We will be meal planning and prepping for the FAM CAMP DINO MARCH. Mrs. Anderson has hot dogs and sausages for the campout.
Nathan Turner will be giving a presentation on how to organize your binder. Make sure you bring your binder and all the things you want to organize inside. Things like BOR papers, merit badge cards, rank advancement cards, things you are working on and volunteer hours.
5/10 – 5/12: FAM CAMP DINO MARCH – Be sure to sign up here
5/14/24: Game Night: Pinion Valley Park Day (6:00-8:00) Meeting early so we have more daylight.
5/21/24: We will have Order of the Arrow Elections run by Austin Petree and a Barn Clean-Up night
5/28/24: Bike ride in Ute Valley WITH Mr. Petree: First Aid Merit Badge First aid Practical applications in Biking. If you don’t have a bike, let Mr. Petree know.
-Axel & Rudra