Archives For Ray Petree

Dunes Campers,

Ray Petree —  October 14, 2021 — Leave a comment
Tatooine - Works in Progress - Blender Artists Community

We’re excited to join you at the Dunes this weekend! Here are some final planning details. If you have any questions, please let me know:

– Transportation is on-your-own. We will NOT meet at the church and caravan down.  The Andersons plan to leave as early as possible after school on Friday (430ish?). It’s about a 3-hour drive, but you might want to pick up dinner on the way. If anyone needs help with transportation, let us know.  

– It is a National Park, so there is an entrance fee if you don’t have a pass. I have paid for the camping, but that doesn’t include park entry. 

– We are staying in Pinon Flats Campground, in the National Park. We have 3 sites reserved, all in “Loop 2,” Sites 45, 71, and 88. If you get there first, just occupy one of those sites. We called ahead and confirmed this procedure (there shouldn’t be any check-in required). Technically, each site is limited to 8 people and 2 cars, but they may not strictly enforce that. Sites 45 and 88 are intended for tents only. Site 71 is suitable for an RV. If you’re bringing an RV, please let us know so we can hold that site for you. Pets are allowed but must be leashed.

– Food is not provided by the troop. Families should plan/make their own meals. If you need help with equipment, let us know. The scouts planned a desert competition for Saturday night.  

– It is expected to be “crisp” fall weather. Overnight lows in the 20s and highs in the 50s, and it can be windy (that’s how the dunes got there!) so pack appropriately and definitely bring a windbreaker.  Please bring firewood if you have some. We will not be able to collect firewood, as it’s a National Park. I don’t know if they sell it there. 

– The main activities Saturday will be working on Scout Skills/rank advancement, Family Life Merit Badge, and hiking/sledding in the Dunes. Bring your snow sleds — plastic-bottomed sleds work the best. 

– If I forgot to mention anything, please reach out. I am most-easily reached by text at: 801 791 7854. E-mail is:

See you Friday!

Take care,


2022 Calendar dates!

Ray Petree —  October 13, 2021 — Leave a comment

Troop, last month the Scouts planned their 2022 desires and the adults sat down and had a Knot Patrol meeting to throw all the Scout’s desires on the calendar where it could be best supported by the Adult Leaderhip team. Below are the results.

January 21-23, Ski Day (Monarch, opportunity to Stay in B&B in Salida-optional)
February 25-27, Winter Camp (Snow Sports) Old Monarch Pass
March 11-13, Penitente Canyon Hike
April 8-10, Lost Creek Wilderness Hike
May 13-15, MTB Campout (Dillon-Breck)
June 10-12 Music Pass Camp
June 8-20 Philmont (select Scouts)
July 10-16 Summer Camp at San Isabel Scout Ranch
August 26-28 Squirrel Creek loop/Bishop’s Castle
September 16-18 11 Mile Canyon campout
October 14-16 Dino Death March at Picketwire Canyon
November 4-6 Camp/day hike/bike
December 9-10 Lock-in

I will get these publilshed on the troop calendar in the next day or so.


Camping In The Dunes of Great Sand Dunes National Park - Traveling Tacos


Tomorrow night’s meeting will focus on campout prep for this coming weekend’s Sand Dunes Family Campout. Make sure you sign up at the link below if you and your family plan on attending. This will allow for the purchase and preparation of food and all that. We generally will have a patrol level dessert cook off.

See you tomorrow night!


family life merit badge - Berel

Scouts and Parents, Mr Anderson will be offering a Family Life Merit Badge workshop during the Dunes family campout. This badge is required for Eagle, and since scouts and parents will be there, it will be very easy to knock out a large chunk of the requirements in one weekend. Mr Anderson will bring worksheets to facilitate the required activities. It would really help if we had additional merit badge pamphlets (he has one that he can share). If you have a copy of the book, can we borrow it? 

If you would like to buy one ($5):

The hard-copy workbook (preferred)  can be purchased at the local Scout Shop, or online here:

The eBook can be purchased here:

Happy October, Scouts! It’s the first week of the month and that means class A uniforms! And inspection. So, break out the sashes and Sta-Flo to press your shirts! Also, this is the rank adv week, so if you need some of those requirements sign off, ensure you get with your PL first, then go to your SPL/ASPL for the second signature before heading to an adult leader for the last sign-off. If we are busy, any Star ranked Scout or higher can sign off for the requirements.

Also, here is a link for those of you who are doing the Enviro Sci MB with Mrs Winslow. This is for the portion that has beekeeping stuff. This is a short click to bang (scheduled for the 6th-Wednesday). All the details are in the signup genius, and if you have questions, Mrs Winslow or Mrs Anderson (who set this up) can answer them.

see you all tomorrow night!


