Archives For Ray Petree

Scout Leader Zoom link.

Ray Petree —  October 27, 2020 — Leave a comment

Scout Leaders (SPL, ASPL, PLs, Scribe),

Here is the Zoom link for tonight’s meeting.

BoyScouts Troop287 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Troop 287 Patrol Leaders Council meeting
Time: Oct 27, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 961 858 5239
Passcode: 8EKJzf
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,9618585239#,,,,,,0#,,345220# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,9618585239#,,,,,,0#,,345220# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 961 858 5239
Passcode: 345220
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T(roop)Shirts are in!

Ray Petree —  October 27, 2020 — Leave a comment
Ask Your Spl - T-shirts | TeeHerivar
This is not the shirt you ordered.

Yup, you read that right! If you ordered a troop shirt or sweatshirt, I have them at my house. We can link up to give you your goods. Just give me a call 228-806-9063 or shoot me a text.

There was an issue with the Red Sweatshirt, they did not have the red with white accents. They are red with black accents. They look cool. So if you do not want it, let me know. I think there were only a couple of those ordered.


Digital meeting, again!

Ray Petree —  October 27, 2020 — Leave a comment
Top 30 The Matrix GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat
Yup, we are back into the virtual world.


If you read my last post, you will know that we are back to virtual meetings. I know, it is not ideal, but this is the order we are required to follow.

Here is our plan as we move forward:

Tonight’s meeting (7-7:45pm) will be on-line, and only for the Scout Leadership (SPL/ASPL, PLs, Scribe).

At about 7:45pm, after they make some decisions, they are going to get on Discord and do stuff there, which is open to everyone else.

Saturday at 1100 am: we will meet at the Barn for Josh Johnston’s Eagle COH. This is a voluntary event, so not a mandatory thing, nor is it an official meeting. We are doing to proceed with it because it is very, very important to recognize this accomplishment. Masks and Class A unifrom required.

Next Tuesday and meetings moving forward, we will have to play it by ear and see what the State and BSA are going to allow us to do. Based on what your leadership decides, we may revert back to the every other week meetings with an unofficial activity in between. We shall see.

Camping: we can still go camping! So, we will still hold our planning meetings and such for our campouts (only one left this year, and the lock-in). But we will still maintain that sort of activity to get us outside and closer to Mama nature.

See you (leadership) tonight at 7, the rest of you on discord at 7:45pm.

If you were scheduled for a BoR, that is still on because it was virtual anyway, just remember to coordinate with whomever your Board rep was.

Anyway, talk to you soon!



Ray Petree —  October 23, 2020 — Leave a comment

Here is new information the Pikes Peak BSA Website. All registered users should have received this email. Note that camping activities are not effected by this order-just saying.

Delaware launches COVID Alert DE mobile app - 47abc
Im not sure if it really looks like this or not.
Dear Scouting Family,
Effective 23 October 2020 The State of Colorado released an amended health order that limits public and private gatherings for any county in any level of safer at home. It excludes counties that did transition to protect your neighbor (Counties in Pikes Peak Council NOT one of them). The amended limit is in the order, paragraph II.B.2.a.
“Public and private gatherings are limited to no more than 25 individuals when not otherwise regulated as a specific sector or activity in Section III of this Order; except that effective October 23, 2020 gatherings in this level are reduced to no more than 10 individuals from no more than 2 households. Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members living in the same residence.”
How this affects your unit:
Effective with this order and until the new limit is rescinded, no in-person unit meetings should be held and all Unit meetings should only be conducted using an online forum.

For camping activities, the limits were not amended in the order. Paragraph II.B.2.p outlines those limits “Children’s Day Camps, Residential Camps, Youth Sports Day Camps and Exempt Single Skill-Building Youth Camps may be conducted with no more than 25 participants indoors and 50 participants outdoors.”
How this affects your unit campouts:
Unit leadership should continue to monitor state and county health sites for the most current information and potential changes, then exercise sound judgment for adapting or cancelling unit events.Ensure family transportation to/from outing location (no unit carpooling)Maximization of outdoor activitiesIndividually prepared meals andIndividual tent use for outings.Units with scheduled outings at Glen Aspen or Camp Alexander can continue as planned.Mandatory mask usageMinimum 6’ social distancing at all times

The planned structure for both the Trunk or Treat and the Drive-in Movie Night Council events are within the guidelines of the new order and will continue as planned. Other Council/district events will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Pikes Peak Council Risk Management Committee
Lead the way, Josh!


