Archives For Ray Petree


This week is kind of an extra (5th meeting) in the month, since we pushed our MB night to the end of the month. Anyway, this week holds the Committee Meeting, which I will be in attendance beginning at 7:15 or so; hopefully, you Scouts will be able to work on what is listed below.

I know we have a couple of Boards of Review, which will likely take place at the end of the Committee Meeting tomorrow night, so if you need one, please stick around for that. I think AP and JH need one, not sure about others, since my memory is shot and I can’t recall. Anyway, if you need one, let me know as soon as you arrive and I can let Mrs. Durrenberger know (she is the one who sets them up).

If you need a SM conference (AP) I will be available at the church early (like 6:30 or so). MK, if you documented your fitness stuff, I think you will be ready for an SMC, then a BOR.

For the meeting itself, Scout skills. Yup, I would like to focus on First Aid skills (especially for the lower ranking Scouts) and then pioneering (knots and lashings). No need to construct a shelter, lets look at something first aid related: stretchers, seats, etc. Any Scout who is skilled in these requirements (Star and Life) can sign off in the individual Scout books as the FIRST Scout initials. I would like the SPL or ASPL to do the final sign off prior to adult leader signing (ANY ASM can sign off guys, not just me!!).

Anyway, if you have any pics for the COH next week, get them to Mr. Holpuch, or drop them in the folder (Dropbox) listed below. I think it will work. If not, email/text them to Mr. Holpuch.

See you tomorrow night!



I know in a previous post, the schedule did not have us having a game night until next week, but we had to shift a few things around due to availability and some adulting stuff.

So here is the deal: We will be heading over to Lost Island Mini Golf this Tuesday for our Game night. I will not be there since I have to be up in Boulder all day on Wednesday (just me-Geren will be there Tuesday), and will leave Tuesday afternoon as a result.

Tuesday night at 7pm: Meet out front of Office so we can all check in together.

Here is the website if you want to take a look.

The follow up merit badge session that we were going to have this coming week is getting moved to the 31st (again-availability and scheduling conflicts).

Thanks for being flexible guys!

As for the follow up to the merit badge, here is some info from Mrs. Winslow:

For everyone working on the Environmental Science Merit Badge with me: How are your ecocolumns looking?  Alex has quite a bean stalk growing and the snails are still happily wandering around in there (well I guess I can’t really be sure they’re happy, but I like to think they are).  If you checked out a booklet, please finish filling out your questions and return the booklet to the troop on Tuesday.  If you have not had a chance to check out a reading booklet yet there should be one available this week.  Alternatively you can download an electronic version from the scout shop for $5.  
If you missed the first meeting about this badge and would like to participate just let me know and I can walk you through what you missed.  I will be meeting with the troop on the 31st to go through the second half of the badge.  If this is a badge you are working on please try to be there and bring your “Wanted” posters to show us!
For requirement #4 in the workbook: you have an option of working on this now (before you get really busy with school), or later.  I will go over it more when we meet on the 31st, however the instructions are pretty clear so you’re welcome to do it on your own too.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions!

Jenine Winslow: 619-607-1647

The Hike was pretty cool this past weekend. We got a total of 15.8 miles (2.6 on each on Friday and Sunday, and 10.6 miles on Saturday) and gained 3698 feet in elevation. Which is good for the Hiking MB. Make sure you log the hikes in your books!!



We had to do a bit of a camp/hike location change from the Cheeseman Reservoir since you can’t camp near the reservoir itself. No worries, since we have AllTrails which helps us find some really cool places, like the Tarryall area.

Below you will find our planned route for this weekend, which you can download and print out, or load into your hand dandy GPS units/phones, etc. for use this weekend.

Here is the plan:

We will link up at the Barn at 5pm and head out from there after cross loading Scouts and equipment. It is a 90 minute drive according to the Google Maps. That will put us there around 6:30pm or so (given traffic) and allow us nearly 2 hours time to hike in and set up camp somewhere in the back country. We will use the Signup genius as a roster, which means if you want to go, please sign up so we know to track you (in case you are late).