T287 Family members crossing Medano Creek in April 2019.


Here is the signup for the Sand Dunes campout. We will be camping in a different camping area than we did last time, since the Pinion Flats Campground is booked solid. We will figure it all out as we get closer to the campout and have a solid headcount. We may have to send someone out early to secure some spots (why we need an accurate number of folks attending).

Anyway, since we always bring Family to the Sand Dunes, no reason to change that now! Make sure when you RSVP include yourself and all Family members who plan on attending.

More information to follow in the next couple of weeks, I wanted to push the sign up out quick so have time to plan for it.


Tuesday MB: Orienteering!

Ray Petree —  September 27, 2021 — Leave a comment
Orienteering Merit Badge: "Guys, I don't care about using the map, let's  just walk there." - That Exam | Meme Generator


I know this month was a little whacky with scheduling, but we can get back into the swing with a bit of MB work. If you already have the Orienteering MB, let me know and you can assist in teaching. We will go over the basics this week (that fun admin stuff) and discuss how we are going to move forward to completion of the badgework.

Anyway, Class B’s this week. Make sure you bring your handbooks so you can get a few things signed! Because I know you’ve likely done them!

See you tomorrow!


Here is a read-ahead for the requirements of the badge if you have the desire to get ahead of the game:

Requirements for the Orienteering merit badge:

  1. Show that you know first aid for the types of injuries that could occur while orienteering, including cuts, scratches, blisters, snakebite, insect stings, tick bites, heat and cold reactions (sunburn, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia), and dehydration. Explain to your counselor why you should be able to identify poisonous plants and poisonous animals that are found in your area.
  2. Explain what orienteering is.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Explain how a compass works. Describe the features of an orienteering compass.
    2. In the field, show how to take a compass bearing and follow it.
  4. Do the following:
    1. Explain how a topographic map shows terrain features. Point out and name five terrain features on a map and in the field.
    2. Point out and name 10 symbols on a topographic map.
    3. Explain the meaning of declination. Tell why you must consider declination when using map and compass together.
    4. Show a topographic map with magnetic north-south lines.
    5. Show how to measure distances on a map using an orienteering compass.
    6. Show how to orient a map using a compass.
  5. Set up a 100-meter pace course. Determine your walking and running pace for 100 meters. Tell why it is important to pace-count.
  6. Do the following:
    1. Identify 20 international control description symbols. Tell the meaning of each symbol.
    2. Show a control description sheet and explain the information provided.
    3. Explain the following terms and tell when you would use them: attack point, collecting feature, catching feature, aiming off, contouring, reading ahead, handrail, relocation, rough versus fine orienteering.
  7. Do the following:
    1. Take part in three orienteering events. One of these must be a cross-country course.*
    2. After each event, write a report with (1) a copy of the master map and control description sheet , (2) a copy of the route you took on the course, (3) a discussion of how you could improve your time between control points, and (4) a list of your major weaknesses on this course . Describe what you could do to improve.
  8. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Set up a cross-country course that is at least 2,000 meters long with at least five control markers. Prepare the master map and control description sheet.
    2. Set up a score orienteering course with at least 12 control points and a time limit of at least 60 minutes. Set point values for each control. Prepare the master map and control description sheet.
  9. Act as an official during an orienteering event. This may be during the running of the course you set up for requirement 8.
  10. Teach orienteering techniques to your patrol, troop or crew.

Game Night: NINJA GYM!

Ray Petree —  September 16, 2021 — Leave a comment
15 Best Ninja Movies Ever Made | ScreenRant


Next Tuesday is the long awaited game night. We will meet up at the Altitude Ninja Gym. Please RSVP so we can track how many Scouts are coming. Family members are welcome as well, just make sure they are counted in your RSVP. On the gym’s website, you can pre-fill out a waiver or just do it when you arrive (link is below).

Cost is $15/person.


750 Garden of the Gods Road
Suite 125, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907

I think it would be cool if everyone dressed up as their favorite Ninja!

LEGO® NINJAGO® La Película: Video Game

See you Tuesday! Dont forget to sign up for flags on Veterans Day! Also, we will be (hopefully) walking with the local branch of the Special Forces association in the parade, along some of our Country’s bravest Warriors.

More on that stuff later!



I forgot to remind you guys that this week is uniform inspection since last week was campout prep. My apologies for the late reminder, it slipped my mind when I was making yesterday’s post.

Anyway, look good tonight!


Tomorrow night switch up.

