Archives For Maureen Reiser

2025 Camp Cards

Maureen Reiser —  March 18, 2025 — Leave a comment
10 Camp Cards were signed out to the Scouts below. Make sure your Scout brought them home
Sam Joffiron
Blake Bluhm
Knox Reed
Gavin Oroszi
Issac Thesing
Patrick Kundert
Eddy Robinson
Nathan Turner
Liam Douglass

Please turn in all money ($50) and/or cards by May 13th. If you need more cards or would like to participate please contact Maureen Reiser 208-596-3115.

2025 Camp Cards!

Maureen Reiser —  March 17, 2025 — Leave a comment
Camp Cards are here! Sign out your pack of 10, Tuesday night at the meeting. The cards are $5 and you get to keep $2.50 in your account. Great deals at Ace, Smash Burger, Wild Wings and more. If you don’t sell all 10 then turn them back into SM Turner. No obligation to sell but a great way to fund your adventures!
Any questions, contact Maureen Reiser 208-596-3115

It’s time again to order T-shirts and hoodies. Below is the order form. Please return order form by email to or Mr. Turner at the meeting by April 1st. Pay by Zelle to and let her know what it is for or by check with order form to Mr. Turner. Let me know if you have any questions. Maureen Reiser 208-596-3115

This is the correct SignUpGenius for the Court of Honor

Please join us in welcoming our newest Eagle Scouts, Axel Anderson, John Reiser and Logan Anderson. April 6th, 4p-6p. More information on the SignupGenius below. Please RSVP by March 31st.

2025 Flag Sign up

Maureen Reiser —  February 25, 2025 — Leave a comment
Flag season is almost here! Its time to start planning summer vacations. .There is a SIgnupGenius below. Please consider signing up for at least 2 holidays.
Text Dustin Vance at 719-722-4142 if you have any questions.

Tree recycling

Maureen Reiser —  January 9, 2025 — Leave a comment
Still have a Christmas tree to dispose of? Scout Troop 78 is conducting its 23rd annual Christmas Tree Recycling program! We are once again collecting trees to use for mulch at the USAFA “B-52 Scout Campsite” to help control erosion.
Our remaining collection days are:
Saturday, Jan 11th (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Sunday, Jan 12th (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Our drop off locations are:
Eagleview Middle School (1325 Vindicator Dr. – west side)
Progressive Insurance (12710 Voyager Parkway – NE corner)
If you would like to make a reservation for a pick up, please visit our website to complete the “Tree Pickup Reservation Form” at this link:

Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated to support our scouts.
Best wishes for a very Happy New Year!
Scouts of Troop 78
Troop 287,
We have some exciting things planned this year, so mark your 2025 calendars! Sign-ups for adult help and interested scouts will be sent out every month. Looking forward to a great year!

Jan 12 — Monarch Ski Day

Jan 31 – 2 Feb — Camp A cabins & Ice climbing
1 Feb – Ice Climbing at Camp A (you are not required to do the weekend campout to do the ice climbing, as long as you have your own transportation to/from Camp A).

Mar 14 -16 — Activity/Location TBD. Ice fishing was proposed.

April 25 – 27 — Fruita, CO (Mountain biking/hiking)

May 16 -18 — Sand Dunes

June 22 – 28 — Summer Camp (Tentative – depending on interest)

July 12 – 24 — Philmont, NM

Aug 22 – 24 — 14er hike – TBD

Sept 19 – 21 — Backpacking TBD

Oct 25 – 26 — Dino Tracks

Nov 14 -16 — USAFA Scout Huts

Dec 12 – 13 — Lock-inTroop
Veteran’s Flag Day is coming up quickly! Next Saturday, November 9th, we are still in need of drivers, navigators and scouts. Please consider signing up below for a slot. This will be the last holiday of the season. We ask that every family does at least two holidays.
Thank you,
Maureen Reiser

Labor Day Flags

Maureen Reiser —  September 1, 2024 — Leave a comment

We are still in need of one driver and two Scouts for tomorrows flag day. If you are a Scout that needs a ride we can make arrangements. Please sign up below if you can help out your troop.

