the troop attend. As an ASM you would be able to attend all adventures.

Assistant Scoutmasters are an important part of these boys experience in scouting. They provide help to the Scoutmaster, but more importantly they provide guidance and supervision to the boys. They also help us meet our two deep leadership goals.

The Troop will pay all registration fees for ASMs that commit to helping the troop during their service.

No previous scouting experience necessary, just a willingness to serve and help provide the boys the promise of Scouting. We will teach you the rest.

Please reach out to Ray Petree, Scoutmaster to discuss openings or for more information.


Its time to start thinking about Summer Camp 2024. We have already discussed and identified the week of June 9th through 15th as the time to do it. Now we just need to figure out where and start making arrangements.

Step one is to secure some adult leadership to coordinate and attend the event. As in past years, the Troop will pay for the attendance of the first two to sign up to support the troop as leaders for the event. Sign Up below!!!

We are currently developing a list of viable camps and will be putting out a survey to gauge interest in each of the locations. If you have a favorite camp that should be considered please let me know soon.

Mr. Petree

Meeting 11/14/2023

Ray Petree —  November 14, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we will be finishing up some rank advancement with Scoutmaster Conferences and Board of Reviews for those of you who scheduled them. While scouts are doing those meetings, we will work on any requirements we need signed off and do a little organization of the Scout Closet.

We will also do some planning for the lock In and play a few fun games.

See you there,


Sign Up Today!!!!!!!!!

Ray Petree —  November 7, 2023 — Leave a comment


I just got off the phone with Pastor Dave with Wilson Community Church who graciously provides us with a place to meet and they need our help.

The church is hosting a non profit event at Flying W Ranch and due to overwhelming interest the attendance is twice what they expected.

This is where we can step in, help, and give back.

They are looking for help setting up on the afternoon of Thursday November 9th 4:30pm to 6:pm. It will primarily be moving, setting up, and placing things.


They could also use some help during the event on Friday November 10th from about 6-8pm with tasks such as chaperoning younger kids and general assistance with odd jobs. (This opportunity comes with grub provided during the event.)

I know its short notice, but its also an opportunity to “Do a good turn daily” and show the church what Troop 287 is capable of and how much we appreciate their support. Please use the link below to sign up now.

Meeting 11/7/2023

Ray Petree —  November 6, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we are hosting elections!

Be prepared with a speech for the position or positions that you are running for.

Austin will give a presentation on the 2024 Troop 287 High Adventure Trip plan

We will also have an opportunity to work on rank advancement in preparation for the upcoming Court of Honor.

Scouts, BE PREPARED! Remember to schedule Scoutmaster Conferences and Board Of Reviews so you can level up! BOR will happen on 11/14/23 for those who schedule them.

See you there,


Troop 287 Annual Lock-In

Ray Petree —  November 6, 2023 — Leave a comment


I know you all have been waiting. Well, Its time!

The Troop 287 Annual Lock-in is scheduled for Friday, December 8th into Saturday, December 9th.
Please signup below early so we can make all the arrangements.

Its that time again!!!! Election Day!

We will be holding elections Tuesday November 7th 2023 to determine our new Patrol Leaders Council (PLC). Your vote counts! Be there!!!

Please consider how you can best serve your troop, and come prepared to campaign and run for one or more of the following positions. Not sure what they entail, click on them to check it out.


Trip Canceled!!!

Ray Petree —  November 1, 2023 — Leave a comment


Unfortunately we will have to cancel the November Dino Death March outing. While there seemed to be plenty of interest at the past few meetings, the signup does not support us being able to host this event.

To prevent future outings from being canceled please always remember to sign up early so we can make the necessary preparations. The scout motto is “BE PREPARED” after all.

Mr. Petree

Volunteer Opportunity

Ray Petree —  October 31, 2023 — Leave a comment


If you are available this Saturday November 4th 2023, boy do I have something fun you could do…
Liam Flinn, Life Scout in Troop 79 is performing his Eagle Project. Please see below for details and pitch in if you can.


This coming Tuesday is Halloween! We will not have a meeting, but want to remind everyone to be safe and responsible while enjoying the holiday.

See you all at the next meeting, Tuesday November 7th (Election Day). “Be Prepared” with your campaign speech!

Dino Death March 2023!

Ray Petree —  October 23, 2023 — Leave a comment


Our next campout will be a two day event, November 3rd and 4th, rather than a full weekend at Picket Wire Canyonlands in the Comanche National Grasslands just outside of La Junta, Colorado.

We will meet as a group at the barn on Friday, November 3rd at 5:00 pm to load up and head out from there.