Ray Petree —  September 13, 2021 — Leave a comment


It is getting too dark during our scheduled meeting time to conduct games and stuff outside, and we didn’t have a plan for an alternate location for this week’s game night. Therefore, we will be having our regular meeting tomorrow night at the barn to discuss next year’s annual plan of Scouting.

This will include a brainstorming session for:

Merit Badges: what do you want to do within the troop as far as merit badges

Camping trips: what type of trips do you want to do? loop hikes, wilderness survival (minimalist type of camping), 14ers, through hikes, Family camps, etc.

Activities: game night wish list (big ticket items like Battlefield, Axe Throwing, Overdrive, or any other event that would require a reservation)

The BIG ONE: Where we are going to Sumer camp!

Make sure you bring all your ideas, nothing is really off the table, but will be limited to what we as adults can support (no Alaska trips and stuff like that).

We will also discuss our 2022 Philmont Trip, which is scheduled for 8-20 Jun 22. We may need to schedule Summer Camp around that timeframe for those who would like to attend both.

See you tomorrow night.



Ray Petree —  September 9, 2021 — Leave a comment


Below are a few events to look out for:

Scout night at the AFA: Let the rest of the troop know if you plan on attending and camping at the AFA game, we can have a fun time tailgating prior to the game and all that! I know my family is planning to attend, and we are dragging our trailer up there too.

Purchase tickets here:

A few other MB opportunities. Check out the Council calendar for additional details. If you are interested in these, let me know and I will get you a Blue Card for them.





DDM update:

Ray Petree —  September 8, 2021 — Leave a comment


Currently we have five Scouts signed up to go on the DDM this weekend. According to our Troop’s historical practices, we need at a minimum of six Scouts to conduct an event. Therefore we are going to postpone (as a Scout sanctioned activity) this weekend’s campout. This postponement of course does not change the fact that camping can proceed, it just won’t be a Scout camp. Since this was planned as a Family oriented camp, please feel free to go forth and camp out down there, or wherever you feel like.

There have been other concerns raised as well, like the weather down there (102-104 degrees) during the day and hiking in those temps is certainly a concern for safety. So if you go, take extra water.

Anyway, I would like to reschedule this trip to maybe next weekend, or possibly even November (when it will not be so dang hot!). Anyway, we can discuss at next week’s meeting (which will proceed as a scheduled game night-SPL: what are we doing for game night?).

If anyone would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.


In case you are interested in going down there, here is the data we were going to use for our campsite and hike:

Campsite location was at/near the Withers Canyon Trailhead.

The Hike was to follow the Withers Canyon Trail down to the Purgatory River and then south along the river to the Dino Tracks, there is an old Mission with a graveyard down there as well we were going to check out.

Google Map to destination (or type Withers Canyon Trailhead into Google maps as a destination):,+Colorado+Springs,+CO+80919/Withers+Canyon+Trailhead,+La+Junta,+CO+81050/@38.2902276,-104.7816551,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x871351eca14a0ee5:0x6960917c224dd986!2m2!1d-104.8677408!2d38.9269429!1m5!1m1!1s0x8711e2f46bc01901:0xbaa0a8bc5818af48!2m2!1d-103.571494!2d37.6596848

Alternative date for DDM?

Ray Petree —  September 7, 2021 — Leave a comment

If there isn’t enough support for the trip this weekend, we could postpone it to next weekend (Sept 17th). Just a thought to throw out there. I’m open to the discussion.


Troop, as of right now there are only four scouts signed up for the campout this weekend. We need at least six for an event to take place. I’ll put a deadline of tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 7pm for any additional sign ups. (Use the previously published signup genius link) If we don’t get the numbers by then, we will cancel the campout. This will eliminate last minute scrambling to get stuff purchased for the right amount of attendees and stuff.



This past week, Mr. Anderson has added his skill set to the roster of Merit Badge Counselors!

These additional badges are a welcome addition to what we have and include a few Eagle Required (ER) badges we were missing in our kit for the past year or so.

Here is Mr. Anderson’s list, some of which will be incorporated into next year’s plan:

Citizenship in the Nation (ER)
Citizenship in the World (ER)
Cycling (ER)
Family Life (ER)
Hiking (ER)
Personal Fitness (ER)

If you are interested in any of these badges, please coordinate with Mr. Anderson directly. Of course, you will need a Blue Card from me prior to starting.

Also, we need a couple more Scouts and Navigators for Flags this coming Labor Day (Monday), so please sign up!

There will be donuts!


Merit Badges available:

Ray Petree —  September 1, 2021 — Leave a comment


Over the summer, the Pikes Peak Council did some shifting of their data on some systems and such. In addition, on 1 August, the Pikes Peak Council merged with the Rocky Mountain Council (in Pueblo) to become the Rock Mountain-Pikes Peak Council. They are still working on what to call it, but for now, it is the Rocky Mountain-Pikes Peak Council (creative, I know).