We can do a couple of things this weekend. 1) the map above is a 14.2 mile lollypop loop if we want to do the whole thing. 2) We can hike in a couple miles, get a few miles in on Saturday and hike out a couple miles on Sunday. It is all up to the Scout Leadership that attends this weekend. Younger Scouts: there is a 5 mile hike requirement for TF i believe. Hiking MB has a 5, three 10 milers, and a 15 miler (to be done in order) and then a 20 miler.

We can park at/near the Spruce Grove Campground just a bit up Tarryall Road.

BSA guidelines still have us in single person tents/hammocks, etc. and packing individual meals. That is such a bummer since I miss those days when we had intra-patrol cook offs. We will get back into that soon enough.

So for meals, you will need something for Friday night, BLD on Saturday and B on Sunday. Plus snacks-of course.

So, pack your stuff for two nights, bring enough water (at least 2 Nalgene size bottles) like always. Map recon suggests there is water along the way, but we will pack enough just to be sure in case there isn’t much out there. Which means, we will likely refill where we can from streams or puddles, or something like that. And for al that is kind in the world, please pack deodorant.

If you want to bring a hammock, great! If you need a hammock, tent, stove, backpack, or any other gear, let me know and we will hook you up. The troop has hammocks, Jet boils, tents, etc. so there will be no one that needs anything. The weather looks to be supportive of sleeping under the stars without a tent, so you can do that too (my plan).

If you are planning on doing something for a merit badge, do your research (AW-this is for you and the Wild Surv badge) and be ready for it (10 essentials is a must on all of our trips!!)

Dress accordingly for the weather! This is what it looks to be this weekend up near Lake George, which is pretty much the closest data we can get.

See you all on Friday!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please give me a shout via call or text. My email doesnt get read as often as it should! 228-8O6-9O63.


Scouts and families,
Our August outdoor adventure opportunity will be next weekend, August 6th-8th. We will do a loop or out-and-back backpacking campout in the Cheesman Canyon area, near deckers.

Please sign up!

More details to follow at the Tuesday planning meeting including:
* Backpacking route
* Transportation
* Tents or Hammocks
* Meal plan
* Recommended gear, etc.


We made it back safe and sound from our month long road trip and we are eager to get back to Scouting!

This month brings us a new school year and some busy times, so we are going to get our camping done early.

This weekend (Aug 6-8) is our next scheduled campout. Which means we are planning this week (Aug 3) for that event. More to follow on that out and back hike near Cheeseman Reservoir this week.

Here is how this week’s meeting will work: Opening, uniform inspection, then campout planning. I’ve got a few SMC’s to knock out as well, so we will get into it and stay on task as much as we can.

Next week should be game night (pushing to the 17th), but we have the COH this month, but it isn’t until the 24th. This means we have a few more weeks to get rank and MB requirements completed before getting awarded!!

Next week (Aug 10) we can schedule the follow up to last months MB class, which really seemed awesome, I’m sad to have missed it.

The 17th we can get to our game night, which will be a good thing since many of you guys are starting school that week, and may need a stress relief session. Need some ideas of what you all want to do – Battlefield is closed during the week.

The 24th is our COH, which is usually an Ice Cream Social. Troop is buying all the supplies, we will need to know if there are any dietary concerns (nuts, dairy, etc.)

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of our Troop, so there may be a few more items to talk about during the program and all that. More on that later. (possibly pushed to the Nov COH as that one is more celebratory in nature (T-day and all).

Scribe: You’ve got a lot of work to do on the slideshow and program. The SPL usually runs with the program, so make sure you are coordinating with him on it. Lots of MBs and rank ADVs, plus OA inductions to be mentioned in the program and recognized at the ceremony.

If you all have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know.