Just bumping a message for Josh Johnson’s Court of Honor for his Eagle Rank.

Josh earned his Eagle late last year, and due to COVID, we postponed his celebration. Well, now we are going to get it done!

Please take a moment and sign up so we can plan for cake and stuff like that. It is next Saturday, 31 Oct at the barn, at 11am.

Scouts should be in full Class A uniform whether they are in the ceremony as Flag Bearers/Color Guard, or just members of the audience. (shameless plug for rank requirement: Scouts need to participate in a flag ceremony).

Anyway, here is the link:



This one is for the parents:
This is the first of a few messages I will be sending out on behalf of the Troop Committee.

There are several members of the Committee who are coming to the end of their term of office (there are no limits, just they’ve been doing their jobs for at least two years).

This is a plea to all those parents who are new to the troop and want to get [more] involved, but not necessarily as active as being an SM/ASM.

A few of the positions coming open this coming year are as follows (the name behind the position is the person currently in it:
Committee Chair – Lisa Durrenberger
Flag Coordinator – Renee Hames
Secretary – Vacant
Fund Raising Chair – Andrea Levia
New Membership/Recruiter – Vacant

There will be more!



Ray Petree —  October 22, 2020 — Leave a comment
The Leader's Challenge: Knowing What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do -  Tomorrow Trends
You could do both, you know.


***Update: we need to know if you are interested and are willing to put your money where your mouth is by Nov 3rd***

A while back we applied for a spot on the Northern Tier High Adventure Camp (, which was denied due to over booking.

I got a call earlier this week informing me that the week we wanted (19-27 June 2021) is now available for us.

We have under three weeks to make a final decision if we want to go on this canoe trek or not next summer. Basic restrictions are the Scout must be 14 years old, or 13 and have completed 8th grade. We have 17 registered Scouts that fit this criteria.

We need two adults (21 or older, and have completed specific required training).

Below is the sign up for that. Need to know basic interest in going. It will be about $700/participant. Crews are limited to a max of 8, and the total for a “full” crew is $5680.

The OTHER fork:

Summer Camp at Camp Cris Dobbins:

The Troop voted to attend Camp Cris Dobbins next year. This is available to all of us, no matter age or grade. As long as you are registered with us, you can go with us!

The dates are not set in stone, as long as we get on this in the next couple of weeks and get the ball rolling on registration and all that. The cost of summer camp for each Scout is $450. We will set up a payment plan within the Troop so we ensure we hit all the required markers and are all good to go in the end.

The rub: in years past, we have gone to summer camp the third week in June, which is the same timeframe Northern Tier is available for us. So, if you think you may want to push to NT, and also have an interest in attending summer camp, we may be able to move the dates (for CCD) around some. That will be determined by the amount of interest. More to follow on that. First, lets see if there is interest in NT so we can either commit to that or not. (apologies to the younger Scouts, since you all can not attend NT yet).


Summer activities.

Ray Petree —  October 22, 2020 — Leave a comment
The Leader's Challenge: Knowing What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do -  Tomorrow Trends
You could do both, you know.


***Update: we need to know if you are interested and are willing to put your money where your mouth is by Nov 3rd***

A while back we applied for a spot on the Northern Tier High Adventure Camp (, which was denied due to over booking.

I got a call earlier this week informing me that the week we wanted (19-27 June 2021) is now available for us.

We have under three weeks to make a final decision if we want to go on this canoe trek or not next summer. Basic restrictions are the Scout must be 14 years old, or 13 and have completed 8th grade. We have 17 registered Scouts that fit this criteria.

We need two adults (21 or older, and have completed specific required training).

