Archives For Ray Petree

Game night update!

Ray Petree —  January 27, 2020 — Leave a comment


Here is the deal with game night: We have enough players for Battlefield. However, I have made a few phone calls to make the reservation for us to play tomorrow night, but have not received any sort of confirmation as of yet (7:45pm, Monday night).

So, please be flexible, we may have to rely on our second choice (springs trampoline) if the Battlefield Staff does not get back to me.

I will make a post as soon as I hear from them, whenever that may be; tomorrow morning I hope.

Have a good night and we will see you tomorrow regardless of the event!


Winter Camp!

Ray Petree —  January 25, 2020 — Leave a comment

How do you cook food when you are on five feet of snow? Like this:

Yup, Ramen soup warms you to the bone!

Here are a couple more shots of the troop:

Three miles! In the sow, in the cold! At 9000+ feet altitude! Rock on Troop 287!
Ray, get out of the way! You’re hogging the spotlight!

Game night: Battlefield!

Ray Petree —  January 24, 2020 — Leave a comment

Troop, above is the sign up for Battlefield. the cost is one arm and half a leg. Just kidding! It is $26/player for a 90 minute session that goes by really quickly. This is a lot of fun and we only do this event about once a year. And we do it in the cold because we are running around and getting warm that way. Plus, it is dark, so it makes it challenging!

We need at least 10 players to make this happen because they are not open during the week regularly. I will have to call and book the reservation out no later than Monday, so the sooner you sign up, the better!

Time is adjusted to start at 6pm and go through 7:30pm. We should arrive a few minutes early to get the safety brief and sign waivers and such.

Friends and family are welcome to play!!!!

If we don’t get the players for Battlefield, our alternate option is the ankle-breaker Springs Trampolines.

Have fun up at Monarch this weekend, see you on Tuesday.


Notes from our Scribe:

Ray Petree —  January 23, 2020 — Leave a comment

Hey Troop,     

This last meeting we discussed the proper winter packing list and planned food for the snowshoeing campout, Adam is buying. Remember we have game night next week, stay warm!
-Mark P. Troop Scribe


Here is the plan for this weekend:

Meet up at the barn at 0530am, in order to cross load gear and assign seats in the vehicles heading up to Monarch Mountain for the weekend.

Mr Petree and Mr McDowell will be driving. There are four scouts signed up on the signup genius; however, I know there are two other Scouts are attending.

The weekend plan is to leave at 6am from the barn, head up to the Mountain. Snowshoe for a few hours and then set up camp for the night. Sunday morning after breakfast, cleanup and head out. Mr Petree and Mr McDowell have a few other activities planned for the evening.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give me a call or shoot me a text.


Winter camping?

Ray Petree —  January 20, 2020 — Leave a comment
So, where’s the tent?


Here are a few things that you can check out for ideas and knowledge for winter camping:

Anyway, talk to you guys tomorrow night.


Campout prep!

Ray Petree —  January 20, 2020 — Leave a comment
What do you mean you’re cold? You have no reason to be cold!


This week’s meeting is the third Tuesday of the month, which means it is uniform inspection week! So, wash and iron your shirts and prep them to look your best. Comb your hair at least once too.

We will also meal plan for this weekend’s winter campout and discuss winter camping safety (layering, proper gear ratings, etc.). Lastly, we need to identify what we will be doing for game night next week.

If you have any updates to your rank advancement, please ensure they are documented in your Scout handbook so your Scout leadership can check them off before the adults verify your knowledge and skills. You have two weeks before the rank advancement meeting.

Have a great day, it’s going to be warm out there today! See you tomorrow night.



Here is an update from Mr Durrenberger on the MB requirements:

For Citizenship in the Community Item #3a,
Attend a meeting of your city, town, county council or school board; OR a municipal; county or state court session.
If a session is available on-line (internet) and with your parents’ permission, then watch that.

Item 3b, Choose one of the issues discussed at the meeting where a difference of opinions was expressed, and
explain to your counselor why you agrees with one opinion more than you do another one.

Jack and Mr Durrenberger will be attending the District 20 school board this Thursday Jan 23rd @6pm, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive.  If you can’t make that meeting, District 20 school board holds every other Thursday @6pm.

District 11 school board meetings will be streamed live on the D-11 website on Wednesday @6:30pm.
Meetings can also be seen live on Comcast Channel 16, Falcon Broadband Channel 73, and CenturyLink Channel 8004. Meetings are rebroadcast on Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
Otherwise, District 11 school board meets every Wednesday @6:30pm at 1115 N El Paso Street.



As you know, many of you started the Citizenship in the Community MB. Mr Durrenberger provided a lot of guidance the other night. Some of which was to watch a movie (from a pre-authorized list) and finish the requirement pertaining to the movie. Anyway, here is the list:

Take a couple hours (with your parent’s permission) and check out one of these films.

