Hello Scouts and Parents,
Troop 287 will go to Camp Cris Dobbin’s for 2019. Here is the link to the campground: http://www.denverboyscouts.org/camp/boy-scout-adventures/peaceful-valley-scout-ranch/camp-cris-dobbins/46004
Program Guide: http://www.denverboyscouts.org/document/2019-cris-dobbins-program-guide/160308
Leader’s Guide: http://www.denverboyscouts.org/document/2019-summer-camp-leaders-guide/187170
Summer Camp Stuff!!!
Make sure you have Scout Physical’s completed. Download, print and bring this exact form to your doctor. No other physical form will be accepted. Parts A, B and C must be completed. Scout’s that do not have this filled out and signed by their medical provider will not go to summer camp. Download your physical form here: https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/ahmr/
The next most important priority is to schedule and get your scout physicals completed using the BSA Physical Form. YOU MUST USE ONLY THIS FORM to go to summer camp. Any other form will not work. Your medical provider MUST SIGN PART C of this form. The Parent will fill out Part A and B.
In addition to a physical, you must fill out this Colorado Addendum form. Here the URL incase the link doesn’t work: http://www.bsacoloradoadventure.org/document/colorado-health-form-addendum/120741
Additional Addendum: http://www.denverboyscouts.org/openrosters/DocDownload.aspx?id=188687
Health and Medical Records Checklist
- All youth participants must have a medical form with parts A, B, and C. Additionally, all youth must have the Colorado addendum and the NEW Colorado Addendum (released early 2019) filled out.Please attach a photo copy of the youth’s health insurance card. (Forms can be found atwww.DenverBoyScouts.org/Camps)
- All adult participants staying overnight must have a medical form with parts A, B, and C. Please attach a photocopy of the adult’s health insurance card.
- RECOMMENDED: Day visitors should provide a medical form in case of emergency.
- Make a copy of all medical forms for both youth and adults. Copies cannot be made at camp, and theDenver Area Council will keep these records for designated amounts of time per Colorado law.
Medications Checklist
All youth who take medications including but not limited to prescribed medications, herbal supplements, vitamins and over-the-counter medications must have these listed on Part B of the medical form.
- Part B must be signed by a licensed medical practitioner under the medications list.
- Per Colorado law, all medications will be stored and dispensed by camp medical personnel.
- All medications must be in original containers, marked with the Scout’s name and unit number.Only send dosages needed for the week.
▪ Daily pill containers and any other containers are not allowed. - Medical Marijuana is not allowed and will not be dispensed per the Guide to Safe Scouting.
- All youth who need to carry life-saving medications must complete the “Contract to Self-Carry”.This must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.
- RECOMMENDED: The “Medication Administration Record” filled out prior to arrival.
Merit Badge Stuff!!!
Please check out the merit badge options on the program guide. Please choose what Merit Badges that your scout would want to take and make sure they fit into the schedule.
Adult Leader Reference Form:
All Adult leaders attending summer camp must get a physical and have this adult leader’s reference form: http://www.denverboyscouts.org/document/peaceful-valley-leader-reference-form/181059
Youth Camper Paperwork Checklist (Each Camper)
BSA Medical Form Parts A, B and C for Scouts, BSAo BSA Medical Form Parts A & B for Cub Scouts
(Magness and WEST)
- Copy of insurance card
- Colorado Addendum: Immunizations
- Colorado Addendum: Contract to Carry (for those that
carry emergency medications)
- NEW Colorado Addendum: Additional Information
- Medication Administration chart filled out (if
- Special Diet Request form (if applicable)
Adult Camper Paperwork Checklist (Each Camper)
- BSA Medical Form Parts A, B and C for adults at camp for a total of more than 72 hours for the week (If you come every day, and leave every night you still need part C.)
- BSA Medical Form Parts A & B for Magness and WEST adults and Scouts BSA adults who are staying less than 72 hours for the entire week.
- Copy of insurance card
- Respective camp Adult Leader Reference Form
- Special Diet Request Form (if applicable)
Whole Unit Paperwork Checklist
- Swim Classification Record (if done prior to camp)
- Unit roster for youth and adults attending
- Check (made out to Denver Area Council) for any
unpaid registration fees
- Family Night visitor count
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What to Bring to Camp
Medications in their original containers
Sleeping pad/mattress/cot
Warm sleeping bag
1 long sleeve shirto BSA Field Uniformo Fleece/Sweater
Outer Jacket
1 pair long pants
3-4 pairs of shorts
8 pairs of underwear and socks
Long underwear and stocking cap (if you get cold easily)
Swimsuit and goggles
Rain gear (NOT just a poncho)
Hiking Boots (break in before camp)o Sneakers (backup and in campsite)
Day pack
10 essentials
Water bottle
Headlight or flashlight
Pocketknife (with totin’ chip)
Insect repellant (with your name on it!)
Sunscreen (with your name on it!)
Notebook, pens, pencils
Pre-requirement work for merit badges (if applicable)
Personal first aid kit
Toiletry kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, body soap, shampoo, lip balm, deodorant)
Small camera
Spending money ($50-$100)