Archives For Ray Petree


First of all, thanks for an awesome COH. Really well done by Mark and the Scout Leadership team.

Congratulations to those who earned rank advancements and merit badges. Well done by all of you.

And: Congratulations to those Scouts who were re-elected and elected into their positions:
SPL: Mark
ASPL: Evan
PL/QM: Austin
PL: Zander (new position)
Scribe: Jefferson

As a reminder, since I get a few questions and such tnight about how we do things such as rank advancement and merit badges.

Rank Adv:

Scouts need to show thier skills and demonstrate their knowledge to two senior Scouts (PL then ASPL/SPL) on separate occasions (can be same night, just separately) prior to coming to an adult leader for sign off in thier book. the Scout Leaders should sign on the left side margin next to the rank requirement.

The first Four Ranks (Scout-1st Class) can be worked on simultaneously, but must be completed/finalized/awarded in order). Scouts can get onesies and twosies signed off by Scout Leaders and Adult Leaders as they go along. There is no need to wait until all the initials are gathered for an entire rank before getting an Adult to sign off on a requirement. One or two rank requirements signed off a week is not out of the realm of possibilities, and should be sought after as a progressive way to advance.

Why do we do it this way: The Scout seeking advancement will have two opportunities to reinforce their knowledge/skills with their peers prior to presenting to an adult leader (which may be intimidating for some Scouts). The Scout Leader will have the opportunity to teach the younger Scout the skills using the Scouting EDGE method (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable). Once the Scout has two sets of initials next (left side) to the rank requirement, they can present to an Adult Leader for final sign off (right side).

Merit Badges: There are several steps to obtaining a merit badge, which must be completed in order.

1 Pick a subject (MB to complete)
2 Get permission from the Scoutmaster (signed blue card)-this officially starts your MB journey-Scoutbook will be updated with the date on the Blue Card)
3 Seek out an official BSA certified counselor and coordinate with them (counselor must be YPT and registered with BSA to be a counselor)
4 Either learn from the Counselor, or demonstrate your previous knowledge to the satisfaction of the counselor and get them to complete your Blue Card.
5 Turn in your Blue Card to the Scoutmaster and get awarded at the next COH.

Scoutbook: Parents can sign off on items in scoutbook attesting to items given as “homework” if the Counselor for that particular Merit Badge has authorized this action. If not, parents should not sign anything in Scoutbook because we as a troop track these items for Courts of Honor and such. As a MB Counselor, I often authorize this action since I can’t be there for every Scout to watch them do the stuff I am counseling for, since I pretty much only do “mass merit badges” for the entire troop and i often assign most of the badgework as homework so the Scout is required to do research and bring back the information they have discovered. More on that as we go along.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please let me know. Apologies for the long post.



Below are the results of the Knot Patrol Meeting. Something is wrong with the calendar on the website, but we are working to fix it.

Jun: 20-26 – Summer Camp @ Cris Dobbins
Jul: 16-18 – Crags to Pikes Peak 14er campout
Aug: 6-8 – Loop hike near Sedalia/Deckers
Sep: 10-12 – Dino Death March
Oct: 15-17 – Sand Dunes (Family style)
Nov: 6 – 22 Mile Bike Ride (need to start the cycling MB for those who want/need it)
Dec: 10-11 – Lock-in

As always, these are the best dates we came up with where there would be support to do what you as Scouts voted to do. If there are scheduling conflicts, we will workthem out and get out there Scouting!


About Boy Scouting's required positions of responsibility


There is a new “channel” on the discord server labeled COH Elections.

If you would like to run for a leadership position, please throw your name and what position you want to run for. All “Hard Leadership” positions (SPL, ASPL, and PL) require a candidate speech to be given. Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster positions do not require a speech, but are very important roles and require you to be active for most of our meetings and events.

Anyway, check it out.

Remember that next tuesday is the COH, we will set up starting at 5:30 at the Church. Dinner at 6pm. CLASS A UNIFORMS!!!! I am sure I am forgetting something!



Please RSVP at the link above for the Court of Honor next tuesday night, May 11. We will set up around 5:30pm, serve food at 6pm, then move to the Sanctuary for the presentation of the awards and all that.