Hi Scouts,

I am planning the Dart Wars game night you selected last week and they have an event, Humans vs Zombies Tuesday night that requires an RSVP. Please sign up and I will call in the head count Monday night, and will check the sign up again Tuesday morning.

The cost is $16.50 per person. You can bring cash or use your scout account. Siblings (10yr and over), Adults, and friends are welcome to join us. Wear your Class B troop shirt.

More info from Dart Wars:
Humans Vs. Zombies (HVZ) Night (July 27th) – RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Jul 27, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Dart Wars, 5850 Championship View, Colorado Springs, CO 80922, USA

Hi Scouts,

Tonight is merit badge night and we will have Mrs. Winslow teaching the Environmental Science badge. This is an eagle required badge and is not typically offered with in the troop. There will be hands on experiments and other cool science stuff tonight.

Note: Please try to catch a pill pug (i.e. rolly polly) and bring it to the meeting in a jar.

More on pill pugs:

The troop meeting tonight is the planning meeting for the backpacking trip this weekend. We already have several scouts and adults signed up. If you plan to attend, please sign up!

New scouts, bring your backpacking pack and gear for a gear check by the patrol leaders. The troop has a lot of gear that you can check out and borrow if you are missing something (i.e. backpacking packs, tent, hammock, jet boil, etc.)

Planning topics for tonight:
1. Transportation to from Crags, meet at trailhead or carpool.
2. Backpacking Gear Check – bring your backpack and gear!
3. Gear checkout from quartermaster (troop has backpacking packs, tents, hammocks, jet boils, etc.)
4. Tents or Hammocks? (Note: BSA is encouraging individual tents)
5. Gear List – Backpacking
6. Gear List – Pikes Peak Day Hike
7. Meal Plan (Note: BSA is encouraging individual cooking)
8. Hiking route and 14er tips.

Parents, here the current Pikes Peak Council Covid Guidelines. Things are mostly normal but I will ask you fill out a screening form before the activity and please stay home if you have covid symptoms.*MTYyNjIwNjAyMC43LjEuMTYyNjIwNjA3Ni4

Jason Holpuch

Hi scout families. Use the sign up below for the crags to pikes peak backpacking trip next weekend. Please indicate both scouts and parents that plan to participate. Tentative schedule below, we will finalize the details in the troop planning meeting on Tuesday 7/12.

Friday 7/16 – ~5pm Meet at Crags Trailhead (or carpool). Backpack a few miles to base camp location.

Saturday 7/17 – Morning day hike to pikes peak summit and back to base camp.

Sunday 7/18 – Backpack out Sunday morning to trail head.


A few things for tonight’s meeting:

  1. It is the first meeting of the month, which means Uniform Inspections! Class A with all the chest candy you can muster! Sashes, hats, neckerchiefs, you know, the works!
  2. Rank Advancement is scheduled for tonight! If you are ready to get some of your skills and knowledge checked off, make sure you have your book and are ready to go. If needed, do a quick review before showing up tonight.
  3. Reposting troop summer and fall schedule below, look for the pikes peak campout sign up later this week!

Jul: 16-18 – Crags to Pikes Peak 14er campout
Aug: 6-8 – Loop hike near Sedalia/Deckers
Sep: 10-12 – Dino Death March
Oct: 15-17 – Sand Dunes (Family Campout)
Nov: 6 – MTB 22 Mile Bike Ride (need to start the cycling MB for those who want/need it)
Dec: 10-11 – Lock-in

After Camp Games!

Ray Petree —  June 28, 2021 — Leave a comment


Since we just had our fun times at Summer Camp, we should blow off some steam with a Game Night. Bring your tanks full of energy and we will play a couple games of Ultimate (frisbee-Jefferson, can you bring that light up frisbee you’ve got) and maybe a bit of tug-o-war. Kids against Adults maybe. Like campers vs. Adult Leaders. I know where I will be placing my money!

See you tomorrow night. I have uploaded all the earned/completed Merit Badges from camp (except some of the Stem Lodge ones) and have uploaded all the partial Merit Badges (except Stem Lodge).