Below is the sign up for that. Need to know basic interest in going. It will be about $700/participant. Crews are limited to a max of 8, and the total for a “full” crew is $5680.

The OTHER fork:

Summer Camp at Camp Cris Dobbins:

The Troop voted to attend Camp Cris Dobbins next year. This is available to all of us, no matter age or grade. As long as you are registered with us, you can go with us!

The dates are not set in stone, as long as we get on this in the next couple of weeks and get the ball rolling on registration and all that. The cost of summer camp for each Scout is $450. We will set up a payment plan within the Troop so we ensure we hit all the required markers and are all good to go in the end.

The rub: in years past, we have gone to summer camp the third week in June, which is the same timeframe Northern Tier is available for us. So, if you think you may want to push to NT, and also have an interest in attending summer camp, we may be able to move the dates (for CCD) around some. That will be determined by the amount of interest. More to follow on that. First, lets see if there is interest in NT so we can either commit to that or not. (apologies to the younger Scouts, since you all can not attend NT yet).


Camping postponed!

Ray Petree —  October 21, 2020 — Leave a comment
Postponed Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


Due to Adult leader availability, we have postponed our camping trip this weekend for three weeks. That would be the weekend of Nov 13-15 November.

There are fewer options for that timeframe, but we will figure it out and do some colder weather prep.

I wanted to touch a little on rank advancement like I did last night; more for the parents since you boys were there and heard my ramblings.

Here is our Troop’s process: Each Scout for the First Four (Scout, TF, 2C, 1C) will demonstrate his knowledge or skills to two levels of Scout leadership prior to coming to an adult for the final sign off. Each level of Scout leadership will initial in the left margin of the Scout’s handbook for each requirement completed. Scoutmasters (or Assistant SM) will sign off in the right margin once they are satisfied with the demonstration of skill, knowledge, or otherwise completed requirement.

Here is where I think the Scouts are getting confused: Over the past couple of weeks, I have done SM conferences where I have spent a lot of time with the Scout going over every requirement since they didn’t have any adult leader signatures. Then we rolled into the SM Conference portion.

Scouts do NOT have to wait until they have all the Scout leader initials before coming to Scoutmaster for initials. If the Scout is confident in one skill, demonstrates it though the two levels of Scout leaders, then he can go to an SM for final signature. I guess my point is not to wait until the end and rely on the SM conference to roll all that stuff into one night. The idea is to piece it together as you go along.

I hope this clears up any confusion. If you have any questions, give me a call, or shoot me a text. I know it has been weird due to “the Rona”, but now that we are back to in person meetings, we need to get back to our normal Rank AVD processes.

Talk to you soon,


Troop Tuesday!

Ray Petree —  October 20, 2020 — Leave a comment
Tuesday Troops (@TuesdayTroops) | Twitter
New T-Shirt logo! Not really.


Tonight’s meeting is/was supposed to be for campout prep. As of right now, there is only one Scout signed up for camping. No need to go into all that stuff about camping if we can’t get out there and do it.

So, we will focus on SM conferences for those who need it maybe review some MB work, and lastly, refine your merit badge and other planning for the year.

Talk to you soon.


Popcorn DIE-t | Son of Stuck Funky
That is a lot of popcorn.


The 27th is the day council has set for all popcorn orders to be placed in the system for ordering.

This means we need to give Mrs. Durrenberger at least a week to be able to get the orders in the system.

So, if you have sold popcorn door to door or in person and need to make sure your customers get what they paid for, please bring in your paperwork to next Tuesday’s meeting (20 Oct). I will push out another reminder email so you know to put all your stuff together.

Talk to you soon,


Eagle Court of Honor!

Ray Petree —  October 15, 2020 — Leave a comment
Eagle Court of Honor Benediction - Inspired Business Concepts


Here is a sign up for Josh Johnson’s Eagle Court of Honor. Josh has been with our troop for his entire Scouting Career. He earned the rank of eagle Scout last year and, due to several reasons, we are just now getting to celebrate this momentous accomplishment by this outstanding young adult.

Please take a moment and sign up to attend the COH. There will be cake (in some form).


