Renee posted another update to the flags signup, lets have a bunch of folks earn some cash for their Scout accounts! It is about $60-65 each time a Scout does flags. That money can be used for anything Scouting related, tuition to camp, annual dues, equipment, etc. You name it and can attribute it to a Scouting requirement, then that money can be used for it.
Summer camp is slotted for Jul 10-16 at San Isabelle Scout Ranch. Cost is $300/Scout until 1 Feb, then it increases to $335. Chris Gilkes and I are planning on attending again this year as adult leaders (more are welcome to join us). Please sign up on the sign up genius so we can get that reservation made and the ball rolling on financing.
Next and VERY important: We are very fast approaching our recharter. This is where we re-register everyone in the troop whether a Scout, Adult Leader, or Committee Member. This being said, there are a couple of committee members who have been in their positions for quite some time and it is time for them to be relieved of their duties.
Lisa Durrenberger has been our Committee Chair for the past five+ years. She has done an outstanding job at holding our troop and committee together and keeping the Scoutmasters in line.
Well, Lisa has DRAWN THE LINE. She has made the decision (a tough one) to not renew herself in the Committee Chair Position, which means we will be out of luck during recharter if someone doesn’t step up and take those reins.
In order to have a troop, there are three KEY PERSONNEL required. If any one of those three are absent in the position, we will not have a troop. Those key three are the Committee Chair (Lisa until Dec 31), the Scoutmaster (me for now), and the Charter Organization Representative (which has recently been filled by Janelle Anderson-THANK YOU!!)
The other position that comes to mind is a direct circle back to the opening line of this post. The Flags coordinator position. Renee has been doing this job for the past 3+ seasons and had done a great job! We are looking for someone to step into her role as the Flags coordinator and as the overall Fund Raising Chairperson. Basically, that means Popcorn (which is an individual effort), Camp Cards (individual) and any other fund raising opportunities we may need (possibly for our high adventure Scouts-Philmont, Sea Base, Northern Tier, which cost over $1k plus travel expenses). It isn’t a tough gig, but all the coordinating scares folks away – especially if you did popcorn in Cub Scouts-It is way different here in our troop.
Anyway, enough rambling for now. If you are interested in eith the Committee Chair position or the Fund Raiser Chair, please send me a note and we can discuss it.
Lastly, RSVP for the COH on 16 Nov. It is our 30th anniversary!
Talk to you soon,
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