So, If you take a look at your Scoutbook Merit Badges, and don’t see something you think you should, please make a note of it and let me know. I will continue to work on the partial MBs and compiling a list of remaining requirements for each individual Scout. That might take a few days for me to get through though.

Anyway, talk to you all tomorrow night!


Summer camp time!

Ray Petree —  June 17, 2021 — Leave a comment


We are headed to Summer Camp this Sunday. Plan and info is as follows:

1015 Sunday Morning: Meet up at the barn, bring all of your stuff for camp. We will cross load gear and Scouts for travel.

Parents, I think we have enough seats for the 15 Scouts, but please be flexible and if you can drive, please grab a Scout or two and we can convoy out there together.

BIKES: Scouts must have a helmet in order to ride bikes at camp. No helmet=no riding. Might want to do a little maintenance prior to getting up there, I will have some basic tools, but nothing major.

Here are the forms I forgot to attach last time.

Info: These first two docs are super important!! I will have copies ready for signatures, but you can download, print and sign before Sunday and just hand them in. I need hard copies of these for when we check in at camp (for ALL Scouts at time of check in (1230).

See you on Sunday!! I am probably forgetting something, as always. Feel free to reach out and let me know if you have any questions (228-806-9063 /



Laid on for tonight is the final preparations for Camp. We will have parents signing paperwork, Scouts doing checks on equipment for camp next week and doing final checks and questions for the drive out there.

We have been assigned the Cripple Creek Campground, sort of near the shooting sports area and across from the pool (sort of). This camp assignment means we have a 1230 check in time, so backwards planning goes like this:

Check in time of 1230
Google Maps says it is a 59 minute drive (37.7 miles).
We have to leave from the barn no later than 1130 (plus a margin of 15% time adjustment, so 1120 is our time to roll out.
We have to cross load personal gear, Scouts, etc. So give us 45 minutes to an hour to do that. Which brings us to 1035 for that process to begin.
Well, if we say we should be meeting at the barn at 1015, there will be folks running a tad bit late and all that, which is a good margin for that kind of stuff to happen. before cross loading of gear and such happens.

1015 Sunday morning, meet at the barn. DRiving together is an option, howver, not required. I would like to keep as many of us together as possible (convoy) so we are all checked in at the same time and the Scoutmasters do not have to answer all the same questions on multiple occasions (which we will anyway).

Alright, lastly, make sure your CAMPDOCS stuff is squared awy in the system and we should be good to go!

Talk to you tonight,



I just spent the last hour or so (on Zoom) with the folks at Camp Cris Dobbins talking about our summer camp later this month. Here is the down and dirty on the info from the meeting:

  1. Every Youth must bring a signed copy of the last two pages of the linked document below. This is a COVID mitigation plan, and authorization to test for COVID. I will also have these printed out for signing on next week’s meeting and at Scout drop off for heading to camp. Scouts cannot attend camp without these forms signed.
  3. Masks are NOT REQUIRED when OUTSIDE and practicing social distancing of 6 feet or more. 95% of the activities are going to be outside.
  4. Bring 7-10 masks/face coverings/etc. for the week. Basically change masks when you change your underwear…wait, change masks everyday. disregard that underwear thing-i know how y’all roll.
  5. Since the programs are all outside and will have separation, it is recommended to bring a camp chair with you to each of your classes. Maybe a small hiking type chair is best, but you can make the call on what you want to carry around camp from class to class.
  6. Camp Docs should be all uploaded (access closes on 12 Jun).
  7. Merit Badge info is locked in, so if there is a desired change, we will have to deal with it at camp. We will have the schedules for the week in the next 48 hours or so.
  8. Merit Badge Fees (if any) will be compiled and paid at camp. If you owe fees, we can take it from your Scout account or get it paid prior to camp. In short-do not bring extra money to pay those fees.
  9. If you want to bring a bike to camp, you will have to sign an acknowledgement as to the biking rules of the camp. If you break any of the rules, you will not be allowed to continue using your bike. You will need to make sure we know about you bringing it ahead of time – like this coming meeting. We may not be able to accommodate a last minute barrage of bikes and get them all to camp if we are not prepared to transport them.
  10. Tents: Canvass tents are provided. No more than 2 Scouts allowed in each tent. You may bring your own tent to use, which is recommended by CDC, CCD, and all those other agencies that are pushing rules out about COVID. If you want to pitch your tent on one of the platforms that has a canvass tent on it, you can, we will just have to work that out when we get to camp.