Easy does it camping!

Ray Petree —  October 10, 2020 — Leave a comment
This is not your tent.


While it isn’t exactly lazy camp, it will be pretty laid back. Farish rec Area has a lot to offer us. They have canoes, paddle boats, fishing, hiking, bike riding, and trees to hang hammocks from so we can nap.

Due to Covid restrictions still, we will plan to meet up at the Farish Rec Area. Here are the directions: Go to Woodland Park, turn right at the McDonalds and go until the road splits at the Water Treatment plant, stay to the right. Go up that hill and when you come to the STOP sign, turn left. Go down a few hundred meters and stay to the right. That road will take you into the Rec area. There are brown signs which provide directions to Farish Rec Area.

Right now, we are the only ones in the entire property with a camping reservation. That may change, but what I see is that we will have most of the place to ourselves.

Below is the link to sign up. Don’t worry, I will post reminders!

Anyway, it will be cooler than the last trip, and we will focus our efforts on the weather for that campout prep meeting prior.

Lastly, since this will be “car camping”, we will have our patrol boxes available, which means, the patrols need to come up with some great ideas for dinners and stuff. Just be aware for planning purposes that we may still be in a burn ban situation.

Talk to you soon,


Scoutmaster Conferences!

Ray Petree —  October 10, 2020 — Leave a comment
Ask Andy - Scoutmaster Conferences |
See that guy over there? He is your SPL. Go ask him that question.

Troop, I know a couple of you have already asked for this, so here it is! Just want to throw a couple names on the schedule so I can plan out the evening and move it along as appropriate. Even if you’ve asked for and I’ve told you that I will take care of your SMC, please sign up via the link below.

See you guys on Tuesday. Also, if you need a Board of Review (you will if you are signing up for a SMC for anything higher than Scout Rank), then go to this link and sign up for one:


FAQ for Summer Merit Badge Extravaganza - Alamo Area Council


When we did our planning a few weeks ago, we did not include your desires for Merit Badges for the coming year. So, that is what we will focus on for this week’s meeting picking out 12 merit badges you guys want to work on as a troop. I suggest planning for at least six Eagle badges. This number of badges will give us as adult leaders the opportunity to get an instructor, or otherwise prepare for instructing the badge.

For the Lock-in Merit Badge, this MB will be chosen based on how quickly the badge can be finished, and if it can be completed during the lock-in, or have very minimal “homework” for you to complete. We did Chess two years ago and Fingerprinting last year. I will throw a couple of ideas out there for you on Tuesday.

I will be occupied with a couple of SM conferences, so for the first 30-45 minutes or so, you will be under the watchful hands of your courageous SPL and ASPL.

We will then roll into some other Scout related activity/IPA.

See you all on Tuesday!


Boards of Review!

Ray Petree —  October 7, 2020 — Leave a comment
ᐈ Judge icons stock images, Royalty Free judge illustrations | download on  Depositphotos®
You will be judged!!!!
Just kidding, it’s not like that.


Last night was pretty successful, even if it was a bit chaotic! Several Scouts got through Scoutmaster Conferences and several others are ready to go for their SMCs! Super proud of the way you guys came together and got bunch of rank advancement requirements completed! I really enjoyed how the older Scouts took charge and used the EDGE method to teach the younger Scouts some skills.

Now I just need to get uploaded into Scoutbook what you guys completed last night (signed off by an adult)!

Here is a link to sign up for your Board of Review: Please sign up for the BOR for the rank you are seeking.

Boards of Review are a relaxed, but formal advancement process, ran by the Troop Committee. You will need to put your best foot forward and be ready for any questions they may have for you (mostly about Scouting and your thoughts on how you are progressing in the program). This being said, you will need to be in your Class A uniform and have your FILLED OUT SCOUT HANDBOOK with you! This way they can review all the stuff in it and award you credit where you have earned it!

Anyway, sign up, and get it done!


Yup, it seems to be just like that.


I know many of you want to do some awesome rank advancement stuff this week, right?!?!? So, this is what we will do: Rank Advancement.

