Archives For Ray Petree

Meeting 10/18/2022

Ray Petree —  October 18, 2022 — Leave a comment


The PLC has decided to try a new schedule for tonight’s meeting after suggestions of adjusting the IPA timing to get rid of excess energy to allow better focus when it’s time to get down to business.

The next Court of Honor will be here before we know it, so following the IPA we will get into rank advancement and check some of those boxes and help you all level up.

Can’t wait to see you all tonight!

Mr. Petree

Cake and pizza? Yup!

Ray Petree —  October 10, 2022 — Leave a comment


Don’t worry about getting dinner before the meeting tomorrow. There will be pizza served/available as well as cake. I forgot to mention that.

I was focused on the cake. My bad.

See you all tomorrow night at 6pm!



Tomorrow night we will kick off Geren’s Eagle COH at 6pm, spend about an hour on it and roll directly into the regular meeting (after having some cake).

We will probably be there to set up around 5:30 if anyone wants to join us. It really wont be too much to do.

Scouts, please wear Class A uniforms for this monumentous event! You can switch to Class B afterwards if the meeting flow allows.


Meeting 10/4/2022

Ray Petree —  October 4, 2022 — Leave a comment


Tonight we will do patrol planning for the upcoming Dino Death March family campout. Come with your menu prepared or at least some good ideas. Signup if you have not already at the link below so we have a good head count.

Being the first meeting of the month it’s time for Uniform Inspection. Show up in your finest Class A Uniform. It will be good practice for Geren’s Eagle Court of Honor next week.

We will work on some advancement and have an inter-patrol activity as well.

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree


Ray Petree —  October 4, 2022 — Leave a comment


Next year will be upon us before you know it. Last month we did our annual planning meeting and collected your requests and ideas for next year.

The Knot Patrol met and below is the plan for next year. All of this has been posted on the troop calendar for your future reference.

January 21st – Monarch Ski Day
February 24th-26th – Snowshoe Campout
March 17th-19th – Mountain Biking Campout
April 14th-16th – Penetinte Canyon FAMILY CAMPOUT
May 19th-21st – Wheeler Geographical Area
June 9th-11th – Lone Eagle Peak
June 13th-25th – Northern Tier (Tentative)
July 9th-15th Summer Camp
August 18th-20th Collegiate Peaks (14er/Base Camp)
September 15th-17th Shavano / Tabeguache (14er/Base Camp)
October 13th-15th Great Sand Dunes FAMILY CAMPOUT
November 4th-5th 7 Bridges
December 8th-9th Lockin

Look forward to all the great adventures.

Mr. Petree

Eagle COH for Geren!

Ray Petree —  October 3, 2022 — Leave a comment


On 11 October, we are planning to hold Geren’s Eagle Court of Honor. To align with his desires, this is not going to be a huge ceremony at all. We are looking to start at 6pm, and go until 7pm, so the troop can flow directly into the regular meeting process.

There will be cake.

So, please wear your Class A (it is the second meeting of the month anyway), and look your best. We will have a full color guard just like a regular COH as well. So be ready!

There will be cake.

Here is our planned program (rough draft):

Tuesday, 11 OCtober 2022:
5:45pm: Set up
6:00: Color guard opening flags
6:05: Opening Remarks, presentation of the Eagle stuff, people will talk and say stuff (mostly focused on Geren), have Geren say some Scouting stuff, etc.
6:25ish: Retire the colors
6:35ish: Cake sutting/serving
6:55: clean up and prep for the regular meeting.

See you all there!

Did I mention there will be cake?


Meeting 9/27/2022

Ray Petree —  September 27, 2022 — Leave a comment


Due to weather, we will meet in the church tonight.

You as a Troop have expressed interest in planning and having our own Troop planned and run Summer Camp. Please bring ideas tonight so we can start preparing for the adventure of a lifetime.

Uniform is Class B and we will be working on rank advancement as well as SummerCamp 2023 Planning.

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree


Our next campout will be a family campout and is scheduled for October 14th – 16th at Picket Wire Canyonlands in the Comanche National Grasslands just outside of La Junta, Colorado.

We will meet as a group at the barn on Friday, October 14th at 5:00 pm to load up and head out from there.

We will be camping in the grasslands near the Withers Canyon Trailhead. This is just open land and there is no potable water or amenities and only one vault toilet.

Patrols will plan, camp, and cook together as normal like any car camping trip, but will also do a Saturday night dessert for the whole group.

Families are encouraged to attend and will need to supply their own gear and menus for the adventure.
Campers and RVs are welcome but note that there is a lot of unimproved dirt road driving and I would suggest smaller ones like a popup.