I think that is all for now. If you have any questions ro comments, please let me know.


It’s Tuesday!

Ray Petree —  June 1, 2021 — Leave a comment


A couple things for tonight’s meeting:

  1. It is the first meeting of the month, which means Uniform Inspections! Class A with all the chest candy you can muster! Sashes, hats, neckerchiefs, you know, the works!
  2. Rank Advancement is scheduled for tonight! If you are ready to get some of your skills and knowledge checked off, make sure you have your book and are ready to go. If needed, do a quick review before showing up tonight.
  3. We had a great flag display yesterday! It went nice and smooth, except the flags were kind of wet due to the weather. So, we didn’t roll them all. Instead, we propped them up in the barn to dry. With all the Scouts tonight, we will spend a couple minutes rolling and stowing the flags; it should be pretty quick if everyone helps out.

Summer camp update. I got an email from Camp Cris Dobbins about uploading my own and my Scout’s medical forms. Parents: You likely got the same email. This means we will not do a “Troop upload” of medical documents and each individual Scout/Family is responsible for uploading their own medical documents. Well great! If you have any issues, let me know and we will figure it out.

That’s pretty much it.

See you tonight!



Please send your medical forms to me via email, or you can give me a hard copy and I will scan them and give them back to you. I will then upload them to a secured folder so Shari Hughes (our outdoor coordinator) can upload them to Camp Cris Dobbins’ website.

This is a new process for us, since we have always had a hard copy of these documents in hand when we have gone to camp, so bear with us as we learn this too!

If you have any concerns about this process, please let me know and we will figure something out.



Here is the sign up for Flags. REMEMBER–Full Dress Uniform for flags -Class A, pants with belt loops – no athletic shorts (gotta look as professional as possible! Sash is optional since we will be climbing in and out of vehicles and all that – we don’t want it in the way.

It looks like we have the right number of Scouts and the right number of Drivers, but if you want to still help out on Monday, we could use a couple of Navigators to ride along with the Drivers and Scouts already signed up.

Also, the link above has the rest of the flag dates on there as well. If you can, throw your name in there and helpa troop out with showing freedom!

See you on Monday with donuts for all and coffee for adults.



Last week’s plan to reorganize the Patrols was pushed to this week due to our awesome FLAG SEASON (see below). The Scout leadership will conduct this process of reorganization under the watchful eye of the adults. The goal here is to have an even distribution of ranks and ages between the patrols. Ultimate veto power is held by adult leadership. New Patrol Names, Calls, Guidons, symbols, etc., will all be worked on tomorrow night.

Flags: there are five holidays we as a troop post flags. Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Veteran’s Day.

The Colorado Springs Rotary Club takes and manages the subscriptions for those who PAY ($75/2 years) for the honor of posting a flag in their yard each of these holidays. Yes, we have a duty to the subscribers who pay to have the flags posted. Remember that Scouting responsibility thing?

This means, we can’t just “not” do flags. We are the responsible party for posting these ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL SYMBOLS OF FREEDOM! We dress up, get fueled up on coffee and donuts, then post FREEDOM all around Mountain Shadows (and one ‘hood on the mesa). Then in the evening, we take them down, roll them up and store them for the next holiday. Remember: we salute the flag each time is it posted, and just prior to recovering it.