Bird Dog BBQ is catering the event, so we need good numbers on who will be in attendance. Of course, siblings and folks like that are allowed and expected so they can see you get what you have earned. Basically, we need solid attendance so we get the right amount of food for everyone.

This is a CLASS A event, full dress uniform, all that good stuff.

Elections will be held as well. If you would like to run for a leadership position, please prepare a 2-3 minute speech to present on why you should be voted into that position.

Positions up for election: All of them! SPL, ASPL, PL (x2), Scribe, Historian, and Quartermaster is what we generally have in “office”. SPL/ASPL are limited to First Class Rank and above, PL and the others can be any rank.

Cabbage Games - Giant Bomb

Troop, you all decided to play ultimate cabbage at Oak Valley Ranch Park. Since this is a game night, we start a bit earlier than normal. We will meet up at 6pm and close out around 8pm. Mr. Petree is bringing the cabbage.

See you guys there! Here is the location/directions. It is right off of Silent Rain Dr.
From the Church, head north on Flying W Ranch Rd to the stoplight at Centennial. Turn left on Centennial and then turn left onto Silent Rain Dr, just a few hundred yards up. Follow Silent Rain until you see the park on the left.

See you there!


whitewater – SEE/zing!


Here is an opportunity to do some really fun white water rafting while we are at summer camp. We could also do this as part of a troop excursion this summer, if you all wanted to. We might be able to make that work.

The link below has all the info on it. Basically, in order to do it, we would need at least five Scouts to sign up. The cost is $75 (each) without transportation and $95 (each) for the River guys to drive the participants.

Rafting-Info-Sheet-and-Sign-Up-1.pdf (

We can discuss as we get closer to camp time.



Right now there are 15 Scouts signed up for Camp. I have 10 merit badge selections completed. There have been some adjustments to the offerings, like ATV is not on the list for a Merit Badge, but I beleive you can spend free time there (this also may change again), so be flexible.

I need (I apologise if I may have overlooked what you already gave me) the following Scouts to get me their lists: I need three Primary and three Alternate choices!!!!!!! Text, email, phone call, carrier pigeon, just get the choices to me!

John R.
WIlliam W.
Jefferson H.
Ethan M.
Noah H.

Here are the offerings as of right now for merit badges: I am not sure if the ones with a “/” are concurrent offerings or not. Like If you sign up for Energy, youll got Electricity at the same time. Not sure, we will find out!

  1. Energy/Electricity
  2. Chemistry/ Nuclear Science
  3. Astronomy/Space Exploration
  4. Emergency Preparedness
  5. First Aid
  6. Camping/Pioneering
  7. Search and Rescue/ Wilderness Survival/ Orienteering
  8. Mamal Study/ Fish and Wildlife Management/ Forestry
  9. Environmental Science
  10. Communications
  11. Photography/ Music
  12. Theater/ Public Speaking
  13. Indian Lore/ American Heritage/ Scouting Heritage
  14. Art/ Basketry
  15. Leatherwork
  16. Paul Bunyan Award/ Totin’ Chip/ Wood Carving
  17. Lifesaving
  18. Swimming
  19. Canoeing
  20. Kayaking
  21. Small Boat Sailing
  22. Archery
  23. Rifle
  24. Shotgun
  25. Cycling
  26. Climbing
  27. First Class/ Second Class/ Tenderfoot

If you want to attend camp with us, sign up here:

Also, we are just about a month and a half away from attendance, which means you and your parents need to work on getting to see your doctor to get a physical completed. Need to have one within a year of attendance to camp. Here is a link to the forms. Need to ensure the form for Summer Camp is filled out by the doctor.


Order of the Arrow (OA) Hat Pin - BSA CAC Scout Shop


This week, we will be visited by representatives from the Ha-Kin-Skay-A-Ki Lodge, Order of the Arrow.

They will present an invormational video and give us an idea of what the OA is all about. Then they will hold an election for eligible Scouts to be inducted into the OA. I will not go into the details, but we do need as many Scouts as possible at the meeting for the voting process.

To be eligible, a Scout must be a First Class Scout, and have 15 nights in the past two years camping. Up to five of those nights can be a “long term camp” like summer camp, but no more than five nights can be counted in that way. The other 10 must be two or three night (weekend) events.

More on that from the OA reps on Tuesday night.

