Archives For Ray Petree

Snowshoe Gear List

Ray Petree —  February 21, 2022 — Leave a comment


In preparation for the snowshoe campout, we will be discussing winter weather camping gear, first aid, and going over final preparations tomorrow night. If you are going on the campout, please make sure you bring your gear to go over. If you are missing anything it will be identified then, so you can get it packed and have a much more enjoyable trip.

If you don’t have snowshoes, Please let your SPL and SM know and we will see if we can get you a set of loaners. If not, you may need to source your own.

Now here is the gear list…..

Personal Gear

  • Backpack
  • 0*F Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Day Pack
  • Mess Kit ( Cup, Bowl/Plate, Utensels)
  • Hygiene Kit
  • First Aid Kit
  • Fire Starting Kit
  • Navigation Kit
  • Water Bottles
  • Knife
  • Flashlight/ Headlamp
  • Clothing
  • Snow Shoes
  • Trekking Poles


  • Sleeping Bag Bivy
  • Sleeping Bag Liner
  • Sled
  • Snow Shovel

When it comes to clothing, remember layers and only synthetic fabrics and wool.


  • Base Layer (moisture wicking top and bottom underwear)
  • Mid Layer (Top and Bottom Synthetic insulating layer)
  • Shell (Waterproof/Wind Proof outer protective layer)
  • Warm Hat/Beanie
  • Face Gator/Scarf
  • Gloves/Mittens

Camping and cooking will be done by patrols. You guys should already have your meal plans figured out. We will load up troop tents and patrol boxes so we don’t have to do that Friday.

If you have not signed up and are planning on going, do so immediately or your patrol may not have you accounted for in the food shoping list. Adults… as normal we are on our own.

Brrrrrrrr. Cannot wait!!!!!

Mr. Petree

February Snowshoe Campout

Ray Petree —  February 14, 2022 — Leave a comment


Troop 287 Snowshoe Adventure January 2020


The signup is out for the February Snowshoe Campout (Sorry it’s a bit late, but Signup Genius issues… am I right?!?!?)

The intent is to camp and snowshoe in the Alma/Hoosier Pass area. (If they have enough snow… I’ve been monitoring it closely) Plan B will be Old Moniarch Pass. We will meet up at the church at 5:00 pm Friday evening and head out after we have the patrol gear loaded up.

Once we arrive we will set up camp and get a roasty toasty fire going and enjoy the evening. Saturday we will strap on our snowshoes and do some exploring. Sunday we plan to be back to the church around noon so you can impress your families with the stories of your adventures and that camping odor.

Please signup so we can make the proper arrangements and make sure everyone has a ride.

If you plan on attending this outing make sure you bring all your personal gear to the meeting on 2/22/2022. We need to make sure we all have the proper gear. 0*F sleeping bags are a must for this adventure.

Mr. Petree

Troop 287 Discord Page

Ray Petree —  February 11, 2022 — Leave a comment

Just a reminder for any scouts that haven’t already done this, join the troop discord server. It’s free. There you can message any other scouts in the troop individually or in group messages. Sign-ups and announcements are often posted on the server before the troop website. It can be installed on most mobile devices and computers. Parents are also welcome to join but most just use their son’s account. You can join with the link below.

-Austin Petree

Meeting 2/8/2022

Ray Petree —  February 8, 2022 — Leave a comment


Tonight a couple of Scouts and I will be late to the meeting as we will be at Pack 166’s Bridging welcoming a couple of Webelos that you all impressed over the past couple of meetings and will be joining our troop. Great Job!

Your ASPL the young Mr. Geren McGuire will get your meeting all kicked off.

Tonight we will work on getting those last-minute advancement items crossed off the list before next week’s Court of Honor. If you need a Scoutmaster Conference (Axel and Miles) please speak with your ASMs Mr. Holpuch, Mr. Anderson, or Mr. Gilkes and I am sure they will be happy to assist. If you need a Board of Review, please talk to Mr. McGuire and see if the Committee can get you in.

As always there will be a fun Patrol Activity!!!

The rest of the troop and I will meet you mid-meeting when we are done with Pack 166 and start discussing this month’s Snowshoe Camping Trip. We will get menus done and discuss gear preparation. All attendees on this winter adventure will need to bring their gear in for the meeting of 2/22/2022 so we can make sure everyone is prepared for some awesome winter camping and adventure.

See you all tonight!

Mr. Petree

Okay… Maybe that’s a little out of date. Make sure your uniform is current.

Tonight we will be having a uniform inspection in preparation for next week’s Court of Honor.

We will be trying some new Scout related games and activities

In addition, you may have the opportunity to finish up that last requirement or two. Come prepared. Bring your books, merit badge packets, etc.

We will likely have a few Weblos visiting tonight. Let’s show them what Troop 287 is all about.

The PLC would like you to bring in any patrol flag materials. We may not work on them tonight but will start to compile them.


For “Game Night” the PLC leadership has decided to have a movie night at the church!!!