I will soon post an update to some merit badge stuff that I am tracking and how you can attribute a lot of stuff you have already done in Rank Advancement to some MB work.

Have a great weekend!


Winter campout sign up!

Ray Petree —  January 15, 2020 — Leave a comment
An unattended fire? Not in Troop 287! Get back out there and watch that fire!


Last night the decision was to do some camping and snow shoeing. Yup. Camping. And snowshoeing. I am excited.

Here is the link to sign up:

The plan will be solidified at next week’s meeting. If you have not attended a winter/cold weather camp before, please bring your gear next week so we can discuss cold weather safety and how to stay warm overnight, as well as how not to overheat in the day when we are wearing all those layers and hiking around.

We will meet up at the church, cross load gear and Scouts into vehicles and roll out from there. Right now the choices are likely to be either National Forest areas, Camp Shadybrook, or Mueller State Park. Adult leaders are researching the best choice and will let you know next meeting what shakes out.

I heard, we had a good meeting last night. I will coordinate with the scribe to get the notes posted today or tomorrow.

Have a great week!


But, no evil stuff this year.


Here we go! Tomorrow is our first meeting of the year and we will kick it off with some decisions on this month’s (and next month’s prospective) activities. I know we threw a few ideas around last month, but we didn’t lock anything down. So, let’s do that tomorrow night! Then next week we can have a prep meeting for the event.

As soon as we do that, Mr Durrenberger is ready to launch us into the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge (Eagle Required). We may have a few Webelos join us tomorrow to check us out, they are more than welcome to sit in on (and get credit for) the merit badge work.

Just as a reminder: we have revamped our MB work to limit the classroom stuff and put a little more responsibility on YOU as the Scout to learn on your own. Mr Durrenberger is going to lay out the requirements for the badge, and discuss some of them as well (satisfying the requirements). After that, it will be the individual Scout’s responsibility to do a little homework on the remaining items and bring that knowledge back to and demonstrate/brief/discuss to Mr D’s satisfaction before he signs off on your blue card. (much like we have done with the Indian Lore-which, to my knowledge, there has not been a Tribe Presentation since Mr Petree started the badge in October).—Hint, hint. Come, on guys, get ‘er done so we can have some awards at the COH next month!

Anyway, see you all tomorrow night! I will be tied up in the Committee Meeting from about 7:15pm. If anyone has any questions, give me a call or shoot me a text 228-806-9063. If you are a visitor to the troop, or have interest in visiting, either swing on by or give me a call!


Yup, no meeting this week. You are free from my wrath for another whole week!


D-11 is still on break until Wednesday, the 8th of January. This means we will not have our first meeting of the year until the 14th.

Enjoy the last bit of winter break and prep for an awesome year of Scouting. We will start with winter activities next weekend (17-19 Jan) for either a winter snow sports outing or something similar. We will also start Cit in the Community MB in the next meeting or two.

Anyway, enjoy this respite and we will see you on the 14th at 7pm. Also, there will likely be a few WEBELOS in attendance to see how we operate.


Time correction!

Ray Petree —  December 21, 2019 — Leave a comment


I made a mistake on the time for the soup kitchen in the sign up. It is from 5:45-7pm tomorrow night. I have made the correction. So, please sign up and we will see you there!


Soup Kitchen!

Ray Petree —  December 20, 2019 — Leave a comment


This Sunday is our last Soup Kitchen for the year. We are only asked to do this three times during the year, and it is a good way to give to those in need and to earn some service hours for your records. Please join us for a couple of hours on Sunday.

Here is the sign up:

By the way, we had a great time sledding on Tuesday night over at Howbert School. Although it was a bit chilly, the snow was fast and there were a few bumps that made great jumps. Results: loads of fun!

If we don’t see you on Sunday, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and a great New Year holiday. Our next meeting is scheduled for Jan 14 after D-11 gets back into it.

Happy Everyday!


Game night!

Ray Petree —  December 16, 2019 — Leave a comment

Troop, tomorrow night is game night and it was voted that Battlefield Colorado is the place to be. However, they are on limited ours of operation during this time of year. We will need at least 10 players to make a reservation, and see if they will open the facility for us. So, please sign up if you are planning on going. Once we get the 10 rsvps, I will call and make the reservation. If not, we will have to make a quick decision on what we are going to do.

Here is the sign up:

Here is the weather forecast, dress accordingly.