Just a reminder to get your MB selections in either to me on Tuesday or email them to me if you have not already done so. The sooner we get them in, the better chance you will have getting the choices you want.

Lastly, for those of you who missed this campout this weekend, we all had a really fun time. We had some special concocted brownies using 18 year old cocoa powder and coffee creamer, and even conducted a rescue mission for a lost chair, which entailed repelling (sort of) down a ravine. Pictures and video to be presented at the COH next month.

Gotta decide on game Night for next week as well, since the OA elections are this week.

See you on Tuesday.



We are a “GO” for the campout this weekend. Here is the itenerary:

We will link up at the Palmer Lake Reservoir Trailhead parking lot and head out from there. (5pm Friday to 8am Sunday)

I would like to get an early start to this adventure, so I am asking that we link up at the parking lot no later than 5pm, with a step-off no later than 5:30pm. (let me know if this is an issue-a group text will be coming out later tonight to make sure all parents of Scouts are aware of the details).

We will hike until the sun gets a little low in the sky find a place to camp and bed down for Friday night. Saturday will be a hike and play/learn type deal up to then back from the crash site to a camping point close to our starting point.

Sunday will be a short hike out, since we have a schedulling crunch to get this thing done. Therefore, we are looking to EXFIL from the Start/Stop parking lot around 8-8:30am. So, pareants, please plan for that timeline. You could always get a coffee in Monument on your way up to grab your Scout.

The Trail is called “Ice Cave Trail” and in Alltrails, you can find it under “Harrison Plane Crash via Ice Cave Trail” (link below).

Parking lot is in the image above, labeled in green as “Palmer Lake Reservoir Trailhead” Google maps link below.

Here (below link) is the map we will be using, to include our route to and from the crash site. Our overnights will be somewhere along this route.

Here are directions to the Trailhead from the Church (copy and past the link into google maps):,+Colorado+Springs,+CO/Palmer+Lake,+CO/@39.0233278,-104.9293935,30874m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x871351eca14a0ee5:0x6960917c224dd986!2m2!1d-104.8677408!2d38.9269429!1m5!1m1!1s0x876caecf444acde9:0x735ec489ae80492d!2m2!1d-104.917204!2d39.1222138!3e0

If you have any questions, please let me know. If we need to cross load Scouts for transport, our current restrictions allow two households in a vehicle, so I think we can work some sort of transport deals. MASKS ARE STILL REQUIRED.

BSA Transport guidelines:
Ensure family transportation to/from outing location (no unit carpooling).
-Transport should be limited to the 10 person/two household limit shown under personal gathering size

Talk to you soon,


Troop (those attending summer camp 20-26 Jun 21),

Here is the latest information from Camp Cris Dobbins on MB selection. I have several MB lists from you guys, but I do not have them all. So, at the bottom of this post is a document we (as a troop) will use to select your merit badges for the duration of camp. The sooner you get me your picks, the better off you will be in getting what you want. You can download and fill out the form below and email it to me @ CCD has not posted the form yet (likely be posted to their site later today). The sooner the better!!!

Read below for the latest information on the CCD MB program.

Merit Badge Sign Up Process
To avoid the “doubleknot dash”, this year we will have troops complete a Microsoft Form for each scout.
You will be prompted to choose and rank 6 merit badges for each youth in priority order. Based on the
availability of each merit badge, we will create schedules starting with the first pick. If a youth does not
get the first couple merit badges on their list they will still have opportunities to work on them during
Troop Activity Time.

  1. Collect Merit Badge Preference List from each youth. Use this sample Planning Sheet – Click
  2. Go to the Merit Badge List Submission located on available
    April 21st. (not available at the time of this post).
  3. Complete the form for each youth attending camp. If changes are needed – please submit again
    & notice the Camp Director ASAP.
    Submissions will be accepted until the 11-Day Meeting.
    Schedules will be provided at Check-In or the Leader’s Meeting.
    Merit Badge Fees
    Some merit badges or activities require more resources than the camp is available to provide on a “free”
    basis. Some badges have an extra fee or require a kit to complete it. All fees and kits must be purchased
    at camp. Units have the option to make one “lump-sum” payment for these or Scouts can individually
    pay for them. This is up to the unit on how they want to handle fees.
    ❖ Rifle Ammo – $1 = 10 shots or $10 = 100 shots
    ❖ Shot Gun Ammo – $12 = 25 shots or $35 = 100 shots


Above is the signup for this weekend’s camping trip. I know many folks have stuff going on this month. No biggie. Our troop (loosely organized) policy states we need six Scouts to make a campout a go, plus two registered adults. Right now, we only have two Scouts signed up on the signup genius and one adult (me). We will be moving forward with the trip until Thursday evening around 7, when I will make the final determination on cancelling or not.