Thank you,
Maureen Reiser

Labor Day Flags!

Maureen Reiser —  August 26, 2024 — Leave a comment
We are one week away from Labor Day. We are still in need of 2 drivers and 3 Scouts. If you are in town, come help out! Sign up below.
Any questions, just call.

Maureen Reiser
Music Pass Campout is Cancelled this Weekend.

Hey guys it’s Noah!

I have my eagle project coming up soon it will be on the 14th of September from 8-3 at the scout huts on the Air Force Base lunch will be provided by Chickfila please bring clothes you are ready to work in and I hope to see you there!

Thank you for helping out
-Noah Hatch

Our next trip is a backpacking campout in Music Pass just south of Westcliffe, CO and the Crestone Mountains. We will meet at the barn Friday at 5pm and drive to Music Pass. We need 4×4 vehicles to access the parking lot so we will probably need to carpool. We will plan to car camp at the parking lot which is really pretty and has plenty of nice camping options for Friday night. On Saturday, we can pack up and hike up and over Music Pass into the valley. The hike is about 2.2 miles depending on where we decide to camp. There are short day hike options to lakes or shorter peaks in the area.

We plan to return to the barn by noon on Sunday. We’re also looking for more adult supervision.

Sign up if you are planning to attend.


Labor Day Flags

Maureen Reiser —  August 14, 2024 — Leave a comment
Hello Troop,
Labor Day is coming up and we still need some more Scouts and Parents to make this another successful holiday! Please sign up below if you can help out.

Maureen Reiser
Hi, this is John.  I am building 3 information kiosk for 3 lakes on USAFA and working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The kiosk will be assembled before and transported to Ice Lake on USAFA the morning of September 8th. We will meet at Ice Lake at 9am for a safety briefing and install the first kiosk.  Your driver only needs a drivers license to get on base. The second will be at Deadman’s Lake and the third at Kettle Lake #1. We should be done by 1pm. We can help with transportation if needed. Please bring gloves. Safety glasses will be provided. Lunch, drinks and snacks will also be provided. If you have any more questions please call me at 719-757-8251. Thank you for signing up to help me with my Eagle Project.


John Reiser
Good afternoon scouts,

As you may know, I am working on my Eagle Project, which requires volunteers. My project will be at Westside Cares in Old Colorado City, which recently had a water leak in the basement, so some drywall under the stairs was damaged. We will cut out the damaged drywall, install new drywall there and on an additional wall, and build shelves where there were none before.

I need four scout volunteers to help me out. It will be great community service hours, which you will need for ranking up, and it will be a great experience to see what an Eagle Project looks like in action. If you are going, please bring work gloves, close-toed shoes, a water bottle, and safety glasses. I will provide masks, pizza for lunch, snacks, and some Gatorade. We will be starting a debrief at 8 am at Westside Cares, and finishing around 4 pm. If you can only show up for a half day, that is fine, just let me know at

If you have any questions, just email me or ask at a meeting.

Thank you,
Miles Kunkle
We are just a few days away from our 3rd flag posting of the season. We will be posting on July 4th. We are still in need of a 2 scouts and a 2 navigators. If you are in town, please consider signing up for flag duty.
Thank you,
Maureen Reiser
We are less than a week away from Flag Day! We are still in need of drivers, navigators and Scouts. If you are in town please consider signing up for this holiday. You are responsible for signing up for 2 holidays and this one would be very helpful. We all love our great equipment and high adventurous troop with a low cost!

Maureen Reiser

Flag Day

Maureen Reiser —  June 3, 2024 — Leave a comment
Thank you for those who helped with Memorial Day. We have a quick turn around with Flag Day. Although Flag Day is on June 14th we will be placing flags on Saturday, June 15th. We need more sign up to make this day successful.
Please consider signing up if you are in town. There are only 5 holidays and we ask each family to sign up for at least 2 too keep our cost down.
Maureen Reiser