We are planning to do some rank advancement lessons. We also need to create a pamphlet about Troop 287 that we can send to all the local packs to help us recruit and get Weblos to our Open House on 2/27. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining our troop please tell them to come to the Open House. Please bring a laptop so we can make a pamphlet.
— 2/13 we will meet at the Fire Department Station #18 (right behind the Walgreens off Flying W and Centennial) to work on our Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge requirements
Check your emails for info on ICE CLIMBING this Saturday morning. We only have 8 slots available so grab one quick! This is highly recommended for those planning to go on this summer’s High Adventure Trip.
At the meeting this week, we will be sorting patrol boxes. We will identify missing items and each patrol will learn about what it is their patrol box and where everything goes. This will, in turn, help us be more organized and prepared for our next campout.
Speaking of our next campout, be sure to sign up for the Snowshoe Campout at Camp A! Last year was a blast and may or may not have included some nighttime sled jumping! Maybe bring a helmet this year!!!!
Oh, and if you want to go to summer camp we need to talk our parents into helping out if even for a few days. Getting some adult support will make this happen. Summer camp is a super fun week so let’s see if we can make it happen?!
No football this weekend? No Problem…We are going to offer a half-day Ice Climbing outing this weekend on Saturday morning, Feb 3rd. We will meet at the church at 6:30AM and return by 12:00 noon. (Ice climbing requires cold temperatures, so early morning is best.) We will be climbing on Helen Hunt Falls in Cheyenne Canyon.
This activity will be limited to 8 scouts, so sign up immediately if you would like to participate. No gear or prior experience is required.
IMPORTANT: Participants need to have Ice Climbing or Mountaineering boots. These can be rented from Mountain Chalet in Colorado Springs for $25. You will need to pick these up Friday night. We have a a few extra pairs of boots in the following sizes that you can borrow (we can swap out, as needed): Men’s Size: 6.5, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 10. You can rent a complete ice climbing kit, but this isn’t necessary. We have crampons and ice axes to share.
15 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903They close at 6pm on Friday night!
Dress as you would for skiing or sledding (water-resistant outer shell, layers underneath.), along with a “puffy coat,” if you have one, to go over the top when you are not climbing. A very thin hat is best because you’ll be wearing a helmet. Some ice climbers like to wear goggles or clear glasses (not me personally), but this is not required. If you have them, please bring shoe spikes (Yak Trax, etc) for the short hike to the climb, which is slippery. Kids need solid gloves or mittens. We can share, if needed. We will only have 2 climbers climbing at a time. If you have a climbing harness and/or helmet, please bring it, but we have enough to provide for everyone. Adults are welcome if the youth slots are not used up. Parents can come to observe, but will need a helmet (which we can provide). Bring your 10 essentials with a medium-sized pack to help carry gear. Hot chocolate in a thermos is a great idea too.
They are forecasting snow for Saturday morning. If it’s a heavy storm, we will postpone this. Watch the weather and standby for updates. —
We are collecting preferences for the high adventure trip in the summer of 2025 (not the current year’s trip to Wyoming, the NEXT summer). The registration period for BSA-sponsored camps is now open, and if the Troop elects to visit one of those camps, it will need to be booked soon. Please follow the link below to complete the survey. We would like to get responses by the end of this month (Jan 31st).
We need to know who is interested in attending a BSA Summer Camp as soon as possible as camps are filling up quickly. This is the best place for newer or younger scouts to get their feet wet with a longer camping trip that is tailored to provide opportunities to work on and complete a number of scouting skills and requirements. This is the perfect place to advance in rank and earn a number of merit badges.
We need some information to help understand who is interested so we can facilitate the appropriate program at the right camp on the best dates.
Please signup below to show your interests in attending a BSA Summer Camp this year. This is not a commitment.
Furthermore if you are an adult and can spare the time off work to chaperone and mentor these kids, please let us know at the link below. The troop will cover all registration costs and camp fees for the required positions.
We have an awesome guest speaker, Dave Pettigrew, coming this week to share his story, you don’t want to miss this! This will take up most of the meeting but I’ll have an IPA planned if there is time at the end of the meeting.