If you want to go, sign up at the link above, otherwise, we will just postpone this trip until next month.

Temps are supposed to be in the 60’s during the day and 30s overnight. Browse the Troop site for the packing list. Food is still on an individual basis due to covid (Pikes Peak BSA has not updated their stuff yet), but that list is also on the troop site.

Anyway, if you need a hammock, please state that on the sign up as well.

Talk to you soon,



There was an issue for the last couple of weeks where posts I was making were not being sent as emails. Please take a few minutes to visit the Troop website (link above) and review the posts you may have missed. I think the last post that went out was on 5 April. There is a lot of information to be had since then (camping this weekend, Merit Badges at Camp, and Committee Member requests).


Troop, I was notified there is an issue with the posts being published and the above link being broken. I am working the issue posting issue. The link above should be good to go now, but if it isn’t, let me know!



It has been quite a while since we have had a COH. Since February 2020 as a matter of fact. So, this next COH will cover 15 months of stuff. RSVP with all those attending (Family and whomever you want there) at the link above.

The COH will be held on May 11. Our start time for set up is 5:30pm, with a dinner time of 6pm. Then we will have a viewing of a Scout put together slide show for a couple minutes, then the award ceremony portion.

Food will be catered by Bird Dog BBQ and is open to all family members whom you would like to see you receive what you have earned.

More to follow on this subject as we get closer.


Parents needed!

Ray Petree —  April 19, 2021 — Leave a comment

Parents, we are still looking to fill some slots in the Committee and have some folks take over a couple of positions.

Here is a sign up Genius that lays a brief overview of each position:

If you have any direct questions, I can do my best to answer them, or you can go direct with the person in that position, or coordinate with Lisa (she knows a lot of stuff about the committee positions).


Funny Boy Scout Patches- No Name Patrol! (#463) | eBay
No Name Patrol is not an option!


It has been a couple of years since we created the current patrol names and stuff, and now the current Scout Leaders (as has been discussed) will be renaming the patrols, and possibly shifting members around.
This week’s meeting will be focused on the Patrol re-naming, but first, we will be finalizing the camping trip route and possible stopping points. We will likely hike out a couple miles, camp, continue the hike to the crash site and start our trek back Saturday night to a point close, but not too close to the end point to find a campsite. It is a pretty short and relaxing hike, so think we will have plenty of time to cover a lot of stuff, if desired (SM conferences, rank requirements, etc.)

Here is the sign up link for the camping this weekend (let me know if you need a hammock or other gear):

COVID Update: The State decided last week to allow counties to make decisions for COVID restrictions. As of right now, there have not been any changes, but that does not mean there wont be any between now and this weekend’s campout. I will check the council website (which your Scout leadership should do as well) on a daily basis to see if anything changes. I will also be in contact with council to see if there are any updates which have not been published.

Anyway, I will make another post after final decisions are made at this week’s meeting about the camping.


The crash hike stuff!

Ray Petree —  April 14, 2021 — Leave a comment


Here is the stuff you guys talked about last night. The route will be published next week as we get closer and the stops are decided upon at our next meeting. However, if you are interested, the route is available on AllTrails: Harrison Plane Crash.

Here is the meal plan: everyone will buy their own since we are still under Covid non-patrol eating rules.

