Maybe. That is the word.
Tomorrow will be our first meeting in July after some guidance was published by State officials.
The State provided a framework for each county to follow in order to enter the next phase of Covid Response. The next Phase is “Protect Our Neighbors”.
The bottom line here is that El Paso County has not accomplished the requirements for us to move into that phase. Or at least the website is not clear on this matter.
This means we are going to plan for another Zoom type meeting; with a secondary plan to meet at the Barn (depending what I hear from Council tomorrow morning).
I will call the Council office in the morning and begin the bombardment of calls to them about meetings and such. Here is the real deal: if we do not have council approval to meet, no one is covered by BSA insurance or anything like that. So to be safe, I will make contact with Council to determine a plan forward. Once I hear something, I will make a post.
On another issue: Ryan Mutchler (Life Scout), has been approved to move forward with his Eagle Scout Project. Here is a note from him pertaining to his project. If you would like to help Ryan out (he needs to provide leadership to other Scouts to meet the requirements).
Hi Everyone!
I am Ryan Mutchler and I am new to the troop. I am working on my Eagle Scout Project and I am making N-95 face mask covers for the Audubon Surgery Center. These N-95 covers will prolong the usage of the N-95s used by the medical staff, as N-95 masks are in short supply. I am in need of volunteers to cut and sew the mask covers. I will provide the specific material and pattern to the volunteers. Volunteers can either cut out the pattern, or sew the masks together, or do both. I am asking volunteers to provide their own scissors, thread (any color is fine), and sewing machine. It is possible, this thick material being used, may dull the sewing machine needle. I will replace any needles that are affected from volunteering. In an effort to comply with social distancing, I will drop off materials to you and pick them up within a couple of days.
If you are interested, feel free to email, call or text me.
Ryan Mutchler
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