We will be watching “Free Guy” because Life’s too short to be a background character.

We will have plenty of popcorn and soda. Bring any other snacks you might like to share.


Thanks for quickly throwing your hats into the ring for Northern Tier next year. Awesome responses! We filled the TWO Crews we reserved, for a total of 16 people.

Currently, there is one more crew slot available for our trek dates (June 14-24, 2023). IF we can fill six more slots, we can reserve another Crew for that same date range. If we have the interest, and the date slot is taken, we can reserve another date slot, but we will need at least two adults to go on the third crew. These details can be discussed if we get the numbers to make the reservation.

Just remember, Scouts have to be 14 or completed 8th grade to attend high adventure trips.

I have the “original 16” and will expand the Sign Up Genius to allow up to 24 people (max number of participants for 3 crews). You can find that link below. If we do not get enough interest, we will not reserve another Crew.

If you sign up, the initial payment of $225 will be due by February 5, 2022.

Talk to you guys soon,



Get your creative juces flowing. Tonight troop leadership would like to spend some time in our patrols creating designs for troop flags.

We will also be doing some prep work for the upcoming ski outing. If you have not signed up yet, please do so. It is importaint that we have a good idea of who will be attending so we can square away transportation and gear. Looks like there is already 6 that have commited. Link below.

We will further discuss Summer Camp, Philmont, and Northern Tier (Boundry Waters).

See you all tonight!!!

Mr. Petree

Above is the link to sign up for the trip.

Now here is the stuff:

Northern Tier High Adventure Camp: 06/14/2023 – 06/24/2023

We booked 2 crews for June 14-24, 2023 with a maximum of 16 participants (current 7th graders and up). Only 6 slots remain!

An initial payment of $225.00/person is due by February 5, 2022 to cover the trek deposit/first payment required by Northern Tier.  

Monthly payments of $100.00/person are due from March 1, 2022 until March 1, 2023 (13 monthly payments).  Payment schedule is based on crews with 6 participants.  Any excess funds will first be applied to trek incidentals (maps, gear rental, etc.), and then to camp incidentals and travel costs. If the crew numbers increase to 8 each, then the fees will be adjusted accordingly.

Northern Tier offers financial assistance for those in need. Campership information can be obtained at:

If you want to get in on this, sign up at the link above.



The Northern Tier sign up opened yesterday and the slots have filled up rather quickly. Here is what I have for you:

This is a High Adventure Camp. Scouts must be a minimum of 14 years of age at the time of their trip (mid-June 2023) OR age 13 and have completed 8th grade. Scouts currently in 7th Grade or above are eligible to attend this trek next summer.

A crew shipping out of Ely, MN, is made up of 6-8 people (adults and youth). If we have more interest than 8, we need to reserve for more than one crew slot. Each crew will be separate from any other crew on the trip. So, if we have two crews, they would not camp or interact with each other during the trip.

The cost per CREW is $9,200. It doesn’t matter if there are 6 or 8 people on the crew, the cost is the same. Estimated cost per person is $1,150-$1,513 (depending on crew) size plus park fees, travel costs and incidentals.

Each trek is 10 Days long plus we’ll have to account for travel time on either end. We are planning to book a trek that starts in mid-June but cannot select a specific date until we know how many crews are needed. Estimated trek dates are between June 14-June 28 (trek start dates of June 14, 16 or 18).

We need to know who is committing ASAP since we would like to book by tomorrow at high noon.


Here is the sign up:

**If you age out between now and the trip, you can still attend as an adult leader, provided you are registered as an adult with the BSA and have completed all other requirements.


January 22nd we will be heading up the mountain in search of that snow that has seemed to elude us here on the front range thus far.

Mr. Anderson will be leading the charge up the mountain on what will be an awesome day of skiing or snowboarding. The plan is to meet up at the church at 6:30 am and head on out from there. The group will return once they have had their fill for the day and will reach out to parents when they leave the mountain.

We really need a good headcount on this and there are some things to do in preparation so don’t delay. If you are a snow sports family please know that all are welcome. Please sign up below.

All attendees will need to purchase lift tickets and have equipment prior to going.

If you don’t already have a Monarch Pass we strongly recommend you purchase lift tickets online at least 2 days in advance as there are huge cost savings. It’s $44 if you are 12 or under, $59 if you are 13-17, and $89 for us old timers.

Rentals are $44 at Monarch and you would have to take the time to check them out there. You can likely get a better deal at somewhere local like Christi Sports, or the MWR if you have access. Please shop around and comment below if you find any gems you would like to share.
It seems Mr. Anderson has found a rental deal at Epic Mountain Gear – Colorado Springs. Address: 2454 Montebello Square Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Phone: (719) 268-9522. Looks like they have a youth ski package for about $14 per day and you could pick it up from them the day prior after 3 pm.
Give them a ring!

2022 Begins!!!

Ray Petree —  January 10, 2022 — Leave a comment


After a well-deserved holiday break, it’s time to kick off the 2022 Scouting Adventure.