6:00 pmClear28 F22 F2 %0 in0 %6 F38 %5 mph WNW30.40 in
7:00 pmClear26 F20 F2 %0 in0 %6 F42 %5 mph WNW30.41 in
8:00 pmClear26 F20 F2 %0 in0 %6 F41 %5 mph WNW30.42 in

Lastly, there have been many inquiries about visiting our troop as Webelos. This particular game night we do once a year and have a great deal of fun doing it, so if you are a Webelos and are viewing this post, please feel free to sign up and have a great time with your future troop!


Lock-in info/details

Ray Petree —  December 11, 2019 — Leave a comment

Troop, Last night some decisions were made. Here is the outcome of those decisions:

  1. Who is attending (see the sign-up genius in a previous post to sign up)

There are about eight Scouts currently signed up for the lock-in. Maybe more to follow.

  1. What is being brought? (Games, game consoles, etc.)

Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Atari, Laptop for Party Games. If you want to bring something else, then go ahead and do so, or if you think you want to bring a game for one of these systems, that is totally acceptable as well.

  1. Who is going to earn the Fingerprinting MB?

Pretty much everyone who participates. It is a really easy MB and should only take us about 45-60 minutes to complete if there are minimal distractions. There will be several extra packets for those who want to accomplish this MB.

  1. What are we going to eat?

Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pizza, and for breakfast: donuts. Noah volunteered to buy the stuff on the list (he has a picture of the menu). His budget is about $6/Scout, so be sure to sign up so he knows how much to buy. We will order the Pizza Friday night, so he doesn’t have to worry about doing that part.

  1. Will we invite Webelos? If we do, there are restrictions on them (they need to have their own adult leadership and supervision). Unless we give them a timeframe like 8-midnight or something like that.

Webelos have been invited. So long as they provide their own Adult leadership. They can stay as long as their Adults stay (part or all of the night).

  1. What are we doing for Game night next week?

It was decided that Battlefield Colorado would be Game night next week. We will have to coordinate with them to see if we can get a group price or something like that, otherwise I believe it is about $25/person.

So, the schedule for Friday night is as follows:

1900 Lock-in Operations begin.

At some point before I go to sleep – Fingerprinting MB.

0930 Saturday: Lock-in operations cease and cleanup operations begin.

1000: end of operation. Everyone go home, and get some rest.

Anyway, Those are the details. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please give me a call.


Lock-in prep!

Ray Petree —  December 9, 2019 — Leave a comment
Image result for lock-in


Tomorrow night’s meeting will cover several items for the lock-in:

  1. Who is attending (see the sign-up genius in a previous post to sign up)
  2. What is being brought? (Games, game consoles, etc.)
  3. Who is going to earn the Fingerprinting MB?
  4. What are we going to eat? we had pizza last year, maybe too much?
  5. Will we invite Webelos? If we do, there are restrictions on them (they need to have their own adult leadership and supervision). Unless we give them a timeframe like 8-midnight or something like that.
  6. What are we doing for Game night next week?

All that being said, we will go through the church and assign what consoles go in what rooms and stuff like that.

A schedule of events will also be decided upon.



There was a scheduling conflict with our lock-in on the 14th. We have had to adjust our date one day to the 13th.

Here is the adjusted timeline:

Friday, 13 Dec, 7pm: show up at the church and begin lock-in operations.

8pm: doors officially lock us in for the evening (parents/adult leaders are free to come and go so long as YPT is maintained).

7pm-midnight: games, fun, food, Fingerprinting MB (for those who want it-sign up below).

Midnight-9:30am: more fun, games, eating what is left over, trivia, etc.

9:30-1000am: clean-up and re-organizing the church to the way it was when we arrived.

Saturday, 14 Dec, 10am: end of operations, go home and get some rest!

Apologies for any inconvenience this adjustment may have caused.


Fingerprinting MB sign-up:

Here is the sign-up for the Mountain Shadows tree lighting. We will be in Class A uniform and will assist in handing out hot cocoa for those who attend.

Here is the sign-up for the Lock-in. Bring games, video game consoles, TVs, movies, and whatever you guys want to do during the night.

Here is the Soup Kitchen sign-up. This is one of three Soup Kitchens we are asked to participate in during the year. A very easy couple of hours of service for your records.

Holiday push!

Ray Petree —  December 2, 2019 — Leave a comment


I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break and are ready to launch full force into the Christmas season! Decorations, selfless service, Christmas music on the radio that you can’t get away from, and happy times for all!

We have only three meetings this month, plus the Mountain Shadows Holiday Tree Lighting on the 5th (service hours opportunity), the lock-in on the 14th (yay, video games, food and movies all night long) and our holiday Soup Kitchen on the 22nd (more service hours opportunity) .

I will post sign-ups for those events in the next day or so.

Pack 166 has asked that I bring a couple of Scouts to visit their Pack meeting tomorrow night, so I will be late arriving to our meeting, so go ahead and get started without me.

Talk to you guys soon,