IMPORTANT!!! Bring your completed Citizenship in the Society workbook so we can finish this eagle-required merit badge.
Our Monarch Ski Day is next Saturday, so please sign up as soon as you can if you haven’t already.
The Snow Shoe campout is next month, February 23rd and we need sign-ups as soon as possible for a potential ice climbing opportunity.
We are doing our best to make sure we are successful in putting together some awesome adventures for you all. In keeping with the Scout Motto, “Be Prepared”, we can only do this if we know who is going. Please take a moment to let us know if you plan on any of the following trips, so we can be prepared and have reservations in place.
January 20th- Monarch Ski Day Scouts should have their own lift tickets and gear or rent gear for this trip.
February 23rd-25th- Snowshoe Campout @ Camp A We are also planning on Ice Climbing during this campout. It will be an additional $65 per person to climb and that covers all the gear and instruction, but we need to make reservations really really soon. Sign up now.
March 15th-17th- Mountain Biking Campout in Fruita, CO Scouts should have their own bikes and helmets for this trip. Because of the distance and gear, we really need to know who plans on attending in advance. Signup coming soon!
It’s time to pull backcountry permits and make reservations for our Explore Wyoming Extreme Adventure Camp this summer. The trip committee will be starting to make the arrangements as they become available starting tomorrow. Those who we do not secure permits for will not be able to attend this adventure.
It is extremely important we know who is planning on attending. I will be making an announcement with the scouts tonight, but need you to signup below if you would like to be included.
I have been asked by the PLC to host the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge. This is one of those Eagle Required ones. We will start the badge at this upcoming meeting on January 9th.
This merit badge does require that you earn the First Aid Merit Badge. If you have it you are set. If not please reach out and we can see about getting you set up with a counselor.
This Merit Badge will take a couple of meetings to accomplish and there will be homework in between. Please read a little on it. The requirements can be found here.
Although not a requirement, I figured we could take a trip to one of the local fire stations on February 13th to meet some first responders and maybe talk to them a little about what we have learned.
If you are interested in the trip this summer please join us for the townhall webinar this evening. Webex does funny things with time zones, so don’t let that fool you. It is at 7:00pm local tonight. Signup for attendance at the link below.
It’s time for what you have all been waiting for. You have cast your votes, and we have listened. You have seen the presentation, now its time to get on board.
Troop 287 EXPLORE WYOMING Extreme Adventure Camp2023 is here. Sign up now!
The trip will take place from July 13th through 28th 2023.
July 13th We will depart Colorado Springs headed towards Grand Teton National Park.
July 14th – 18th We will backpack about 35 miles Teton Crest Trail with a potential summit of one of the Tetons.
July 19th – 21st We will canoe camp the Jenny Lake to Leigh Lake area and camp below the majestic Mount Moran
July 22nd We will white water raft the Snake River and visit Jackson Hole before heading to Yellowstone National Park.
July 23rd We will explore Yellowstone National Park and see things like Old Faithful, The Old Faithful Lodge, Thermal Pools, The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, and many other natural wonders.
July 24th – 27th We will backpack the Wind River National Forest and attempt Gannett Peak, Wyoming’s highest point,
July 28th we will return to Colorado Springs with tons of great memories and stories.
Who can attend?
Being a high adventure trip this activity is designed to be a challenge and is for more advanced scouts. Participants should be 13 years old or older and skilled in backpacking and other outdoor activities. We will conduct preparatory activities leading up to the adventure.
I know what you’re thinking… “That sounds like a lot of fun, but I’m not a millionaire. I can’t afford a trip like that.” …but you can. We are going to do this all for the low, low price of just $950 per person. That is a fraction of the BSA High Adventure Camps. This price includes all travel, all activities such as white water rafting, canoe rentals and back country permits, all camp food and restaurant stops, all lodging campsites and 3 hotel stays, and the adventure tee shirt to show what you have accomplished. Payments may be made in installments or all at once. A payment schedule will be released soon.
Now I am sure that there are many questions. To address this, we have decided to hold a Townhall meeting where questions can be asked in a forum so everyone can hear the answers and get the information in one place.
Please join us on Thursday January 4th from 7-8pm to find out more. Please register for the townhall at the link below.
