Archives For Maureen Reiser
Maureen Reiser
Please let me know if you have any questions
Maureen Reiser
Thank you
Maureen Reiser
We are in need of one Navigator and one Scout. If you could help us out in either of these positions, please sign up below.
See you Saturday morning!
Thank you
We are approaching our last flag day of 2023, on November 11th. Thank you for those signed up but we are still in need of a driver and a navigator. Please sign up below if you can help us out.
We will meet at the barn at 6am and pick up flags starting at 4pm.
Maureen Reiser
We had two spots open up for Labor Day Flags. We are in need of a Scout and a Navigator. Please sign up below if you are interested.
Maureen Reiser
We almost have a full team for Labor Day! We are still in need of two more scouts and two navigators. I know there is someone out there that has not taken a turn yet, be a team player and sign up for a great time and get to know someone new. It’s also a great way to get those scout accounts back in the positives after a busy summer.
208 596 3115
Below is a Sign Up Genius for those that are interested in selling popcorn. We do not sell it as a troop but as individuals, that means more money for you in your account. You would make a Trails-end account and sell door to door, by phone or by any platform you want. We do not sell storefronts with products. I will send out more information to those on the list as I get it.
Maureen Reiser
We have an open spot for camp next week. If you are interested in taking this spot please contact my ASAP and we will get you set up.
We are getting close! We still need one more driver, a few navigators AND THREE SCOUTS! We could probably do flags with out nav’s, although not fair to the drivers, but we need SCOUTS. We had some Girl Scouts volunteer but I’m sure we can fill these spots within the troop. If you need a ride we can arrange that also. If you are new, I will pair you with an experienced scout. If you are ranking up, especially our Eagle Scouts, please help us out. It looks good to the board:}
Have a safe weekend!
Welcome home scouts from Northern Tier.
At this time we have only 2 scouts signed up to do flags on the 4th of July out of 40 something scouts. I will be gone this weekend also and very tired on Tuesday but I also understand how important this is to our troop. Please consider signing up for a position.
July 4th is around the corner. We need you to help out with flags. Yes, its on a Tuesday and most of you will be back from your fun weekend. There are very few signed up and we need teams to make this work. Sign up below!
Flag day is tomorrow and we still have a few slots available. Please help us out. It’s just a few hours and the pay is good and a great way to give back to your troop. I know Northern Tier was expensive, maybe you want to earn a few bucks towards it???? Let me know if you could even do half a shift.
Maureen Reiser
Flag day is this Saturday! We still need 2 more Scouts and parents to help us out. Please consider signing up. We have some Scouts that have not done flags before. You will be paired up with seasoned Scouts to show you the ropes. It’s a great way for Scouts to earn their own money.
Maureen Reiser
Camp Cards and/or money are due Tuesday, June 6th. If you need more cards, we have them. If you will not be at the meeting next Tuesday please make arrangements to turn them in earlier.
Maureen Reiser
First, thank you to the Memorial crew for making the first flag day of 5 a success. The first day of the year can take a little longer to find after the winter weather but it should be smooth after this.
Our next Flag Day is coming up quick on June 10th and we are still in need of some sign ups. There are many in our troop that have never had the privilege of putting up flags. Please sign up and we will pair you with an experience scout and adult. This system works best if a scout and adult sign up together.
Any questions please contact me at 208-596-3115
Maureen Reiser
It’s time again to order t shirts and hoodies so our Scouts look nice for camp and meetings. The only thing that has changed is the upgraded hoody. Last year they were cotton, this year we are back to the high performance material. There are two ways to order. First, is to fill out the attached form, attach a check and give it to Scoutmaster Petree. Second, is to email me your order at and pay our treasurer by Zelle, and let her know it is for shirts. Deadline for orders are May 23rd at the Court of Honor. We should have them back by June 20th.
Maureen Reiser
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T shirts and hoodies
June 23, 2022
In “Troop News”
T shirts and hoodies
July 5, 2022
In “Troop News”
MINUTES from the Committee Meeting
January 14, 2016
In “Troop News”
Memorial Day is around the corner and we are still in need of a few more Scouts and parents to help out. Please consider signing up on the link below.
Thank you
Maureen Reiser
208 596 3115