Here is an agenda:
7:00: Opening/Admin stuff/Uniform inspection (Class A’s and Handbooks-please)
until 7:30: Scout led rank ADV – verification of skills/knowledge by Scout leaders
7:30-8:00: SM Conferences for those who need it and have passed through Scout leadership to verify skills (Patrol Leader, ASPL/SPL or another senior scout-Star or higher) Your handbook should have two sets of Scout initials in the left margin PRIOR to seeking verification from an adult leader. Scoutmasters can sign off on the right hand column, once satisfied with your skill/knowledge set. The emphasis here is on skills and knowledge, not necessarily the “list plants in your area” type requirements.
7:30-8:00: Patrol breakout and guidon (flag) development. No final plans, this will be a brainstorming session for ideas for the flag design.
8:00-8:25: IPA (Scout IPA, not an adult IPA)
8:25-8:30: Close

I know a few of you younger Scouts have expressed interest in having a SM conference rather quickly. If you are ready, it should take only a couple of minutes to get through these requirements with a fellow Scout Leader. Once done with that, report to a Scoutmaster and get that SMC knocked out.

We will have Scout Leaders in designated areas to “test” for specific rank requirements. This will be set up in a round robin type of set up. If you need Scout Rank requirements signed off, you will see the assigned Scout Leader for that (your PL). If you want to get TF, SC, or FC rank requirements signed off, there will be Scout Leaders assigned to those ranks as well (high three ranks). I will have the SPL designate Scouts for the TF, SC, and FC requirements. PLs will do the Scout Rank requirements (PLs, please be ready). If you test with your PL for Scout and get the first set of initials, go to the other PL and get a second set of initials, then to an adult. For TF, SC, or FC, see the assigned Scout for the first set of initials, then either the SPL or ASPL for the second set of initials. Then get to an adult for the final check off.

So, if you want to advance, please take this weekend and study up your knowledge and practice your skills. Every requirement in your Scout Handbook has all the answers somewhere in the front section of the book, in the color coded section for each requirement.

Get after it!

If you are a Scoutmaster, please show up to this meeting, we need your help (w/uniform). I know of at least three SM conferences (one being Geren-I will not do his SMC).



Service hours!

Ray Petree —  September 30, 2020 — Leave a comment
Yeah, when Scouting was uphill in the snow and heat of summer, to and from camp. We had to carry all that extra ammo and stuff.


I ran across this site that lists out service opportunities in local communities.

It is called Here is a link:

They also have an app for iOS and Android platforms, which means you can download and use it for free. You can either join and set up an account, or you can use it as a guest, which does not require signing up.

I’ve explored it a tad bit and they have all kinds of stuff listed on their site/in their app.

Here is the deal with this kind of Service: I just need whomever the person in charge is to validate your service with them via an email or letter and their contact information, and I will award credit where it is due.

Tenderfoot requires one hour of service
Second Class requires two hours of service
First Class required three hours of service
Star Requires six hours of service
Life requires six hours of service (three must be conservation related)

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge requires eight hours of service to a single organization.

Alright, offer completed!

Talk to you guys soon,



I plan on making the order for more troop shirts this afternoon, or tomorrow (since a few told me last night they were going to order today).

I just want to throw it out there that we need to have an order of 12 garments to place an order to get the pricing on the shirt order form (which we have right now).

If you miss this order, you will likely have to wait until there are enough orders to fill the next batch of 12.

Anyway, here is the order form again. If you want one, let me know quick so I can get this order placed and we can look good together, separate. Fill it out and text or email it to me. Please indicate if you are going to use Scout account funds or another means of paying. If you need your Scout account balance, please let me know, I will ask the Treasurer to send that info to you.

A quick note about last night: Thanks to you all for showing up and hving so much fun: I counted 15 Scouts and a few siblings. Super cool. Even a group of parents played a couple rounds. Next time, NINJA course!!

Talk to you soon,


Do not throw your clubs.

Troop, as voted on at our last meeting, we are going to the Mini-Golf place on N. Academy. Here is the link for the signup:

See you tomorrow night!
