Troop, Last night some decisions were made. Here is the outcome of those decisions:
- Who is attending (see the sign-up genius in a previous post to sign up)
There are about eight Scouts currently signed up for the lock-in. Maybe more to follow.
- What is being brought? (Games, game consoles, etc.)
Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Atari, Laptop for Party Games. If you want to bring something else, then go ahead and do so, or if you think you want to bring a game for one of these systems, that is totally acceptable as well.
- Who is going to earn the Fingerprinting MB?
Pretty much everyone who participates. It is a really easy MB and should only take us about 45-60 minutes to complete if there are minimal distractions. There will be several extra packets for those who want to accomplish this MB.
- What are we going to eat?
Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pizza, and for breakfast: donuts. Noah volunteered to buy the stuff on the list (he has a picture of the menu). His budget is about $6/Scout, so be sure to sign up so he knows how much to buy. We will order the Pizza Friday night, so he doesn’t have to worry about doing that part.
- Will we invite Webelos? If we do, there are restrictions on them (they need to have their own adult leadership and supervision). Unless we give them a timeframe like 8-midnight or something like that.
Webelos have been invited. So long as they provide their own Adult leadership. They can stay as long as their Adults stay (part or all of the night).
- What are we doing for Game night next week?
It was decided that Battlefield Colorado would be Game night next week. We will have to coordinate with them to see if we can get a group price or something like that, otherwise I believe it is about $25/person.
So, the schedule for Friday night is as follows:
1900 Lock-in Operations begin.
At some point before I go to sleep – Fingerprinting MB.
0930 Saturday: Lock-in operations cease and cleanup operations begin.
1000: end of operation. Everyone go home, and get some rest.
Anyway, Those are the details. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please give me a call.
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