Anyway, log story long, nearly all of our troop based MB counselors were deleted from the system. Mrs. Winslow and Mrs. Hughes were the only surviving registered MB counselors for our troop. I was able to put my application back in to get a few selections done for you guys.

Here is what we have available as far as MB Counselors in the troop:

Mrs. Winslow:
Environmental Science

Mrs. Hughes:

Mr McGuire:
Automotive Maintenance
Emergency Preparation
First Aid
Home Repairs
Personal Fitness
Public Speaking
Wilderness Survival

There are a few other adult leaders who will be dropping some applications to be counselors, so if you Scouts want something in particular to be offered within the troop, please let us know! We can work it out and get someone qualified.

Also, if you are a parent who has a certain skill set that can be applied to MB offerings, please consider volunteering to be a MB Counselor, it is free, and you get to teach a valuable skill to a bunch of Scouts! Just need an adult leader application, BSA YPT completed, and the background verification document for Colorado. I can give you these or you can download them from the Council website.

Next Week is Campout prep for Dino Death March. Bring ideas for a patrol dessert cook-off.


Dino Scout, Me, Pen and Marker, 2019: Art


Here is the sign up for the Dino Death March. It really isn’t that bad from what I hear (I’ve not actually been down there).

This is a FAMILY CAMP for the troop, so everyone is invited. Next week 3 Sep will be the planning for this trip.

I would like to see some inter-patrol competition on this trip as far as meals go. I know it has been a while since we have done that, but since we are going to be out in the middle of nowhere, lets bring it back.

Alright, also, make sure you sign up for Flags this coming Monday! When I checked last night, there were only a couple Scouts signed up. You’ll get $60-65 in your Scout account for doing it. Plus, I bring donuts.

Talk to you tonight!



If you have visited the website in the past few days, you will have noticed a couple of changes.

  1. The troop calendar is back up and running. There is a link in the top banner for it, so check it out and you can plan accordingly! Also, on the right side, the next three troop events (from the calendar) are posted. So, a quick look there will give you an idea of what is coming up.
  2. The troop photos are back up and running. Since they were off-line for quite a while, there aren’t too many “recent” photos in there. I will work on posting the ones I have so you can have access to them.

Merit Badge night! Mrs. Winslow is continuing the Environmental Science badge this week. If you already have it, we will work on other Scout related items. If you are working with Mrs. Winslow, make sure you are prepared for the session with your worksheet and/or whatever has been assigned.

LABOR DAY FLAGS is just about upon us! If you have not signed up, please do so and make sure you get to bank a little cash for your Scouting activities!

Talk to you all on Tuesday!


Hello Boy Scouts! 

I am looking forward to continuing the Environmental Science badge with you this coming Tuesday (8/31).  I know this badge is very “school-y” but it is eagle required and I think you’ll be much happier if you do it as a group than on your own!  Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions!

·         If you were at the first meeting please try to have the booklet filled out (pages 1-4) and bring your completed “Help Wanted” poster.  If you have completed step 4 (choose an outdoor study area) great, but if not we can talk more about it on Tuesday.

·         If you missed the first meeting but would like to complete this badge with us please email me right away.  I can tell you how to complete the experiment we did together (page 8) and get you all caught up.

If you need a reading booklet please let me know.  I have 2 that I can arrange to get to you or you can download a digital version from the scout store for $5.

I’m here for questions!

Jenine Winslow


Merit Badge Workbook:

Court of Honor Time!

Ray Petree —  August 22, 2021 — Leave a comment


This week we have our COH. It is an Ice Cream Social. The programs will be handed out at the beginning of the awards ceremony as guests pile into the sanctuary.

Here is the timeline:

5:30pm: set up begins. We will be serving and eating the ice cream outside the main sanctuary doors. So, we will need a couple of tables to be set up to serve from and a bunch of chairs for everyone to sit on in that area.

6pm: Serving and eating of Ice Cream, followed up by cleanup and stowing all the tables and chairs. This will not be self serve. We will have designated people to serve the ice cream and toppings. All that COVID safe fun stuff.

7pm: Begin Awards Ceremony and the slide show.

8pm: cleanup and go home!

Younger Scouts: Be prepared to be part of the Flag team this week. The ASPL/SPL will make sure you get that requirement, if you don’t already have it. There is no excuse of “I don’t want to” or “I already have that one.” It is an honor to be part of the flag team/color guard/etc.

Uniform is Class A Field Uniform with your sash (if you have one), Order of the Arrow guys should bring both sashes, in case you want to wear it.

See you Tuesday!
