Since we just had our fun times at Summer Camp, we should blow off some steam with a Game Night. Bring your tanks full of energy and we will play a couple games of Ultimate (frisbee-Jefferson, can you bring that light up frisbee you’ve got) and maybe a bit of tug-o-war. Kids against Adults maybe. Like campers vs. Adult Leaders. I know where I will be placing my money!
See you tomorrow night. I have uploaded all the earned/completed Merit Badges from camp (except some of the Stem Lodge ones) and have uploaded all the partial Merit Badges (except Stem Lodge).
So, If you take a look at your Scoutbook Merit Badges, and don’t see something you think you should, please make a note of it and let me know. I will continue to work on the partial MBs and compiling a list of remaining requirements for each individual Scout. That might take a few days for me to get through though.
Anyway, talk to you all tomorrow night!