Here is the skinny on the flags. Basically, each flag costs the subscriber $7.50 to post and take down. The Rotary Club pays for new flags, and maintenance on them, so we don’t have to cover that. The $7.50 is divided three ways equally (Rotary Club, The Troop Operating Fund, and the Scout who posts the flag.

This means, of the eight slots for Scouts to sign up, all the flags are added up and divided amongst the eight Scouts. On average, it is around $60-65 per holiday the Scout can earn for about three total hours of work (once they get the route down and into the groove- this may take a couple of days on flags).

The money the Scout earns can be used for ANYTHING SCOUT RELATED!!! Annual Dues, Summer Camp registration fees, tuition to Scout related classes put on by Council (ours or another), equipment (as long as the item can be tagged against a rank or merit badge requirement), camping gear, etc. Basically, if you can think of a way to use that money for a Scouting item, then I think we can make it happen-just bring a receipt for reimbursement with an explanation…its all on the form! We had a Scout purchase a GoPro Hero 7 i think it was to aid in the Photography or Movie Making merit badge.

Parents, we also need your help and input. I know several of you are stepping up and working it–thank you very much! We need more involvement. Over the life of this program has made the troop nearly nearly $84,000; 50% of which has gone directly toward the Scouts who have participated. Help a Troop out! Get involved. I mean, where else can you help your kid earn $20 an hour, right?!?!

This is the only “Troop” centric fund raiser we do. Popcorn, Camp Cards, and Pizza Pals are all an individual effort. The proceeds the troop keeps pays for all the food we get to enjoy at our Courts of Honor, funds our Scholarship program, purchases new and maintains old equipment, buys fuel for our stoves, fuels our volunteer’s vehicles for those long road trips we have not taken in a couple years, trailer registration fees, etc. Troop dues pays for badges, and some other upkeep stuff as well as off-setting weekend camping trip stuffs.

Anyway, if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a shout. I am always here for you guys, except in July-I will not be here for you.

We usually link up at the barn at 6am, load flags, then roll out. Generally each route is done by 8-8:30. Then the evening pickup starts at 5pm, and gets done around 7 give or take. As the boys, Drivers, and Navigators learn the routes, they get faster, and some friendly competition breaks out via text messages from route to route. It is all in good fun and lending assistance to those on other routes is always offered (especially when there is a foot of snow during pickup that wasn’t there in the morning when we put flags out).

Sorry for the long post!


Wilson United Methodist Church – We welcome you with open arms


This post is just a reminder that we are guests in Wilson Church. We are authorized to use only a portion of the church which includes the main lobby, kitchen (on occasion), and sanctuary. We are NOT allowed to use the classrooms, or be in the classrooms AT ALL (due to Covid related issues).

We are also required to put the furniture back in the same configuration as we found it (think leave no trace) as well as clean and sanitize the areas we use as best we can (sanitizer on hard surfaces, etc.).

Please be mindful of the church and their wishes as we use their facilities and make sure we are doing the right thing each time we use the building.

We will also continue to conduct our final evening checks (cleaning and security) after our clean-up at the end of each meeting.


Back to the Barn!

Ray Petree —  May 17, 2021 — Leave a comment
4 Steps to Safely Building a Campfire


Tis the season to return to the barn! I know the weather is not really that welcoming for us to be outside; however, we like fire and outside stuff. So, we are going to meet tomorrow at the barn. First one there gets to prep the fire!

Also, Be Prepared! The weather may have a touch of rain for us, so make sure you are ready for that. We will focus tomorrow’s meeting on preparing for the upcoming Flags season. Our first Flags date is Memorial Day, just about two weeks from now. Basically, just making sure the flags we have are serviceable and ready to go without being torn or falling off of the pole. We will also go over the proper procedure of posting and recovering the flags.

There are still available slots for all the dates for the season (a total of five), so make sure you get in where you can! Scouts earn about $60/ flag day toward their Scouting account. Sign up below.

Class B for tomorrow night! Bring a flashlight and your Scoutbook as well. We may be able to get to some other Scouting activities/learning.