On Saturday we will day hike down the Withers Canyon Trail along the Purgatory River past the Dolores Mission to the Dinosaur tracks and have lunch, then return the same route. Round trip is an easy about 10 miles.

On Sunday we will depart at about 10:00 am and plan to be back at the barn at about noon.

Sign up at the link below. Please review all categories and sign up under all applicable slots.


Sorry for the late notice. Being the first meeting after a campout….. IT”S GAME NIGHT!!!!

Our game night meeting 9/20/2022 will be held at SkyZone • 1750 E Woodmen Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. We will be there from 6:30pm-8:00pm and the cost is $22.99 per participant for 90 minutes, or $18.99 per participant for 60 minutes if you cannot arrive until 7:00pm. Siblings (and adventurous parents) are welcome to attend. All participants must fill out a waiver at the link below prior to showing up or once they arrive. Attire for this function will be athletic clothing and Skyzone socks if you have them! If you don’t have socks they are required and available for $3 a pair.

Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. Prepare to have some fun and work up a sweat!

Mr. Petree

Meeting 9/6/2022

Ray Petree —  September 6, 2022 — Leave a comment


Being the first meeting of the month, it’s time for Uniform Inspections. You all earned a lot of stuff at the last Court of Honor. Come looking your best!

We will also be doing some campout prep and meal planning for the upcoming 11 Mile Canyon trip.

We should have some good weather. See you all tonight around the camp fire at the barn.

Mr. Petree

Game Time!

Ray Petree —  August 29, 2022 — Leave a comment


Following our outing it is time for a game night. The PLC has informed me that we will be holding a barn game night to consist of thing like ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, tag, hide and seek, and others. We will hold it at normal meeting time.

See you tomorrow night for some fun, games, and exercise.

Mr. Petree

Merit Badge Selections

Ray Petree —  August 28, 2022 — Leave a comment


We have received a few request for merit badges within the troop.

Below is a current listing of what members of our troop have to offer as far as MB selections: If you need contact information for those below listed couselors, please come to a meeting and coordinate with them directly, or ask Mr Petree or myself. I don’t think posting all that here is a good idea with all those Scam Likely people scanning the internet for scam vicitims is a good idea!

If there is a MB that you dont see on this list that you would like to do, let Mr Petree or another adult leader know and we can get you a list of registered and qualified counselors from around Council.

Remember, the first step sis to get approval to start a merit badge from Mr Petree. He will give you a blue card. You will make contact with a counselor, and demonstrate your knowledge/skills to them, the counselor will sign the blue card when they are satisfied with your stuff, then give you the card to turn back in to Mr. Petree. (if the troop hosts a MB class, it is a little different).

Jenine Winslow  
Enviro. Science**  
Mammal Study

Maureen Reiser
Dog Care
Emergency Prep.**  
First Aid**  
Pers. Fitness**  

Ray Petree  
Emergency Prep.**  
Search and Rescue  
Wilderness Surv.

Dan McGuire  
Automotive Maint.  
Emergency Prep.**  
First Aid**  
Home Repairs  
Pers. Fitness**
Public Speaking  
Wilderness Surv.  

Jason Holpuch  
Citizenship in Society**
Digital Tech
Personal Mgmt.**  
Snow Sports  

Matthew Hoekstra  
Cit. in Nation**
Cit. in World**
Public Speaking  
Small-Boat Sailing

Michael Anderson  
Cit. in Comm.**
Cit. in Nation**  
Cit. in World**
Family Life**
Hiking **

Janelle Anderson  
Emergency Prep.**
Home Repairs  
Pulp and Paper  
Snow Sports

**Eagle Required

Just wanted to send out a reminder for this weekends backpacking trip.
The plan is as follows Friday 8/26/22 4:30pm meetup/ 5:00pm departure to Sunday 8/28/22 return about noon give or take.

Please print off and complete a permission slip for your scout and bring it with you to turn in tomorrow when we meet up. Remember Class A uniforms for travel.

We still need a few drivers. Please sign up below with comments on how many seats you have available for scouts .

Patrol shoppers ( Austin, Orion, and Ben) should arrive tomorrow with the food portioned out per person for the weekend so we can hand each scout their rations to add to their packs. Adults we are on our own.

We are looking to start near the Davenport Campground located at the end of Forest Service Road 382. From there we will head out northwest to perform the hike in a clockwise direction and plan to host two skill levels of loops. We will start and finish together as a troop but will split out along the way.

The red loop is just a little over 7.5 miles / 2034 ft elevation gain.
The green loop follows the beginning and the end of the red loop, but will continue further southeast making it a little over 14 miles / 3612 ft elevation gain.

