Hello everyone!
Our next payment of $5,500 is due to Philmont by October 1st. We currently have six scouts and three adults signed up as follows:
Jack D.
Evan R.
Lance W.
Mark P.
Ignacio H.
Riley McNew
Our adults are Sean Warner, Michael Pharris, and Greg Smith.
There are still three slots open for participants.
The total due for the Philmont Ranch portion of this trip is $1,025 per participant (with 12 participants). I have received a down payment for Greg and Lance of $100. Riley has paid $650 and Evan is paid in full. We are going to need another $4,825 dollars between now and October 1st to meet our obligation. The troop will not be able to cover this large fee until we collect, so please plan on paying all or a part of your scout’s fees.