The planning committee for this trip has been hard at work planning out all the details and have a lot of it planned out and are currently securing reservations for all our stops along the way. This trip will be a combination of Backpacking, Car Camping, Canoeing, Rafting, and even a couple of stops at restaurants and stays at hotels for a hot shower and mattress.
All participant families will receive a detailed itinerary of all of our stops and activities once they are all booked/secured.
Like all trips of this magnitude planning is key and the first step is knowing who will be attending. Please signup now to secure your spot. We are planning on 12 slots and space may become a premium.
Its almost here! Tonight we will have our Troop Holiday Party and Cookie Exchange.
The uniform of the day is …… ugly holiday sweater. Come looking your worst.
As Axle relayed, please bring some cookies to trade. Mrs. Anderson will be bringing some plates and cellophane to make up our platters. There may be some extras so bring a container just in case.
Mr. Petree will have snacks and maybe a little extra prize for the best ugly sweater.
We will be playing GIMKIT, so bring a device capable of accessing the internet.
Tonight we are going to do some brainstorming for the next few months. I want to hear from all of you because I know you have awesome ideas!! Please bring your game night ideas and meeting night ideas.
We will also be doing some knot races and continuing with the fellowship time. Make sure you bring your scout books.
We are still in need of Registered Adults for Summer Camp 2024.
Without two Registered Adults committed to attending, we will not be able to schedule and hold a Summer Camp this year, and slots for camps fill up fast. As in past years, the Troop will pay for the attendance of the first two to sign up to support the troop as leaders for the event.
We have already discussed and identified the week of June 9th through 15th as the time to do it. Now we just need to determine where, and the Registered Adults who volunteer to attend this event get a whole lot of say in where we go.
Never coordinated an event like this?!?! Not really familiar with scouting!?!?!? NO WORRIES!!!! it’s easy! The camp takes care of all the scheduling, food and campsites. You just need to be there, hang out in camp, and enjoy watching these boys have the time of their lives.
The Knot Patrol (Scoutmasters) and Troop Committee will assist in logistics and training for anyone who is willing to take a week off work to camp with all these wonderful dudes.
We are currently developing a list of viable camps and will be putting out a survey to gauge interest in each of the locations. If you have a favorite camp that should be considered please let me know soon.
Tonight the WHOLE troop will be starting Citizenship in the Society with Mrs. Winslow and Mrs. Anderson. Remember to read all of the requirements to be ready and prepared to discuss the merit badge.
In addition, we will announce new patrols, start the meeting with opening fellowship time, and end with some rope activities…
– Lock-In, Friday, Dec 8 @ 5pm to Saturday, Dec 9 at 9am (pickup time) Remember to bring games and activities you signed up for!!!
– Scout Meeting, Tuesday, December 12th – Holiday Scout Meeting, Tuesday, December 19th – Winter Break (No meetings December 26th or January 2nd) – First Meeting of the New Year, Tuesday, January 9th – Awesome Guest Speaker, Tuesday, January 16th
Tonight is our Fall Court of Honor and we look forward to celebrating all your accomplishments!
Please wear your best Class A uniform and don’t forget to bring your friends and families.
Setup starts at 6:30pm for those who can arrive early to help out.
Ceremony starts at 7:00pm and will be followed by our Fall Desert Potluck. Remember to bring what you signed up for, and if you haven’t yet, its not too late…. use the link below.
Welcome to the website of Boy Scout Troop 287 at Wilson United Methodist Church, located on the northwest side of Colorado Springs, CO, in school districts 11 and 20. We are in the BSA Pikes Peak Council, Frontier District.
To the left, you can view our news and events. Below you can browse information about our troop, subscribe to our blog by email, download documents, and access useful links.
Mar Camp Out (TBD) March 14, 2025 – March 16, 2025
Golf Merit Badge (Council) 2nd Session March 17, 2025 at 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
First Tee — Southern Colorado, 525 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909, USA
Troop Meeting March 18, 2025 at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Troop Meetings
Every Tuesday, 7-8:30 p.m.
Wilson Ranch Community Church
Scoutmaster: Anthony Turner