Archives For Ray Petree

Game Night at the Park!

Ray Petree —  September 16, 2019 — Leave a comment
Image result for flag football pictures


I was informed that game night this week will be park games (football, kickball, ultimate, or whatever) at Pinion Valley Park. Instead of our usual 7pm start time, we will do our best to take advantage of what remaining daylight there is by starting at 6:30pm. Pinion Valley Park, near the kickball diamond. See you tomorrow night!

P.S. No uniform inspection this week. We are postponing it to next week when we have Pack 166 Arrow of Light Scouts visiting us. That will be a rank advancement meeting, so do that Scout thing and “Be Prepared” to use the EDGE method to teach some younger Scouts some skills (lashings, first aid, fire building) although whomever gets to the meeting first gets to build the fire-6:30pm again next week because of the younger scouts and we want to capitalize on daylight with them too.


Council Camporee 11-13 Oct.

Ray Petree —  September 12, 2019 — Leave a comment


The Council is hosting a Camporee at Camp A next month (Oct 11-13). Here is a link that tell a little more about it. We can discuss if we want to attend or not next week. The link takes you to the Council site where you can register and provides the following information:

You can register now through October 10 2019 at 5:00PM

Individual RegistrationsRegular
Individual Scout Registration$25.00
Individual Adult Registration$20.00
Staff Registration$12.00
Contingent RegistrationsRegular
Unit Registration$0.00
– Scout Participant$25.00
– Adult Participant$20.00
– Staff Registration$12.00

This event will be for all families who are involved in scouts! We invite all Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and their whole family! Activities include; shooting sports, climbing, fishing, boating, handicraft, hiking, biking, welding, scout skills, campfire program, cooking, and more! A more detailed program guide will be released in May!

Price include all activities, weekend camping, food for Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Sunday breakfast.


14er Campout this weekend!

Ray Petree —  September 12, 2019 — Leave a comment


Here is the packing list from Mark P. Austin will be purchasing the food for the menu you guys decided on.

  • 2 liters of water
  • Backpacking backpack
  • Lightweight sleeping bag (rated to 35 degree)
  • Sleeping pad
  • Hygiene kit (hand sanitizer, toothbrush & toothpaste, TOILET PAPER)
  • hiking shoes (broken in)
  • Mess kit
  • At least one pair of extra clothes that match the weather (probably at least three pairs of socks)
  • Beanie cap/ hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Light jacket
  • Rain jacket ( can also be the light jacket)
  • Headlamp or flashlight (extra batteries)
  • First aid kit
  • Matches
  • Lint (tinder)
  • Pocket knife (make sure you have totin chit)
  • List of requirements the need to be signed off
  • Compass

        Mark P., Troop scribe

Knot-Patrol meeting!

Ray Petree —  September 10, 2019 — Leave a comment

Adults and Leaders,

Tomorrow night is our “bi-semi-every now and then-whenever we remember to do one” knot patrol meeting to plan the activities the Scouts decided they wanted to do. Basically, throw them at a calendar and see where they stick and are viable for us to support.

So, please come on over and enjoy mostly banter and laughter, and a little planning to boot. Maybe we will find out how we will support the boys this year!

Bring ideas and such, since I am basically clueless in this regard. I feel funny about posting my address, so if you need it, send me a text and I will get it to you. Or you can text Sean, since his phone number is still on the Website as the Scoutmaster!

All [active] adults are encouraged to attend so we can get the best ideas and support for the Scouts. 6:30pm Wednesday, 11 Sep.


14er Campout prep!

Ray Petree —  September 6, 2019 — Leave a comment
Grey’s and Torrey’s Peaks. This may be the route, maybe.


This week we are prepping for the 14er campout this weekend. If you have not camped with the Troop before, please ensure YOU pack your gear in accordance with the Scout Handbook and bring it to the meeting on Tuesday to be checked by senior Scouts. Additional packing items (list) will be provided on Tuesday. The single most important item is a full water container! You can not over pack water for this trip! It is a little far out to plan for weather, so that will be discussed on Tuesday as well.

See you all Tuesday!


Annual planning!

Ray Petree —  September 3, 2019 — Leave a comment


Tonight, please bring your ideas and desires for our activities for the year. We will make a list of activities, camp outs, and game nights to add to our calendar and the adults will then figure out the best way to support what you guys want.

See you tonight.



I hope you all have a great and wonderful Labor Day weekend.