We have the first meeting of the year coming up Tuesday 1/11 7:00pm in the church.

Being the first meeting of the month we have a uniform inspection. Please dress in your finest Class A uniform. Yep, with all the hats, pants, sashes, etc…. and don’t forget those scout socks. Youth leadership will take a look and help you get all up to snuff. If you don’t have your new position patches we will make notes and try to get that all figured out.

We will also be discussing upcoming events, Summer Camp, Philmont, and so on.

Can’t wait to see you all.

Mr. Petree

Summer Camp update!

Ray Petree —  January 4, 2022 — Leave a comment


Just a quick update on the Summer camp status.

We currently have 10 Scouts signed up for camp. If you want to go to summer camp this year at San Isabel Scout Ranch, (, let me know and we will get you signed up and provide payment info.

Right now, the minimum required payment is $75, which will lock you into a $300 overall fee for camp. This fee schedule expires on 31 January, which is when the overall dues will increase to $335.

Anyway, check it out and let me know if you are interested and have not already signed up. Myself, Mr Gilkes, and Mr Petree are signed up as adult leaders for the week.


Return to Scouting

Ray Petree —  January 3, 2022 — Leave a comment


This is a reminder the calendar we follow for breaks and closures is the D-11 School calendar. This means we will not return to our meetings until NEXT week on the 11th.

Remember that next week is the second meeting of the month and will continue to follow the regular rotation, as set forth previously, and in coordination with the Scout Leadership Team (PLC).



As I transition out of the role of Scoutmaster and Mr Petree moves in, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for three years of fun and easy Scouting! I truly appreciate it!

Here is the list of events for the year to come (repost from when we adults put it together from Scout desires), these are on the troop calendar as well:

January 21-23, Ski Day (Monarch, opportunity to Stay in B&B in Salida-optional)
February 25-27, Winter Camp (Snow Sports) Old Monarch Pass 
March 11-13, Penitente Canyon Hike
April 8-10, Lost Creek Wilderness Hike
May 13-15, MTB Campout (Dillon-Breck)
June 10-12 Music Pass Camp
June 8-20 Philmont (select Scouts)
July 10-16 Summer Camp at San Isabel Scout Ranch
August 26-28 Squirrel Creek loop/Bishop’s Castle
September 16-18 11 Mile Canyon campout
October 14-16 Dino Death March at Picketwire Canyon
November 4-6 Camp/day hike/bike
December 9-10 Lock-in

As we move forward in the year, I will still be involved with the Troop as the Committee Chair, and will be as involved as I have been in campouts and other events. This includes Merit Badge Counseling. So, if you have any badges outstanding from summer camp last year or whenever, I will still sign off on those cards. Also, I will continue with any badges you started with me as a counselor, or desire to start.

thanks again,



I was notified by a member of the Church that part of their fence around the dumpster is in need of repair. I took a look at it and it seems to be a really quick and easy job, just setting it back on the brackets and throwing some screws into it to secure it. If anyone wants to knock this quick repair out, it is worth (in my eyes) about 2 hours of community service.

Just shoot me a quick note saying you took care of it and log it in your Scout Handbook. This is a first come, first serve opportunity, so act quickly! No issue if a couple of you want to attack it together, you’ll still get full credit.

Talk to you soon,


Happy Holidays!!!

Ray Petree —  December 15, 2021 — Leave a comment
Merry Christmas..........Happy Scouting.............

Troop, Last night was our last meeting of the year! We all had a great time bowling and playing pool at the Air Force Academy Bowlling Center. After the first round of games all the Scouts started playing pool so Mr. Petree and I finished all the bowling games! Yes, my shoulder is tired this morning!

Anyway, I wish you all a Happy Holiday and look forward to a fresh year of Scouting in 2022. Remember as of January 1st, Mr. Petree will be the Scoutmaster and I will be moving into the role of the Committee Chair. More on that at our first meeting next year!

Happy Holidays,



I made an oversight on my post yesterday. We will be meeting up at the bowling place at 6pm tonight!

My bad, guys! The SPL put out the correct time on the sign up, I just had a blip in the attention side of things!

See you tonight!



Above is the link to tomorrow night’s Game Night. We will link up at Harmony Bowl, 3845 N Academy Blvd Colorado Springs Colorado 80917, at 7pm and do some rock throwing!!

The cost is $60 for two lanes for two hours, plus $3 shoe rental. The more people that show up, the cheaper it is going to be!

See you all tomorrow night!


Lock-in update!

Ray Petree —  December 10, 2021 — Leave a comment

troop lock-in participants, below is the schedule for tomorrow night through Sunday morning.

Assistant scout masters Jason and mike to attend.  Jason can be reached at (719) 323-1513

Drop off and hot pizza at 6pm Saturday.

Fingerprint MB on Saturday night.

Sunday scout pickup by 7:30am.  We want to be out of the way in for church band rehearsal.  

Have a great night!