Packing List:


  • Clothes bag (optional)
  • Base layer (long underwear, tight-fitting synthetic shirt)
  • Zip off pants (otional)
  • Pants (normally not jeans)
  • Shorts (normally not denim)
  • T-shirt (at least 3, class B works well
  • Socks (a lot, at least two pairs, non-wool socks work best, normally synthetic)
  • Underwear, moderate amount
  • Belt (optional, helps with hiking and holding backpack)
  • Trail shoes / Hiking boots
  • Sweater with hood
  • Ball cap / beanie
  • Down jacket / puffer jacket
  • Raincoat / poncho


  • Personal hammock (included for this trip, if not lending then hammock with tarp)
  • Sleeping bag (20* or less)
  • Sleeping pad
  • Camping / blowup / neck pillow
  • Backpacking backpack (basically required for backpacking)
  • Mini bear bag (holds any food or smellables)
  • Mess kit (plate, cup, bowl, couple spork-knives)
  • Jet-boil (troop will provide if necessary)
  • Nalgene bottles (at least two)
  • Water filter (troop will provide if necessary)
  • Hygiene kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, tp, trowel, creams, sunscreen, bugspray)
  • Sunglasses
  • First Aid Kit (follows BSA guidelines preferably)
  • Rope / paracord (a large length is good)
  • Navigation kit (compass, map, pen & paper)
  • Headlamp (very important, bring extra batteries)
  • Fire kit (matches, lint, lighter, waterproof matches)
  • Emergency kit (with most or all of the 10 essentials included)
  • Trail snacks (normally with a decent amount of calories)
  • Water bladder (normally with water filter)
  • Electrolytes (if possible)
  • Pocket knife / multi-tool
  • Whistle
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Scout book


The PLC asked me to post this information in preparation for tomorrow night’s Campout prep meeting. Links are at the bottom of this post.

Remember, you will be discussing your clothing and gear, as well as deciding on the menu for the weekend. Make sure if you are coming on the trip (NEXT WEEKEND 23-25 APR), you LET ME KNOW if you NEED a hammock. We are sleeping in individual tents/hammocks per covid rules. I have a few extras you can use. And sign up on the signup genius that I posted over the weekend.

Although the Scouts will create a meal plan as a troop, we are still in the “Yellow” status for meetings and all that, which means no “family style” eating or food preparation. If you need the rank requirement for advancement for planning and purchasing the meals, make sure you write all that stuff down, create the budget (we usually do $8-12/Scout/weekend campout), and then go shopping (stay on budget) and bring all that documentation to the next meeting so you can get credit for it.

Also, just a reminder for you in Leadership and those who want to be in Leadership positions, our website has a bunch of good information and links at your disposal under the “Scout Corner” tab at the top of the screen. Make sure you check it out. The resources there are for you as Scouts and as Scout Leaders. Remember that we (adult leaders) are there to help you along, not do all this for you. So, i encourage you to take a break from Youtube, Discord, or Minecraft and check out YOUR website!

See you guys tomorrow night.


Capt. Sidney Harrison Trail - Plane Crash Site - Walking Around - YouTube

Troop, we are shifting our schedule a bit to allow for more time for campout prep.

This week is campout prep, older Scouts will be conducting a layout of younger Scouts backpacking gear (so, if you plan on camping this month, bring your gear!). As always, we will be discussing what and how to wear the proper gear, what to bring to sleep in, and how to stay comfortable (warm or cool) on these hikes.

Also, the Scouts will be selecting the meal plan, which will require at least one Scout to purchase the food and bring it to the campout. Depending on how many attend the campout, we may have a second “camp cook”.

The link to the signup is below, so If you would like to attend this hammock style camping trip to a pretty cool historical site, go ahead and sign up! Below the sign up are a few details which will be explained further as we get closer to the campout.

Who: Troop 287
What: Hammock Camping
Where: Harrison Plane Crash/Ice Cave Trail-Palmer Lake, CO
When: 5pm (adjustable to accommodate), 23 April through 10:00 25 April.
How: By hiking! That’s how!

Our plan will be to meet up in Palmer Lake near the trail head (details coming later) no later than 5pm Friday, 23 April. We will step off no later than 5:15pm, and hike in until we find a good place to set up camp. On Saturday, we will continue our hike to the crash site, and stay the night near there, or on the way back. We will return to our starting point by Sunday morning at 10:00am. 

Additional details and finalization of those details will be made at our meeting on 13 April. This will include meal planning, route (already done through All Trails), hike leaders and all that stuff. Times are adjustable to accommodate adult schedules and stuff like that.

Let me know if you have any comments, concerns, or questions.


Tonight’s meeting!

Ray Petree —  April 6, 2021 — Leave a comment

Troop, just a quick reminder that this week’s meeting is the first meeting of the month and we will have a uniform inspection. Class A uniform with all the chest candy you’ve got!