I just wanted to send out a quick note and last minute plea for assistance with flags this weekend. We are still in need of s couple of Scouts and also adult support. Please sign up if you can.

Also, just as a forewarning: This coming up meeting will focus on our annual planning. The Scouts need to come up with ideas for trips and game nights so the adult leaders can program support for those desires the Scouts have.

Again, help out if you can, and have a safe and fun weekend!


Soup Kitchen reminder!

Ray Petree —  August 24, 2019 — Leave a comment


We currently have only one Scout signed up for the soup kitchen tomorrow night. it is only two hours from 6-8pm, so don’t be shy, get those community service hours recorded!

Here is the original post with the link:


Here is another opportunity for service hours and to give back to the community. Please take the time to sign up! The event is at the Sacred Heart Church from 6-8pm this coming Sunday, 25 August.


14ers Campout

Ray Petree —  August 21, 2019 — Leave a comment
That red dot? Oh, yeah, that’s base camp! Saturday, we are going to the left, Sunday, to the right.


You wanted it, you got it! The 14er campout is just about upon us!

Sign up here:

More information and planning to follow.


Flags for Labor Day!

Ray Petree —  August 21, 2019 — Leave a comment

If you have not yet signed up for Labor Day Flags, the link is below. We are still in need of a couple slots to be filled (1 driver, 2 navigators, and 3 Scouts)

Ice Cream Social!!

Ray Petree —  August 21, 2019 — Leave a comment


Our next COH is upon us! This is a HUGE one with lots of Rank advancements, Merit Badges and a change of leadership! I am so proud of all our scouts and parents for making this possible!

The theme of this COH is ICE CREAM! Its the Ice Cream Social.

The troop will provide the ice cream but scouts will need to bring toppings to share! Please sign up for whatever toppings you would like to bring to share with the Troop.

Please no nuts!!! We have food allergies and do not want any cross contamination with nuts being on the same table or anything like that. Thanks in advance for this!

Sign up genius:

Set up begins at 5:30pm.  We will start serving the Ice Cream around 6pm.  The formal portion of the ceremony will begin around 6:45ish….could be a little earlier or later.

See you there!

Meeting recap 6/20

Ray Petree —  August 21, 2019 — Leave a comment


Last night we finished decorating the barn. Scouts got their Boards of Review and Scoutmaster Conferences as required. We also played in games in and around our “new” area. In addition, we built a fire in the new fire pit.

Geren M.

Troop Scribe

Lazy Camp Recap

Ray Petree —  August 21, 2019 — Leave a comment

This weekend we cleaned out the Barn and helped the church dig and lay some mulch for their playground (earning three hours of service each). There were nine scouts that attended. We donated a bunch of old camping gear and made the barn our summer meeting area. We also found old camp maps and pictures of the troop and high adventure. We decorated the “new” meeting place with our finds.

Geren M

Troop Scribe

Meeting tonight!

Ray Petree —  August 20, 2019 — Leave a comment


A lot of moving parts tonight! We have four BOR’s, COH planning, annual planning (may be saved for later), and Uniform Inspection. The rest of the meeting will be dedicated to having fun! We will utilize our “new” meeting location tonight and see how it goes. And I am probably forgetting something as usual.

Class Uniforms tonight!!!!


Soup Kitchen

Ray Petree —  August 20, 2019 — Leave a comment


Here is another opportunity for service hours and to give back to the community. Please take the time to sign up! The event is at the Sacred Heart Church from 6-8pm this coming Sunday, 25 August.


Meeting notes 6/13:

Ray Petree —  August 14, 2019 — Leave a comment

Tuesday August 13

Held elections and planned for lazy camp. Jack is purchasing the food for this weekend.

During the campout we will clean out and organize the barn and help the Church upgrade their playground (Will Count for Service).

New leadership (Takes affect Week after CoH) :



Turbo Ninos PL- Cody

Wall Clan PL- Xander K.

Scribe- Mark

Historian- Geren

Quartermaster- Austin

Chaplin’s Aid- Zander H.

Bugler- Evan

Instructor- Jack

Geren M., Troop Scribe


This weekend is the Lazy Campout at the Barn! We are going to do a few things this campout. We will do some Geocaching Merit Badge Work, fire building, cook-off, pioneering, and we will also organize the troop gear in the barn. There is also an opportunity to get a few service hours with the church. They are requesting some assistance with clearing out the mulch in the playground of the church in preparation for new rubberized mulch (Saturday 8-10am). 