We will camp one night in the grasslands near the Withers Canyon Trailhead. This is just open land and there is no potable water or amenities and only one vault toilet.

Due to the short duration of the event we will cook as a Troop rather than in Patrols. Menu to be determined at tomorrow nights meeting.

On Saturday we will day hike down the Withers Canyon Trail along the Purgatory River past the Dolores Mission to the Dinosaur tracks and have lunch, then return the same route. Round trip is an easy about 10 miles.

On Saturday afternoon/evening we will depart at about 5:00PM and plan to be back at the barn at about 7:00PM.

Sign up at the link below by the end of the month (10/31/2023). Please review all categories and sign up under all applicable slots.

Meeting 10/23/23

Ray Petree —  October 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we are doing a uniform check and some rank advancement. The Court of Honor is just around the corner. Please schedule your Scoutmaster Conferences and Board of Reviews in advance. “Be Prepared”. We will also complete meal planning for the upcoming Dino Death March. (Post to be out shortly).

See you there,


Camping Expenses

Ray Petree —  October 17, 2023 — Leave a comment


With a number of new members and following our recent campout I thought it might be a good time to refresh everyone on expensing Patrol Shopping and Camp Fees.

If your Scout performs the shopping for an outing to fulfil a requirement and/or just be a helpful member of the group, please be aware that your family is not expected to absorb those costs.

Equally important to creating a shopping list, budget, performing a shopping trip, and cooking up all that grub, is submitting that expense with the proper information so that the attendees of the adventure all share in that cost.

Please have your Scout submit receipts for the shopping they have done along with the following information: Outing Name, Outing Dates, Patrol Name, Their Name, and the Names of the other Scouts that attended the adventure. This information should be submitted to the Scoutmaster so it can be compiled and summited it to the Troop Treasurer so it can be deducted from each Scout and reimbursed to the parent who so graciously helped their Scout shop.

This goes for any camp fees that may have been paid by the organizing adult leadership as well.

So, following our recent Family Campout, please submit those receipts for Patrol Shopping and the booking of Campsites 4,5,6, and 7 so we can process those properly.

Your in Scouting,
Scoutmaster, Troop 287

Where are they now???

Ray Petree —  October 16, 2023 — Leave a comment

Troop and Families,

Sometimes you may wonder where previous scouts end up. Well, we just found out that one of our former Life Scouts from the troop is attending Colorado State University and is currently one of the faces of the Rams Marching Band. Jack Durenberger (Pictured below third from the left) has always been a talented musician and was a very active member of Troop 287 for years.

Jack had held just about every leadership position in the troop up to and including Senior Patrol Leader.

He is proof that the skills you learn in scouting prepare you for your journey in life.

Keep up the good work Jack!

Game Night 10/17/2023

Ray Petree —  October 16, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we are having a game night at Air City 360!
It is at 225 Spectrum Loop, Colorado Springs, CO, 80921.
We will meet there at 7:00 and end at 8:00.
There is a waiver you can fill out online on their website and it costs $17 per person.
Please fill out the waiver and buy tickets online before you arrive so we can take advantage of the full hour.

See you there,



Its time to start thinking about Summer Camp 2024. We have already discussed and identified the week of June 9th through 15th as the time to do it. Now we just need to figure out where and start making arrangements.

Step one is to secure some adult leadership to coordinate and attend the event. As in past years, the Troop will pay for the attendance of the first two to sign up to support the troop as leaders for the event. Sign Up below!!!

We are currently developing a list of viable camps and will be putting out a survey to gauge interest in each of the locations. If you have a favorite camp that should be considered please let me know soon.

Mr. Petree

Meeting 10/10/2023

Ray Petree —  October 10, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello Troop,

This week we are meeting to finish things up in preparation for the Great Sand Dunes Family Campout. We will be going over the gear checklist and spend some time putting the finishing touches on our sandboards.

I will also teach a lesson on saving money, and there will be an opportunity to get things signed off for rank advancement.

See you there,


Meeting 10/3/2023

Ray Petree —  October 2, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello troop,

This week we will be doing some meal planning for the upcoming sand dunes campout. We will also hear from Madden about keeping tents maintained. Lastly, we will work on the sandboards we started making last week.

See you there,


2024 Schedule Is Here!

Ray Petree —  October 2, 2023 — Leave a comment


Following the annual planning meeting held by the youth at the end of August, we have taken their list of wishes and put them on the calendar. All 2024 outings have been scheduled, to the best of our abilities, and can be found on the websites calendar. We have done this to help you better plan out your busy lives. While all dates are as firm as they can be, please be aware that camp schedules and planning may have impacts and we will always relay changes and information as soon as it becomes available.