The Troop will supply tents, JetBoil stoves/Fuel, and water filters. Scouts will be responsible for their 10 essentials and all other personal gear.
Following the completion of the hike on Sunday we will all head over to Bishop’s Castle for about an hour or so and explore this monument.

Court of Honor 8/23/22

Ray Petree —  August 23, 2022 — Leave a comment


Tonight is the night! We will gather to recognize all of the accomplishments of the past 3 months. It’s been a busy one!

Please attend in your finest Class A uniform, Merit Badge Sash, Scout Pants, etc.
Arrowmen (Order of the Arrow members), please bring your sashes, but wear your Merit Badge Sash.

Any Scouts that can come a little early… like 5:30 pm to help set up will be appreciated.

Ice Cream Social starts at 6:00 pm. Bring your family!

We will start awards at about 6:30 pm…. and there are a bunch!

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree


This is a reminder that if you are planning on joining us on the upcoming backpacking trip you need to sign up at the following link.

It is important for pre-planning purposes to have an accurate headcount so we can appropriately shop for food and ready enough troop gear. Signups close on Friday 8/19, but it would be helpful to have a good headcount at tomorrow night’s meeting.

As of now, we have 11 signed up for the full loop and 2 signed up for the half loop. We need experienced/trained adults to sign up for the half loop if it is to be supported.

Remember, the Troop will provide tents and Jetboil Stoves/Fuel. The rest of the gear is individual responsibility. The troop does have a few backpacks and sleeping bags we are happy to loan out if needed.

After the trek we will be heading over to Bishop’s Castle to explore. If you never have seen it, it’s quite the sight.

It’s going to be a great time! Jump on board!

Mr. Petree


Ray Petree —  August 10, 2022 — Leave a comment

Congratulations to our new Candidates elected last night for eligibility to join Scoutings Honor Society!

Austin Petree
Jefferson Holpuch
Miles Kunkle
John Reiser

You young men have been identified by your peers as being worthy of having the opportunity to join the Order of the Arrow. In order to be inducted into Scoutings Honor Society, you must undergo and pass an Ordeal. The Ordeal will be held Friday, August 19, 2022 at 6:00pm to Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9:30pm at Camp Alexander.

Please register for the OA Fall Fellowship Weekend at the link below on the Pathway to the Rockies Council Calendar. (Click on “Council Calender” not “Pathway to the Rockies Council”)

While we will not discuss the Ordeal, what I will tell you is you need to arrive packed to camp overnight for the duration and should eat a good dinner before you arrive. Make sure you bring your best Class A uniform and appropriate outdoor footwear for this event.

This is not a Troop 287 event and you will need to pack your own gear (10 essentials) and secure your own transportation.

Mr. Petree
Brotherhood Member, OA

Meeting 8/9/2022

Ray Petree —  August 9, 2022 — Leave a comment


I am back…. Yes this is your SPL.

It time for the OA elections, So I hope to see many of you tonight to support those eligible. The Buffalo Mountain Lodge sending is over some representatives to talk to us about the Order of the Arrow and then hold an election.

Tonight we will also be doing some campout preparations for our upcoming backpacking trip. Remember to sign up if your interested the link is in the signups drop down on the website, sign ups close 8/19.

Let’s go !!!!!

Austin Petree
Senior Patrol Leader


The Buffalo Mountain Lodge of the Order of the Arrow will be at our next meeting to speak with us about the OA and hold re-election.

Following summer camp. They felt it was best to attend a Troop 287 meeting and provide more information about the Order of the Arrow and hold a more official style election. You guys have already cast your votes and I expect the same results when you have the opportunity to do it again.

Please come in full Class A uniform and be ready to re-vote the 4 Candidates you previously elected.

In order for the election to be valid we need to have the majority of the Troop present, so please support the Candidates you selected and be there. We need everyone to attend this meeting.

If you meet the requirements and are elected to be a Candidate, the Ordeal is scheduled to take place August 19-20 at Camp Alexander and you can register following the election at the link below to the Pathway to the Rockies calendar and click on the OA Fall Fellowship Weekend event to register.

Meeting Inside

Ray Petree —  August 2, 2022 — Leave a comment


We will meet in the church again tonight to avid the muddy field and keep those uniforms nice. We will try the barn again next week.

Mr. Petree

Uniform Inspection

Ray Petree —  August 2, 2022 — Leave a comment


It’s the first meeting of the month. You know what that means…. Uniform Inspection.

Please come to the meeting tonight in your best Class A uniform.

After that we will work on more rank advancement and hopefully finish those last few requirements in preparation for our upcoming Court of Honor.

We will also be taking requests for Scoutmaster Confrences and Board of Reviews with the Troop Committee.

See you tonight!

Mr. Petree