If you want to help with the cleanup, you can just show up at 8 at the church. If you plan on camping, please RSVP. 

We will meet at the Barn at 6pm Friday night. Families and “part-time” attendees are welcome to show up and have fun with us!




Sorry on the wait. This is the recap from our trip to Summer Camp to the most recent meeting. 

Tuesday August 6 

While the older boys were at Sea base the rest of us had a meeting a Mr. Petree’s house and had a fire building competition. After we ate burgers and hot dogs. Austin won the fire building competition after an hour of trying. 

August 4-10 

Many of the older souts attended Sea Base in Florida this week. We are pending receipt of pictures and a post-event report. 

Tuesday July 30  

We had Sea Base prep and did a first aid transportation competition and did an inter patrol activity.  

Tuesday July 23  

We did rank advancement and IPA 

Tuesday July 16 

Escape room! We had 5 scouts participate in the room we beat the room in about 55 minutes.  

Tuesday July 9 

Was planned as 14er prep but no one signed up, so we did rank advancement and an inter patrol activity. The troop did a 22 mile bike ride in replacement of the 14er that weekend.  

Tuesday July 2 

We did individual Rank Planning and had an IPA afterwards. 

Tuesday June 25  

Post summer camp games and SMCs were done for those scouts who needed them.  

Summer camp June 16-22 

We had 14 scouts attend summer camp this year at Camp Cris Dobbins in Peaceful Valley. We earned 38 total merit badges and have 15 merit badges in progress; and a bunch of rank advancements were completed. At the Race/Family dinner we had tornado warning and severe weather watch. The entire camp was sheltered in the basement of the dining hall during the “Tornado”. We left camp that Friday night to avoid a rainy and miserable night. 

Yours in Scouting, 

Geren M. 

Troop Scribe 

Camp Prep this week.

Ray Petree —  August 12, 2019 — Leave a comment


I know many of you just returned from Sea Base, however, we still have a scheduled camp out this weekend at the barn. This is a lazy camp where we will split our time doing scouting activities and some cleaning of the barn and equipment. You enjoy all the benefits of having our troop gear, now we need to put in some effort to ensure it is ready for future campouts and activities.

This week we will focus on those requirements for campout prep: packing, food, and desired activities (geocaching, pioneering, orienteering, etc.).

Next week (20 Aug) will be focused [game night@ the church] on COH prep and several of you have BORs scheduled with the Troop Committee. the 27th is our COH (Ice Cream Social!!!) where you guys will get all the badges you earned at summer camp and over the last three months.

See you tomorrow night!


Sea Base week!!

Ray Petree —  August 2, 2019 — Leave a comment
Yup. That’s a boat.

Troop, many of the older boys are headed to Sea Base in Florida this week. I hope they have fun surrounded by all that water with no land in sight and sleeping on the deck of a ship while rocking gently with the waves; hopefully they are tied to part of the ship so they do not fall into the water and left to drift alone to be found by a passing pirate ship, only to grow up in a life of swabbing the deck and talking with heavy “rrrr’s” while wearing an eye patch to keep their night vision up to speck for when they are sent below deck to get more rum for the Cap’n. Anyways, good luck to them.

While they are gone: Festivus for the restofus! (at least most of us). Instead of having a regular meeting at the Church, Mr. Petree has invited us all to meet at his house and have a grill out (the Petree’s are providing all provisions). Mr. Petree has activities planned to fill the time at his house, which are Scout skill oriented. An opening and closing ceremony will be conducted, as with all of our meetings. His house is located right around the corner from the church on Silent Rain Dr, more specifically, 2460 Silent Rain Dr. Of Course 7-8:30 on Tuesday night for our regular meeting time. Just the location is different.

Class B uniforms WITH pocket knives! Or fixed blades, which ever you feel more comfortable with. Just no machetes or swords or anything crazy like that! Please follow BSA guidelines.

Our next meetings Schedule:

6 Aug: Mr Petree’s house (I will be in lovely Alabama this week)

13 Aug: Church: Camp Prep for lazy camp and troop elections (effective date 28 Aug)

16-18 Aug: Lazy Camp at the barn (clean up, pioneering, geocaching)

20 Aug: Boards of Review (Malcolm, Evan, Conner), Class A inspection, and Annual Planning meeting (Scout edition).

27 Aug: COH (Ice Cream Social)